6000: Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment

6000: Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment unanimous Thu, 02/28/2019 - 14:33

6000: General Policy Statement

6000: General Policy Statement unanimous Tue, 07/30/2019 - 17:01


The professional staff of the Millard Public Schools is responsible for the development, improvement, and maintenance of a comprehensive educational program that consists of curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professional learning which is in accordance with federal regulations, the provisions of the constitution of the state, the acts of the legislature, the rule and regulations of the state board of education, and the policies and rules of the Millard Board of Education, district strategic plan, and administrative regulations.

Date of Adoption
June 15, 1992 (revised)
Date of Revision
June 15, 1992
November 10, 1997
April 19, 1999
October 6, 2008
October 18, 2021
October 3, 2005
January 5, 2015

6001: Millard Education Program (MEP)

6001: Millard Education Program (MEP) holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 10:16


The educational programs of the Millard Public Schools shall comply with all state and federal laws and regulations and shall guarantee that each student exemplifies the knowledge, skills, and character necessary for personal excellence and responsible citizenship.  The educational program will be called the Millard Education Program. 

The Millard Education Program (MEP) will consist of content curriculum, appropriate instructional strategies, and valid assessment methodologies. This program will utilize a standards-driven, accountability-based model. 


District-wide planning will result in the alignment of the written, taught and assessed curriculum.  A comprehensive professional learning program shall provide all staff with the skills to deliver the curriculum and assess student learning.

Date of Adoption
April 19, 1999
Date of Revision
August 2, 2004
October 3, 2011
September 23, 2024
August 7, 2017

6001.1: Millard Education Program (MEP)

6001.1: Millard Education Program (MEP) holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 10:21

For the purpose of the Millard Education Program the following definitions shall apply. 

Content curriculum – identified knowledge, skills, and processes 

Instructional strategies – teaching practices that support student learning 

Assessment methodologies – processes by which student performance and mastery are judged 

Millard Standards – District developed essential learner outcomes for academic and College and Career Readiness skills that are based on state academic content standards and indicators 

Accountability – roles and responsibilities of the board of education, superintendent, central office personnel, building personnel, and students, relative to the MEP 

Alignment – demonstrated relationship among written, taught, and assessed curriculum 

Professional Learning – Professional opportunities whereby employees gain the knowledge and skills necessary to implement the District curriculum to improve student learning.

Date of Adoption
April 19, 1999
Date of Revision
August 2, 2004
October 3, 2011
August 7, 2017
September 23, 2024

6002: Non-Discrimination

6002: Non-Discrimination holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 11:20

The District’s education program shall not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, marital status, disability, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or on any other basis prohibited by federal, state, or local laws in admission or access to, or treatment of employment, or in its educational programs or activities. 

The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the discrimination and harassment policies:, The Associate Superintendent of Human Resources, 5606 South 147th Street, Omaha, NE 68137 (402) 715-8200. The Associate Superintendent of Human Resources may delegate this responsibility as needed. 

Complaints by students or parents regarding unlawful discrimination or unlawful harassment (excluding sexual harassment) shall follow the procedures of District Rule 5010.2. Complaints regarding sexual harassment shall follow the procedures of District Rule 5010.3. 

Date of Adoption
November 17, 1975
Date of Revision
November 10, 1997
April 19, 1999
June 21, 2004
November 20, 2006
September 20, 2010
July 9, 2018
November 16, 2020

6005: System Wide Planning for Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment and Staff Development

6005: System Wide Planning for Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment and Staff Development holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 11:23


It shall be the responsibility of the Office of the Superintendent to provide and direct system-wide planning for curriculum, instruction, assessment, and staff development.

Date of Adoption
April 19, 1999
October 3, 2005
February 20, 2012
September 4, 2018

6010: Comparability

6010: Comparability holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 11:27

It shall be the policy of the Millard Public Schools to provide comparable curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professional learning to each school in the District.

Date of Adoption
January 10, 1983
Date of Revision
May 3, 1999
October 6, 2008
October 18, 2021
November 21, 2005
January 5, 2015

6010.1: Comparability of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment

6010.1: Comparability of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 13:22

The superintendent or his/her designee, prior to the commencement of each school year, shall collect such information necessary to enable him/her to determine the comparability of resources provided to schools of the district. The following district identified areas must be considered and provided:

I. Curriculum resources
II. Instructional resources
III. Assessment resources
IV. Professional learning resources

All information collected shall be retained as evidence of implementation of the district’s policy of comparability. Any adjustments deemed necessary based upon the data collected shall be made accordingly; provided, however, the district is not required to provide services outside the regular classroom or school program.

Date of Adoption
January 10, 1983
Date of Revision
May 3, 1999
October 6, 2008
October 18, 2021
December 5, 2005
January 5, 2015

6020: School Calendar

6020: School Calendar holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 13:37

Each year the Board of Education shall approve and adopt a school calendar for the ensuing two school years.

Date of Revision
November 2, 1992
April 19, 1999
October 2, 2006
April 16, 2012
April 15, 2019

6020.1: School Calendar

6020.1: School Calendar holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 13:41

A school calendar for the Millard Public Schools as approved and adopted by the Board of Education will comply with the laws of the State of Nebraska and regulations of the State Department of Education.

The calendar shall provide time for orientation and inservice for staff members.

Date of Revision
November 2, 1992
November 6, 1995
March 2, 1998
April 19, 1999
March 6, 2006
April 15, 2019
October 2, 2006
April 16, 2012

6020.2: Emergency Dismissal

6020.2: Emergency Dismissal holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 13:44

Except for those dates designated on the school calendar, school shall not be dismissed except by action of the Board or in those emergency situations as determined by the Superintendent. Only in instances of emergency will schools be dismissed during the school day.

Date of Revision
September 10, 2001
October 2, 2006
April 16, 2012
April 15, 2019

6025: Instructional Hours

6025: Instructional Hours holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 13:55

The Superintendent will ensure that all schools within the District shall meet the statutory requirements for annual instructional time of at least 400 hours for kindergarten, 1032 hours for students up through grade 8, and 1080 hours for students in grades 9 through 12.

When a school is dismissed for any reason such as tournaments or contests, parent/teacher conferences, funerals, parades, or school picnics, time shall not be counted in meeting the instructional hour school year requirement. Time scheduled for the school lunch period shall not be counted in meeting the school year requirements.

Date of Adoption
November 6, 2000
Date of Revision
October 1, 2007
September 16, 2013
August 17, 2020

6031: School Day for Students

6031: School Day for Students holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 13:59

The school day shall be established by the Superintendent, with approval of the Board, in such a way that students are given the best opportunity for their educational growth and development.

All students of the District will be required to be in attendance during instructional time as required by the laws of the State of Nebraska, unless excused in accordance with state law or district attendance policies.

