5200.3: Attendance and Pregnant and Parenting Students
5200.3: Attendance and Pregnant and Parenting Students holly Thu, 07/11/2019 - 10:42I. Attendance and Leave of Absence.
A. Pregnant and parenting students may attend their own health care, their child’s health care, and other pregnancy or parenting related appointments and such absences or tardiness will be excused.
B. A pregnant or parenting student may take a leave of absence for pregnancy, childbirth, and other pre and post-natal related medical needs, along with recovery therefrom, for the duration that is deemed medically necessary by the student’s licensed health care provider. At the conclusion of a leave of absence, the student will return to the school of record and grade level as when the leave began.
C. Absence due to pregnancy, or pregnancy related conditions, or care for an ill child, will not count toward excessive absenteeism pursuant to District Rule 5200.1(III).
II. Make-up Work and Alternative Coursework and Accommodations.
A. Pregnant and parenting students will be provided make-up work pursuant to District Rule 5200.1(I)(E) when absent.
B. Alternative methods to keep pregnant or parenting students in school will be made available. Such alternative methods may include accessing coursework on line, home based independent study, or accommodating tutoring visits. Such alternative methods are voluntary and pregnant or parenting students have the right to attend their regular classes and complete regular coursework.
C. Pregnant and parenting students may be provided additional reasonable accommodations upon request. Such reasonable accommodation requests will be evaluated and implemented on a case-by-case basis.
III. Extracurricular Activities.
A. Pregnant and parenting students may participate in activities, including extracurricular activities. A pregnant or parenting student may be required to obtain certification from the student’s licensed health care provider regarding the student’s safe participation in an extracurricular activity when such certification is required of students for other conditions requiring attention of a licensed health care provider.
IV. Lactation Accommodations.
A. Reasonable time and space accommodations will be provided to lactating students to express milk during the school day. Such reasonable accommodations will be private, clean, and reasonably accessible, other than a bathroom.
B. Lactating students will be provided a food safe refrigerator to safely store breast milk.
V. Child Care Information.
A. A list of qualified licensed child care providers will be provided to pregnant and parenting students. Such list shall be local providers that participate in the quality rating and improvement system and meet all of the quality rating criteria for at least a step-three rating pursuant to the Step Up to Quality Child Care Act. Nothing in this Rule prohibits or limits any referral for a student or a student’s child to an early head start program or any other available community resources.
Neb. Rev. Stat. §79-2,149
Neb. Rev. Stat. §79-2,150