5740: Visits to Schools
5740: Visits to Schools holly Fri, 07/12/2019 - 12:19The Board of Education and staff of the District welcome visits to the schools. Such visitations will be governed by the policies and rules established by the District.
Neb. Rev. Stat. § 79-8, 100
5740.1: Visits to Schools - Visitations by Parents, Guardians and Others
5740.1: Visits to Schools - Visitations by Parents, Guardians and Others holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 09:32I. In accordance with building and District safety procedures, parents/guardians, students, and others may visit schools. These visits shall be in compliance with all building and District safety guidelines. The principal or appropriate Central Office administrator authorizing visits shall consider the following.
A. Disruption to the educational environment;
B. Distraction to students and staff;
C. Confidentiality for students and staff; and
D. Safety of students and staff.
E. Within the guidelines of the Standard Response Protocols for student safety.
II. Parents/Guardians
A. Unless otherwise prohibited or restricted by law, court order, or District policies or rules, parents/guardians may visit their child’s class.
B. All visitors shall report to the school office and/or security desk where they will be screened and provided a visitor badge. All visitors must wear the badge at all times while in the building.
C. All visitors shall be escorted to and from their destinations while in the school.
III. Visitations by Students
A. Visits by students from other school districts or buildings must be approved and scheduled by through the building principal. If approval is given, a visitor’s badge will be issued.
B. Children below legal school age wishing to visit the school must be accompanied by their parent or guardian.
C. Non-students (graduates, etc.) will not be allowed to visit in a building without approval by the building principal.
IV. Program Visitations
A. Persons wishing to visit schools for the purpose of viewing new programs, organizational patterns, facilities, etc., must obtain clearance from the appropriate Central Office administrator or the school principal.