Date of Adoption
April 20, 1981
Date of Revision
March 16, 1998
October 16, 2000
March 6, 2006
September 15, 2008
January 5, 2015
August 21, 2017
September 3, 2024

6031.1: School Day for Students

6031.1: School Day for Students holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 14:02

In designing the school day, the following considerations are to be met:

I. The learning activities are to be carefully guided and supervised. 

II. Opportunities shall be provided so as to receive assistance from teachers outside of the regular school day. 

III. Instructional hour for K-12 means a period of time, at least sixty (60) minutes, which is actually used for the instruction of students.

Instructional hour in a preschool program means a period of time, at least sixty (60) minutes, which is used for teaching in the following areas of children’s growth and learning: social-emotional development; cognitive learning in the areas of language and literacy; mathematics, science and problem-solving; creative arts; health and nutrition; and physical and motor development. Meal or snack time is a part of the program curriculum and provides opportunities for learning and social development, as well as nutrition, and therefore is included as part of the instructional time. 

IV. The instructional hours per full school day will be up to six and three-quarter (6¾) hours in the elementary schools and up to seven (7) hours in the secondary schools. An alteration of the school day shall be subject to the approval of the Office of the Superintendent. 

V. Parents of students and the general public shall be informed of the reasons for the variations which may exist in the times designated for the beginning and ending of the school day. 

VI. Early dismissal to facilitate student employment shall be limited to course- related work study and/or internship programs. Exceptions due to hardship may be granted by the building principal or their designee. 

Date of Adoption
June 16, 1975
Date of Revision
March 16, 1998
April 24, 2000
October 16, 2000
March 6, 2006
September 15, 2008
May 16, 2011
September 3, 2024
August 21, 2017

6040: Ceremonies and Observances

6040: Ceremonies and Observances holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 14:06

The flags of the United States of America and the State of Nebraska shall be prominently displayed on the school grounds of every school on each day that such school is in session. All flag displays shall be in accordance with the standards prescribed for the display of the flag of the United States of America.

Date of Adoption
June 16, 1975
Date of Revision
March 16, 1998
March 6, 2006
October 1, 2012
June 3, 2019

6040.1: Flag Salute and Treatment

6040.1: Flag Salute and Treatment holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 14:09

The Superintendent or Superintendent’s designee at each building in the District shall be responsible for the care and display of the Flag and shall adhere to rules and customs pertaining to the use and display as set forth in the United States Code.

Date of Adoption
June 16, 1975
Date of Revision
March 16, 1998
April 19, 1999
March 6, 2006
October 12, 2012
June 3, 2019

6040.2: Pledge of Allegiance

6040.2: Pledge of Allegiance holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 14:12

Each of the District’s schools shall establish a period of time during the school day, when a majority of the students are scheduled to be present, during which time students will be led in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in the presence of the flag of the United States of America. Student participation in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance shall be voluntary. Students not participating in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance shall be permitted to silently stand or remain seated but shall be required to respect the rights of those students electing to participate.

Date of Adoption
October 1, 2012
June 3, 2019

6041: Holiday Observances - Laws and Requirements

6041: Holiday Observances - Laws and Requirements holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 14:14

The Millard Public School District shall observe holidays designated by the law and as required in observance of American citizenship and patriotic exercises.

Date of Adoption
April 19, 1999
Date of Revision
March 6, 2006
March 6, 2006
January 5, 2015
October 18, 2021
October 7, 2024

6041.1: Holiday Observances - Laws and Requirements

6041.1: Holiday Observances - Laws and Requirements holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 14:16

Holidays which are required by law to be observed by public school districts in Nebraska will be included in the District’s curriculum guides and will identify the District staff who are responsible for the instruction of students.


Appropriate patriotic exercises suitable to the occasion shall be held under the direction of the superintendent on George W. Norris Day on January 5, President’s Day (George Washington's birthday and Abraham Lincoln's birthday), Dr. Martin Luther King Day (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday), Native American Heritage Day, Constitution Day, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, State Day, Pulaski’s Memorial Day, State Fire Day, Thanksgiving Day, or on the day or week preceding or following such holiday, if the District’s schools are not in session, and El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, Malcolm X Day, on May 19.

Date of Adoption
September 15, 2008
Date of Revision
October 18, 2021
October 7, 2024
March 3, 2025
January 5, 2015
June 3, 2019

6100: Written Curriculum - Millard Education Program (MEP)

6100: Written Curriculum - Millard Education Program (MEP) holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 14:18


A written curriculum shall be developed and approved by the Board of Education. The curriculum shall be standards-driven and accountability-based. The curriculum shall be articulated PreK-12, meet district established content standards and reflect the comprehensive plan of the District. As defined in statute, the standards will align to state standards in the areas of reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies. The implementation of this curriculum is the responsibility of all professional staff.

Date of Adoption
May 3, 1999
Date of Revision
September 7, 2021
October 3, 2005
February 20, 2012
September 4, 2018

6101: Written Curriculum - Accountability

6101: Written Curriculum - Accountability holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 14:21

The Board of Education of the Millard Public Schools directs that a written curriculum be developed and implemented. It shall be the responsibility of the Superintendent to provide for the development and implementation of the written curriculum. 

Date of Adoption
May 3, 1999
October 3, 2005
February 20, 2012
September 4, 2018
August 16, 2021

6110: Written Curriculum - Content Standards

6110: Written Curriculum - Content Standards holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 14:24

The written curriculum of the Millard Public Schools will reflect district-established content standards. These content standards describe the knowledge, skills, and processes that are taught, learned, and assessed. As defined in statute, the standards will align to state standards in the
areas of reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies.

The District’s content standards shall consist of Academic Skills and Applications, and College and Career Readiness Skills. Academic skills and applications shall be in the areas of language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, financial literacy, human resources, technology, fine and performing arts, and personal development and well-being. College and career readiness skills shall be in the areas of critical thinking and problem-solving skills, creativity and innovation, collaboration and teamwork, communication, and citizenship and personal responsibility. District content standards shall be referred to as Essential Learner Outcomes (ELOs).

Date of Adoption
May 3, 1999
Date of Revision
December 4, 2006
March 2, 2009
August 19, 2013
September 7, 2021
January 23, 2023
August 17, 2020

6110.1: Written Curriculum - Content Standards

6110.1: Written Curriculum - Content Standards holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 14:26


Students will demonstrate proficiency by meeting established standards through course requirements and for assessments identified by the District for specific purposes. This proficiency, along with the successful completion of 230 credits and a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), is used for diploma granting or denial.


Students will:

  • develop and apply decoding and language comprehension skills and strategies to comprehend and learn from increasingly complex texts.
  • apply reading skills and strategies to comprehend grade-level literary and informational texts.
  • build and use conversational, academic, and discipline-specific, grade-level vocabulary.
  • apply writing skills and strategies to communicate effectively for a variety of purposes.
  • apply speaking and listening skills and strategies to communicate effectively for a variety of audiences and purposes.


