5300.2: Conduct at School
5300.2: Conduct at School holly Thu, 07/11/2019 - 10:54I. Responsibility for Actions. Individual students shall be responsible for their actions, and to this end the District shall promote student conduct which respects the self-worth of students, staff members, and the community.
II. Student Conduct. Students shall be expected to:
A. Know and follow the District’s rules and regulations;
B. Show respect to other persons and property;
C. Respect other persons’ points of view;
D. Care for and conserve all school property and supplies.
III. District Property. Students and their parents shall be responsible for all damage caused to District property, equipment and supplies, which includes books and supplies of all kinds, equipment, buildings, and grounds.
IV. Non-Compliance. Failure by a student to comply with the District regulations will result in enforcement of school discipline procedures and may include a parent conference.