Students will:

  • reflect an understanding of skills necessary for success within the comprehensive strands of Number, Algebra, Geometry, and Data.
  • apply mathematics knowledge and processes within real-world contexts.
  • make sense of mathematical problems and persevere in solving them.
  • analyze relationships in order to create mathematical models given situations or scenarios.
  • communicate mathematical ideas effectively and appropriately critique the reasoning of others as well as provide mathematical justifications.
  • connect mathematics knowledge, ideas, and skills beyond the mathematics classroom.


Students will:

  • reflect an understanding of skills necessary for success within the domains of Life, Physical, Earth & Space, and Engineering Sciences.
  • investigate, evaluate, and develop explanations and solutions.
  • combine science content knowledge with critical thinking and practices used by scientists and engineers.
  • apply literacy and mathematics skills in relevant and authentic ways to construct scientific literacy.


Students will:

  • apply civic, economic, geographic, and historical knowledge and skills to make informed decisions.
  • develop questions that frame and advance inquiry.
  • evaluate sources, develop claims, and communicate conclusions using evidence-based reasoning.


Students will:

  • demonstrate skills to manage financial resources for short and long-term priorities.
  • analyze financial choices using resources.


Students will:

  • interact positively with all people to communicate effectively.
  • understand ethnic and cultural differences.
  • apply awareness of current local, national, and global news and world cultures and languages.


Students will:

  • obtain, organize, and communicate information electronically.
  • use a variety of technological resources to solve problems.
  • understand the ethical uses of information and technology related to privacy, intellectual property and cyber security issues.


Students will:

  • develop and apply knowledge and skills to create, present/perform, and respond to fine and performing arts, making connections to human experiences.
  • develop and apply knowledge and skills to the creative and collaborative process.


Students will:

  • understand human growth and development, identify the values of good nutrition and physical activity, and evaluate the impact of addictive substances and behaviors.
  • build healthy social relationships with supportive friends and family in the community.
  • use resources to develop a personal education and career plan to meet goals and objectives.
  • communicate experiences, knowledge, and skills identified in a résumé or portfolio and present a professional image when interviewing.


The following standards and indicators are not measured by district-wide assessments for diploma-granting or denial.


Students will:

  • demonstrate the ability to reason critically, systematically, and logically to evaluate situations and resources from multiple perspectives.
  • conduct research, gather input, and analyze information necessary for decision-making.
  • develop and prioritize possible solutions with supporting rationale using valid research, historical context, and balanced judgment.
  • demonstrate a willingness to learn new knowledge and skills.
  • exhibit the ability to focus, prioritize, organize, and persevere through the unknown.
  • recognize factors, constraints, goals, and relationships in a problem situation.
  • evaluate solutions and determine the potential value toward solving the problem.
  • demonstrate resilience to solve problems.


Students will:

  • search for new ways to optimize efficiency.
  • encourage and appreciate new and creative ideas of others.
  • use information, knowledge, and experience to generate original ideas and challenge assumptions.
  • know when to curb the creative process and begin implementation, determine the feasibility of improvements for ideas and concepts, seek feedback/critique, and act on new ideas to effectively implement them.
  • accept and incorporate constructive criticism into proposals for innovation.


Students will:

  • contribute to team-oriented projects, problem-solving activities, and assignments.
  • engage team members, build consensus, utilize individual talents, strengths, and skills, and take responsibility for individual and shared group tasks.
  • demonstrate the ability to disagree with a team member in a constructive and respectful manner, anticipate potential sources of conflict and negotiate to resolve issues.
  • develop both the ability to serve as a leader and also to work with leaders on a team.


Students will:

  • utilize effective oral and written communication skills.
  • be aware of tone and communicate with respect.
  • utilize professional etiquette.
  • take responsibility for social media presence.


Students will:

  • demonstrate effective self -regulation.
  • advocate for themselves.
  • respect diversity and the rights of others and treat others in a considerate and non-demeaning manner.
  • demonstrate the ability to manage time.
  • demonstrate the ability to follow directions/classroom rules and comply with policies, rules, and procedures.
  • contribute positively to the learning environment.
  • volunteer to help others.
  • demonstrate integrity, self-discipline, positive attitude, reliability, dependability and commitment.
  • take personal responsibility for and understand the consequences of actions and emotions.
  • participate in school and/or community organizations and extracurricular activities.
  • engage with the community and local government through attendance, participation, and service.
  • demonstrate a respect for laws and regulations and those who enforce them.
  • consider the ethical implications and long-term consequences of decisions and actions on personal reputation and credibility.
Date of Adoption
May 3, 1999
Date of Revision
December 5, 1996
June 18, 2001
July 21, 2003
December 4, 2006
March 2, 2009
March 1, 2010
April 18, 2011
August 19, 2013
November 3, 2014
July 11, 2022

6120: Written Curriculum - MEP Curriculum Planning

6120: Written Curriculum - MEP Curriculum Planning holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 14:32

The Millard Board of Education recognizes its responsibility to provide that all students demonstrate the character, knowledge, and skills necessary for personal excellence and responsible citizenship. Furthermore, it recognizes that to provide equal opportunity for all students a dynamic curriculum is needed to provide diverse opportunities which challenge each student. 

To fulfill this responsibility in a comprehensive and systematic manner, the Millard Board of Education assigns to the Office of the Superintendent the responsibility for system wide planning for curriculum, instruction, and assessment. This will be accomplished through the following curriculum planning phases: 

I. Research and Alignment 

II. Curriculum Development 

III. Implementation 

IV. Curriculum Monitoring 

Date of Adoption
May 3, 1999
Date of Revision
August 2, 2004
May 18, 2009
September 7, 2021
October 4, 2010
June 5, 2017

6120.1: Written Curriculum - MEP Curriculum Planning

6120.1: Written Curriculum - MEP Curriculum Planning holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 14:45

The curriculum planning phases are designed as a means by which system wide planning occurs. The four phases are as follows: 

I. Research and Alignment

II. Curriculum Development 

III. Implementation 

IV. Curriculum Monitoring 

The steps in each of these phases will include an analysis of operational tasks which include, but are not limited to, the following: multicultural integration, technology, school-to-career/applied academics, staff development, support programs, and resource allocation. 

I. Phase I: Research and Alignment

A. Prepare Data Book to Provide Research and Data to Participants

B. Identify Participants from Staff and Community for Committees 

C. Curriculum and Instruction MEP Facilitator and Instructional Technology MEP Facilitator Activities Completed to Prepare for the Process 

D. Curriculum Planning Committee Participants Receive and Review Provided materials 

E. Curriculum Planning 

F. Resource Evaluation Preparation 

G. PK-12 Framework Preparation 

H. Textbook/Instructional Materials Initial Selection: Initial Selection and/or Creation of Digital Instructional Materials or Resources 

I. Textbook/Instructional Materials: Field Study Preparation 

J. PK-12 Framework Completion 

K. PK-12 Framework Part A Presented to Board of Education for Approval 

II. Phase II: Curriculum Development 

A. Select and Develop Curricular Resources 

B. Step Ahead Implementation 

C. Devise Implementation Plan 

D. Host Community Curriculum Review Nights 

E. Instructional Materials Recommendation Presented to the Committee on American Civics (as required) and to the Board of Education for Approval 

F. PK-12 Instructional Framework Part B Presented to the Board of Education for Approval

G. Course Guide Development 

H. Materials Training for all Staff 

III. Phase III: Implementation 

A. Deliver District Resources to Buildings 

B. The Curriculum and Instruction MEP Facilitators(s) in collaboration with the Instructional Technology MEP Facilitator(s) and/or Leadership and Learning, will provide District staff development opportunities including best instructional practices and most effective strategies 

C. Provide administrators staff development and documentation to assist in monitoring the written, taught, and assessed curriculum, including, but not limited to instructional practices and fidelity of implementation via walk- through/best practices guide for principals 

D. Implement courses using new course guides and PK-12 Framework 

E. Collaborate with Assessment, Research, and Evaluation and Special Education to create the District ELO as defined in 6315.1 and Demonstration of Proficiency 

F. Monitor implementation and adjust course guides as needed 

G. Continue curriculum development process for Selection or Creation of Digital Instructional Materials or Resources (digital resources/textbooks) and/or courses related to Textbook/Instructional items purchased second round adoption as appropriate – Continue Phase II as outlined above

IV. Phase IV: Curriculum and Instruction Monitoring 

A. Evaluate implementation 

B. Analyze Relevant Student Data 

C. Provide Resources and Staff Development 

D. Provide resources and staff development towards related best instructional practices for teachers and administrators including fidelity of implementation (walk-through/best practices guide for principals) 

E. Monitor implementation and adjust course guides and digital learning resources through collaborative efforts between the Curriculum and Instruction MEP Facilitator, the 

F. Instructional Technology MEP Facilitator, and teachers as needed 
Collect student and program assessment data to determine additional or alternate program needs 

G. Transition/ preparation for Phase I during the last year of Phase IV 

Date of Adoption
May 3, 1999
Date of Revision
August 2, 2004
May 18, 2009
October 4, 2010
July 2, 2012
November 17, 2014
June 5, 2017
September 7, 2021

6121: Written Curriculum - Planning Timelines

6121: Written Curriculum - Planning Timelines holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 14:47


The Board of Education of the Millard Public Schools directs the Superintendent to develop and maintain appropriate and realistic timelines for curriculum development which includes all subject areas.

Date of Adoption
May 3, 1999
October 3, 2005
February 20, 2012
September 4, 2018
August 16, 2021

6130: Written Curriculum - Frameworks and Course Guides

6130: Written Curriculum - Frameworks and Course Guides holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 14:54

The Superintendent shall establish the curriculum guidelines to articulate and coordinate the written curriculum and to provide consistency of the written curriculum from one level of the District to the next. The curriculum guidelines shall provide for the development of the District’s curriculum and shall identify essential educational outcome criteria, set academic standards, and provide for the implementation, monitoring and assessment of student learning.

Date of Adoption
May 3, 1999
Date of Revision
December 5, 2005
May 18, 2009
October 4, 2010
June 5, 2017
August 16, 2021

6130.1: Curriculum Framework

6130.1: Curriculum Framework holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 14:56

Curriculum frameworks shall be developed for each curricular area and provide the vision of the essential content of that curricular area. Frameworks shall be approved by the Board of Education. Curriculum frameworks will be comprised of the following: 

I.    Philosophy of the content area 

II.   Relationship of Framework to Millard Public Schools Academic and College and Career Readiness Essential Learning Outcomes 

III.  Curriculum Planning Committee, Focus Group Participants, and Textbook/Instructional Materials Selection Committee(s) 

IV.  Timeline of Development Events 

V.    PK-12 scope and sequence derived from state standards and indicators or those      

       recommended by national/professional organizations 

VI.   Grade level and list of courses where standards and indicators will be taught 

VII.  Instructional approaches 

VIII.  Appendix containing supporting documents and course descriptions for new courses

Date of Adoption
May 3, 1999
Date of Revision
February 20, 2006
May 18, 2009
October 4, 2010
June 5, 2017
November 19, 2018
August 16, 2021

6130.2: Course Guides

6130.2: Course Guides holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 15:00

Course Guide development applies to all PK-12 approved courses. Course Guides shall be based on approved PK-12 Framework. Course Guides shall be provided to the staff for all courses at every level and shall set forth the following:

I. Course Name 

II. Course Description 

III. Standards and indicators taught within course 

IV. Instructional practices – whole group, small group, individual 

V. Instructional Sequence/Pacing 

VI. Required/Critical lessons and activities vs. Suggested/Optional 

VII. Differentiation 

A. Extensions/Enrichments 

B. Accommodations 

C. Interventions (MTSS) 

VIII. Resources 

IX. Formative and Summative Assessments (aligned to standards and indicators and critical/required lessons) 

X. Integration with other content areas as appropriate 

XI. Guides should consider and appropriately address the following statutory and district strategic plan components: writing experiences are incorporated into all curricular areas K-12, diversity and Multiculturalism; technology; service learning; College and Career Readiness skills;
HAL; use of maps.

(1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, beginning in school year 2024-25, a public school shall not allow the use of a Mercator projection map in school. A public school shall only use the Gall-Peters projection map or a similar cylindrical equal-area projection map or the AuthaGraph projection map for display or use in the classroom.

(2) A Mercator projection map may be used in a classroom if such map is:

(a) Used in conjunction with other projection maps in a teaching exercise to demonstrate that all maps are flawed in some way and different map projections serve different functions and may affect how an individual views the world; or

(b)(i) Part of any (A) book or material obtained prior to July 19, 2024, (B) geographic information system, or (C) computer program that renders a three-dimensional representation of Earth based primarily on satellite imagery, such as Google Earth or similar software; and (ii) A Gall-Peters projection map or a similar cylindrical equal-area projection map or an AuthaGraph projection map is displayed in the classroom or shown to students during the lesson in which a Mercator projection map is used.

(3) Nothing in this section shall be construed to require a school to dispose of or replace any book or material used in the classroom or obtained prior to July 19, 2024.

XII. Specialized guides for HAL; ELL; special education, alternative education and district special programs (CORE, Montessori, IB, Academies) should be developed as needed at the same time as course guides.

Date of Adoption
May 3, 1999
Date of Revision
February 19, 2007
May 18, 2009
October 4, 2010
June 5, 2017
August 16, 2021
August 19, 2024
September 23, 2024

6200: Taught Curriculum - Instructional Delivery

6200: Taught Curriculum - Instructional Delivery holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 15:02

In order to enable the alignment of the taught curriculum with the written curriculum, the Millard Public Schools shall identify clearly defined standards for the District’s staff. These standards are referred to as “Indicators of Effective Teaching and Learning” and are included in the Millard Instructional Model. The five domains of the Millard Instructional Model are:

I. Planning

II. Instruction

III. Assessment

IV. Learning Environment

V. Professionalism

The “Indicators of Effective Teaching and Learning” of the Millard Instructional Model have been incorporated into the teacher evaluation process and used by administrators, in conjunction with curriculum frameworks and guides, to monitor the taught curriculum.

Date of Adoption
May 3, 1999
Date of Revision
October 2, 2006
June 2, 2008
October 20, 2014
May 19, 2003
April 19, 2021

6200.1: Taught Curriculum - Instructional Delivery

6200.1: Taught Curriculum - Instructional Delivery holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 15:06

Within each domain of the Millard Instructional Model are standards referred to as “Indicators of Effective Teaching and Learning”. The domains and standards are:

Millard Instructional Model

Indicators of Effective Teaching and Learning

Domain 1: Planning

I. Teacher plans with individual learning results in mind.

A. Teacher utilizes the standards and indicators defined by the Millard Educational Program in planning essential learning outcomes and objectives in each area of study.

B. Teacher uses individualized assessment data to determine learning objectives for students.

C. Teacher designs lessons and units that incorporate effective practices.

Domain 2: Instruction

II. Teacher delivers well-designed units and lessons so that students achieve desired learning results.

A. Teacher communicates and reinforces daily, weekly, and unit learning goals and objectives throughout instruction.

B. Teacher uses effective instructional strategies to ensure growth in student achievement.

III. Teacher ensures all students learn the Millard curriculum through multiple and diverse learning opportunities. 

A. Teacher delivers the District approved curriculum with fidelity and differentiates for student needs.

IV. Teacher uses instructional strategies that result in meaningful understanding and application of learning.

A. Teacher links new learning to past learning and real life experiences.

B. Teacher organizes instruction so that students become productive and independent learners.

C. Teacher facilitates critical thinking and problem solving.

Domain 3: Assessment

V. Teacher continually monitors student progress and adjusts instruction to optimize individual student learning.

A. Teacher uses effective and balanced assessment practices that allow the teacher and students to monitor learning.

B. Teacher uses assessment data before, during, and after instruction to monitor understanding and to adjust instruction.

VI.Teacher grading practices reflect evidence of student learning.

A. Teacher determines grades based on student achievement of standards and indicators defined by the District curriculum.

B. Teacher assigns grades that are fair, consistent, timely and clearly reported.

Domain 4: Learning Environment

VII. Teacher establishes a physically and emotionally safe learning environment.

A. Teacher establishes a physical space that is safe, accessible, and organized for learning.

B. Teacher establishes a classroom environment that is emotionally safe and inclusive.

VIII. Teacher implements a classroom management system that complies with and supports building and District policy.

A. Teacher establishes a proactive classroom management plan appropriate for the developmental level of students to promote emotional, social, and academic growth.

B. Teacher implements and maintains the classroom management plan.

IX. Teacher collaborates with students, parents, families, and the community to create meaningful relationships that enhance the learning process.

A. Teacher fosters and communicates multiple and diverse opportunities to support learning activities at home and school.

B. Teacher creates a culturally sensitive and bias free learning environment.

Domain 5: Professionalism

X. Teacher embraces continuous professional growth and contributes to school and District improvement.

A. Teacher pursues professional development and reflective practice to improve instruction.

B. Teacher supports the mission and beliefs of the school and District to share the responsibility for the growth of student learning, development and achievement.

XI. Teacher performs job-related responsibilities and acts as an ethical, responsible, member of the professional community.

A. Teacher performs job-related duties by adhering to established laws, policies, rules, and building expectations.

B. Teacher contributes to a positive, professional workplace.

C. Teacher communicates in a professional manner.

Date of Adoption
May 3, 1999
Date of Revision
July 16, 2001
May 19, 2003
October 2, 2006
May 21, 2007
June 2, 2008
October 20, 2014
April 19, 2021

6201: Taught Curriculum - Accountability

6201: Taught Curriculum - Accountability holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 15:10


The Board of Education of Millard Public Schools directs that the written curriculum shall be the taught curriculum. The responsibility of the teachers is to teach the written curriculum using the the Indicators of Effective Teaching and Learning. The responsibility of the principals shall be to monitor the taught curriculum through the use of the curriculum guide, as well as to evaluate teachers through the teacher evaluation process to ensure that the written curriculum is the taught curriculum. The Superintendent and his/her designees shall ensure that principals monitor the curriculum and evaluate teachers.

Date of Adoption
May 17, 1999
Date of Revision
October 3, 2005
September 8, 2020
April 2, 2007
November 4, 2013

6203: Taught Curriculum - Lesson (Instructional) Plans

6203: Taught Curriculum - Lesson (Instructional) Plans holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 15:12


Lesson plans are the link between the written curriculum and the taught curriculum. The daily lesson plans shall be used for the implementation of curriculum, instruction, and assessment. 

All teachers are responsible for planning and generating weekly lesson plans. Lesson plans shall:

a.Be aligned with course guides;

b.Be compatible with the school and system wide curriculum;

c.Focus on short-term (i.e., daily and weekly) and long-term (i.e., by grading period and for the year) goals;

d.Address student needs at appropriate levels of difficulty;

e.Result in the alignment of content, instructional strategies, indicators, and assessments;

f.Ensure the use of instructional activities and materials that are selected to develop students’ motivation to learn.

The building principal or the designee shall monitor the lesson plans of the teachers assigned to the principal’s building.

Date of Adoption
May 17, 1999
Date of Revision
December 5, 2005
March 19, 2012
September 17, 2018

6220: Taught Curriculum - Organization of Instruction

6220: Taught Curriculum - Organization of Instruction holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 15:14

The Millard Board of Education is responsible for public education in the Millard Public School District. This public education responsibility includes:

a) K-12 general education, and

b) Programming for birth to age 21 special education

The Board may elect to provide the educational programs for the general pre-school student population, adults and other supplemental educational programs as provided by law.

The grouping and housing of instructional levels in school facilities throughout the district, and the administration of the instructional program will be according to plans developed by the Superintendent and the administrative staff and approved by the Board.

Date of Adoption
July 20, 1992
Date of Revision
November 10, 1997
May 17, 1999
December 5, 2005
March 5, 2012
September 4, 2018

6225: Secondary Class Size

6225: Secondary Class Size holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 15:17

The District will make reasonable efforts to maintain class size in the middle and high schools it deems appropriate and fiscally responsible for the effective instruction of students.

Whenever 14 or fewer students enroll in a class (course), the class may not be offered unless so mandated by law, the Board of Education, or necessitated by District activity programs. An effort may be made to combine a class consisting of 14 or fewer students with a similar or related class or program either in the same building or in a different grade level or building.

Any course, other than those mandated, may be deleted from the District’s curriculum offerings after a history of three consecutive years where enrollment in the course has 14 or fewer students. Said enrollment figures will be those derived from official class rolls.

A report for the Board of Education will be prepared annually and instructions provided to building administrators regarding those classes (courses) that will be subject to specified enrollment parameters for the upcoming year.

Date of Adoption
May 4, 2015
Date of Revision
November 16, 2015
August 15, 2022

6230: Taught Curriculum - Homework

6230: Taught Curriculum - Homework holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 15:19

Homework consists of tasks that teachers assign to students and are meant to be carried out during non-class hours. The intent of homework is to ensure student learning of certain concepts and/or skills found in the written and taught curriculum. Homework is beneficial as long as teachers exercise their professional judgment and use their knowledge of developmental levels to guide their practices and expectations. Homework should be aligned with district-approved standards and indicators and course outcomes.

Date of Adoption
June 16, 1975
Date of Revision
November 18, 1996
January 7, 2002
July 6, 2009
April 4, 2016
September 26, 2022

6230.1: Taught Curriculum - Homework

6230.1: Taught Curriculum - Homework holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 15:22

Teachers are expected to assign homework in a responsible manner. Teachers will use professional judgment in determining the length, difficulty, and student readiness to proceed with homework assignments. Whenever possible, teachers should collaborate on the amount of homework assigned on a given evening so as not to overburden the student with time spent doing homework. With the complexities of curriculum and the high expectations for student achievement, school personnel are directed in the following ways:

I. District-sanctioned practices for the elementary and middle school levels include:

A. Homework assignments shall be kept to a minimal amount on Wednesday evening, Family Night.

B. Teachers shall not schedule examinations for Thursday.

II. District-sanctioned practices for the high school level include:

A. Homework assignments shall be kept to a minimal amount on Wednesday evening, Family Night.

B. With at least two (2) days notice, teachers may schedule examinations for Thursday.

Date of Adoption
June 16, 1975
Date of Revision
May 17, 1999
January 7, 2002
July 6, 2009
April 4, 2016
September 26, 2022

6235: Taught Curriculum - Make Up Work

6235: Taught Curriculum - Make Up Work holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 15:25

Students who are absent from school (with excused absences or unexcused absences) shall be assigned those make-up activities for the purpose of allowing the student to successfully complete the minimum class requirements and derive the maximum benefit from the instructional material.

Date of Adoption
June 16, 1975
Date of Revision
November 18, 1996
May 17, 1999
September 19, 2011
November 6, 2006
March 5, 2018
February 3, 2025

6235.1: Taught Curriculum - Make Up Work

6235.1: Taught Curriculum - Make Up Work holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 15:27

Make-up Work for Excused and Unexcused Absences. 

The teacher of each grade or subject area will determine the plans for making up the work subject to the following considerations. 

1. Schoolwork missed due to an excused or unexcused absence, must be completed to the satisfaction of each teacher whose class was missed. 

2. Students will have a minimum of one (1) school day for each day of absence, to make up missed schoolwork. Students who do not make up their work within the prescribed time limits will not receive credit for the work missed. 

3. Make-up work may be provided prior to a planned absence if the lessons and assignments have already been planned for and prepared by the teacher in the context of having created the weekly lesson plans. Make-up work provided to a student in advance of their absence does not guarantee that no additional work may need to be completed upon their return to school. Students who do not request missed work in advance will be provided all assigned work when the student returns from an absence. 

4. Providing early or late semester exams is at the discretion of the building principal or the principal’s designee. 

During prolonged absence due to illness, the parent may call the school office to make arrangements for picking up the missed work. 

When the school administration has given approval for a student to participate in school sponsored programs such as High Ability Learners (HAL) Seminars, music programs, dramatics, or athletics, the student should not be penalized for not being present to take tests and participate in the daily work. The student shall be given an opportunity to make up any work missed.

Date of Adoption
June 16, 1975
Date of Revision
May 17, 1999
September 19, 2011
July 2, 2012
November 6, 2006
March 5, 2018
February 3, 2025

6240: Taught Curriculum - Controversial Issues

6240: Taught Curriculum - Controversial Issues holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 15:30

A major focus of the Millard Public Schools mission is to prepare our students for effective citizenship, which includes preparation for constructive participation in a democratic society, a society in which many differing opinions are held and differing beliefs are espoused. It is important that students develop an understanding of ideas which may be different than their own. It is important that they develop judgment, a capacity to discern the difference between fact and opinion, and to weigh arguments, debates, slogans and appeals. To achieve this purpose, students should have an opportunity to examine controversial issues within the context of their formal education experiences.

Date of Revision
November 2, 1992
June 28, 1999
December 4, 2006
July 6, 2020
December 3, 2012

6240.1: Taught Curriculum - Controversial Issues

6240.1: Taught Curriculum - Controversial Issues holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 15:32


Controversial issues as studied in the school program need to be handled in a professional manner. In attempting to ensure that this happens, the Office of the Superintendent has been authorized by the Board of Education to develop those rules deemed appropriate in carrying out the intent of the Board of Education policy. The guidelines within this rule are to be followed by all school personnel.

Student Rights and Responsibilities:

1. To research, study and discuss significant issues and to reach judgments and express opinions without jeopardizing his/her relationship with classmates or teachers.

2. To learn in an open classroom and school climate so that they feel free to examine any aspect of a
controversial issue.

3. To study with competent instruction in an impartial atmosphere and have access to relevant material.

4. To be protected against indoctrination, whether it be political, social, economic, religious, or other.

5. To assure that when controversial issues are being discussed in the classroom, every effort is being made to
present various viewpoints fairly, impartially and discreetly.

Teacher Rights and Responsibilities:

1. To be free to conduct reasonable study and discussion of controversial issues without fear of reprisal.

2. To maintain a high degree of impartiality.

3. To treat controversial issues objectively and to present alternate and/or divergent positions and opinions.

4. To determine the degree and extent of consideration given to a specific controversial issue based upon knowledge, intellectual maturity, and competence of the students in the class.

5. To ensure that an accurate, factual and balanced presentation of material is readily available for the student.

6. To be assured, if the need ever arises, that parents will be directed and encouraged by the Board and administration to take their questions and comments directly to the teacher concerned, as outlined in Policy 1310 and Rules 1310.1 and 1310.2.

7. To ensure that a student’s view of an issue is not suppressed as long as the expression of that view can be made in a reasonable manner. 

Teachers, who in the performance of their teaching duties, are engaged in the study or discussion of such controversial issues shall be defended by the Board and District from unjust or unfair criticism or legal actions.

The Board’s position on this matter applies to the regular curriculum of the schools and to extra-curricular activities before and after school, within the school building or outside of the school, whenever school or school-sponsored or sanctioned groups are involved. The Board reserves the right to exercise significant discretion in determining the content of school curriculum within the limitations provided by law.

Assignment of Responsibility 

Since topics which might be considered controversial are dealt with in the program at the building level, the principal or designee is assigned the responsibility to ensure that rules are followed and there is compliance with the policy. Assignment of staff, in all instances where possible, will match preparation and background with the discipline, subject or course to be taught. Staff will be expected to deal with those issues which fall within their preparation and training, are related to the content and its relationship to the course/subject outcomes. Staff are not to assume responsibility for instruction which is outside of their preparation and training or is unrelated to the course/subject outcomes. 


Staff should apply the following criteria in determining those issues for study:

I. The issue should be related to the course content and help achieve course objectives/learner outcomes.

II. The issue should be suitable for students of the intellectual maturity and background represented in the class.

III. The issue should provide students an opportunity to study those issues which have political, economic or social significance about which they will begin to have an opinion.

IV. The issue should provide the student competent instruction within which various and/or conflicting points of view can be presented in an atmosphere protected from bias and prejudice.

V. The issue should not be presented to promote the indoctrination of beliefs, whether they be political, social, economic or religious.

VI. The issue is supported by an ample supply of study materials which present sides of the topic or issue under consideration.

VII. The issue should provide the students an opportunity to form, identify and express their own opinions and ensure that there are opportunities for a balanced presentation on the topic/issue under onsideration.

VIII. The issue should be current, significant, real and important to the students and teacher. Significant is defined to be those topics which a) in general, impact or concern a number of people, b) are related to basic principles (i.e. equality vs. apartheid), or c) at the moment are under consideration by the media.


A teacher who is in doubt concerning the advisability of discussion of certain topics shall confer with the building principal or designee as to its appropriateness. Information presented to the principal or designee to assist in the decision-making process shall include the following:

I. The proposed topic/issue under consideration.

II. Instructional plan for dealing with the topic/issue.

III. Consideration of the “pro’s and con’s”.

IV. The benefits or outcomes to be achieved through the study of the topic/issue. 

The principal or designee approves, amends, or rejects the staff member’s request based on the selection criteria. If approved, the principal or designee is encouraged to observe the activity and evaluate its educational value. In all instances, the teacher is expected to evaluate the activity and report such information to the principal or designee. In instances where the principal or designee and the teacher are unable to agree as to appropriateness, the issue should be referred to the appropriate Central Office staff member. 


Books, films and other media are valuable for giving students exposure to many differing ideas; but for expanded learning, it may also be useful to invite appropriate persons within the guidelines hereafter set forth and who are not on the district educational staff to speak to, or meet with, groups of students as part of the educational process. Representatives of varying points of view may present issues directly to students only through invitation by the staff member involved and with prior approval of the principal or designee. 

With respect to speakers and programs, the following guidelines will apply:I. The teacher/sponsor and the building principal or designee are expected to exercise judgement and to investigate fully those proposed resource persons.

II. Teacher/Sponsors should encourage the use of resource persons representing various approaches or points of view on a given topic in order to afford the students a more comprehensive understanding of the topic/issue.

III. The ideas presented and the resource person invited to present them will have demonstrable relation to the curricular or co-curricular activity in which the participating students are involved.

IV. The teacher/sponsor responsible for inviting the resource person, or any member of the school administration, has the right and duty to interrupt or suspend any proceedings if the resource person is judged to be departing from the subject to be presented, is presenting the material in poor taste or endangering the health and safety of students and staff. 

Attendance at assemblies involving an outside speaker on controversial topics will be voluntary on the part of the students. These events will be well publicized in advance for the benefit of both students and parents/guardians. 

The District does not by this Rule create or establish an open or public forum and reserves the sole and absolute right to determine the curriculum and speakers and programs to be invited as part of the educational process.

Date of Revision
November 2, 1992
June 28, 1999
December 4, 2006
December 3, 2012
July 6, 2020

6262: Taught Curriculum - Field Trips

6262: Taught Curriculum - Field Trips holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 15:35

Student trips that align with approved curriculum offerings shall be encouraged and shall be permitted under rules established by the Superintendent. Students’ welfare and safety shall be primary considerations.

Date of Adoption
June 16, 1975
Date of Revision
June 28, 1999
February 6, 2006
January 7, 2013
November 18, 2024
September 8, 2015
October 16, 2017

6262.1: Taught Curriculum - Field Trips

6262.1: Taught Curriculum - Field Trips holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 15:37

Field trips shall be considered as instruction and planned as such with definite objectives determined in advance. Lists of curriculum-related field trips shall be made available by the offices of elementary and secondary education.

I.Appropriate instruction shall precede and follow each field trip.

II.All school rules and the District’s Standards for Student Conduct shall be in effect.

III.Written approval of the parent or guardian is required for participation of students in field trips.

IV.At the elementary and middle school levels, all field trips shall begin and end at the school unless approved and communicated by the principal.

V.Field trips requiring school bus transportation shall not interfere with the regularly scheduled transportation of students to and from school.

VI.For a field trip, the teacher should make the request in writing to the principal at least ten days prior to the date desired. Whenever practical, an alternate date should also be listed. The purpose of the field trip and its relation to the course of study must be stated.

VII.The principal shall approve or disapprove curriculum-related field trips and notify the teacher (if the request is disapproved, the reason for the disapproval shall be stated). If approval is given, the principal shall forward a request for school bus service to the transporation office seven days in advance of the date requested.

VIII.Teachers or other certified personnel shall accompany students on all field trips and exercise control over the conduct of the students.

IX.When a field trip is made to a place of business or industry, it shall be required that an employee of the host company serve as conductor.

X.Appropriate educational experience and proper supervision shall be supplied for any students whose parents do not wish them to participate in a field trip.

XI.Certificated staff members will discuss the specific chaperone responsibilities with the volunteer chaperones and provide written guidelines.

XII.Emergency contact information will be accessible while on the field trip.

XIII.In the event of illness or injury, a parent will be contacted immediately so a plan about the student’s welfare can be determined. A principal will be made aware of the situation.

XIV. In the event of serious injury or illness 911 will be called and the parent notified of the situation and hospital location. To the extent that adequate staff is available, a staff member may accompany a student to the hospital. A principal will be made aware of the situation.

Date of Adoption
June 16, 1975
Date of Revision
June 28, 1999
February 6, 2006
June 16, 2008
January 7, 2013
September 8, 2015
November 18, 2024
October 16, 2017

6262.2: Overnight Field Trip Guidelines

6262.2: Overnight Field Trip Guidelines holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 15:42

I. Overnight field trips are an extension of the school day. All school rules apply in addition to the District’s Standards for Student Conduct. 

II. Every effort should be made to use teacher or parent sponsors. Volunteer sponsors must be screened according to the volunteer approval process pursuant to Rule 6910.1. For volunteers, there should be at least a one-month lead time to allow for background checks. 

III. Teachers are on duty during the entire time of the field trip. 

IV. Students will be under the supervision of adults. 

V. The sleeping quarters are gender-specific. 

VI. Volunteer chaperones will report any behavior problems immediately to the certificated staff member(s). 

VII. Certificated staff members will discuss the specific chaperone responsibilities with the volunteer chaperones and provide written guidelines. 

VIII. Consideration of student gender and number of participants should be made when selecting chaperones. 

IX. Emergency contact information will be accessible while on the field trip. 

X. Emergency contact information will be provided to parents. 

XI. In the event of illness or injury, a parent will be contacted immediately so a plan about the student’s welfare can be determined. A designated principal will be on call 24 hours a day during the full length of the trip and will be made aware of any medical or discipline situation. 

XII. In the event of serious illness or injury, 911 will be called and the parent notified of the situation and hospital location. To the extent that adequate staff is available, a staff member may accompany a student to the hospital. A principal will be made aware of the situation.

Date of Adoption
February 6, 2006
Date of Revision
January 7, 2013
September 8, 2015
October 16, 2017
November 18, 2024

6265: Copyright Compliance

6265: Copyright Compliance holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 15:45

Teacher materials (print and non-print) which are used in conjunction with the instruction of students must be aligned with the District's written curriculum and comply with copyright laws and any applicable license for the use of the materials.

Copyrighted materials including, but not limited to, print, audio, video, software and other media may be reproduced only when the use by reproduction is a “Fair Use” in compliance with the Copyright Act or when the written permission or any applicable license for such use by reproduction has been obtained from the copyright holder.

Date of Adoption
July 15, 2002
Date of Revision
June 6, 2016
November 3, 2008
January 19, 2015
November 7, 2022

6270: Student Production of Services and Materials

6270: Student Production of Services and Materials holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 15:47

Students may produce services and materials in the schools only when such production furthers such student’s educational development.

Costs of services and products produced in school shops and laboratories, for non-school use or consumption, shall be borne by the user or consumer.

Date of Adoption
June 16, 1975
Date of Revision
October 16, 2000
November 5, 2007
November 4, 2013
September 8, 2020

6270.1: Student Production of Services and Materials

6270.1: Student Production of Services and Materials holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 15:49

Teachers will not excuse students from classes for the purpose of acting as monitors, paper graders, clerks, librarians, audio-visual operators, etc., without the consent of the principal.

Students will not be used to run personal errands for teachers on school time.

Date of Adoption
June 16, 1975
Date of Revision
October 16, 2000
November 5, 2007
November 4, 2013
September 8, 2020

6275: Employee Created Materials

6275: Employee Created Materials holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 15:50

Materials and intellectual property work created by employees to be used to further the District's educational and instructional mission, are and shall remain the property of the District and the use thereof shall remain subject to the District's Policies and Rules.

Date of Adoption
June 3, 2013
Date of Revision
June 6, 2016
September 3, 2019

6275.1: Ownership of Employee Created Materials

6275.1: Ownership of Employee Created Materials holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 15:52

Any and all Employee Materials in any form, (print, non-print and intellectual) created by a District Employee, while employed by the District, and within the scope of their employment shall belong to the District, unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing by way of contractual obligations in an employment agreement.

The following shall apply regarding the above Rule:

I.Intellectual property created within the scope of employment shall mean anything that a District Employee creates which contributes to the job for which that Employee was hired. This is also referred to the "work for hire doctrine."

II.Within the scope of employment shall include, but not be limited to, any and all Employee materials in any form, no matter where or when the Employee created such materials. 

III.In the event an employee creates something entirely on personal time, with personal resources, that such employee does not use to teach an assigned District curriculum, such work belongs to the employee alone.

IV.Employee Materials created within the scope of employment may use the District's name, logo and/or building name, only pursuant to the guidelines as established by the District.

V.All Employee Materials created for use on websites shall adhere to the guidelines of accountability as set forth in District Rule 7305.1 and District procedures.

Date of Adoption
June 3, 2013
Date of Revision
September 3, 2019

6275.2: Open Education Resources - Sharing Copyright Curriculum Materials

6275.2: Open Education Resources - Sharing Copyright Curriculum Materials holly Mon, 07/15/2019 - 15:53

District owned copyright materials may be shared and exchanged with other educators inside and outside of the District in accordance with appropriate licenses as provided herein. All District owned copyright material may be shared and exchanged with others within the District. District educators need not seek permission to share or exchange any such employee-developed or created materials within the District. Digital materials which have been created by individuals or entities outside of the District and which are intended to be used by the District or its staff for educational purposes, must comply with copyright laws and/or applicable licensing requirements.

A.The District encourages the open exchange of information, knowledge, educational resources, and education materials throughout the District; and supports the collaborative production of copyright works that are freely made available to all through the use of appropriate licensing. Unless indicated otherwise for specific items or collections of content as designated by the District, all materials which are copyright owned by the District shall be licensed for re-use under the appropriate Creative Commons International License or other similar designated license.

B.All materials created or developed for District-wide use or for specified District programs which the District directed its employee or employees to create, develop or compile during the employees’ contract time or supplemental contract are "works made for hire" and shall remain the property of the District and may be shared throughout the District without restriction. Such materials may also be shared outside the District if properly licensed under an approved Creative Commons International License or other similar license.

C."Teacher Curriculum Materials" means original materials created or developed by a District employee including lesson plans, educator research materials, teaching or instructional activities, teaching strategies or other printed or electronic materials and which are created, developed or compiled by the District employee within the scope of the District employee's employment for use by the District employee. Such material may be shared by the employee outside the District provided that the Teacher Curriculum Materials are licensed by the employee under an appropriate Creative Commons International Attribution, Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC) License. The issuing of the appropriate Creative Commons license, prior to sharing of such original material, shall be the sole responsibility of the person or persons seeking to share or distribute such Teacher Curriculum Materials outside the District. Teacher Curriculum Materials shared or distributed outside the District without the appropriate Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC) License are in violation of the District's copyright.

D.The District retains the authority to exclude from Creative Commons International License, or other similar designated license, any educational teaching materials created by employees of the District within the scope of employment which constitutes a "work made for hire." The District shall also have authority to license any copyrightable materials owned by the

E.District under any Creative Commons International License, or similar licensing system as it deems appropriate. The District, with Board approval, may issue a license to any District employee in potentially patentable or copyrightable material developed by the employee during work hours or within the scope of his/her employment or when using District provided resources and may determine the terms of any such license, considering the commercial value of such patentable or copyrightable material and the best interest of the District.Unless otherwise determined by the District, all such District owned copyrighted materials shall allow others to distribute, remix, modify, and build upon such copyrighted digital materials under Creative Commons International Attribution, Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC) License, as long as said user(s) provide attribution for the original creation to the District and comply with any applicable copyright and/or license requirements. All works published or shared outside of the District shall be clearly labeled using the appropriate licensing symbol CC BY-NC requiring attribution to the District for non-commercial use.

F. As used herein, copyrightable works shall include, but not be limited to, all original writings, lectures, musical or dramatic compositions, sound recordings, film, videos and other pictorial or technical reproductions, computer programs, listings, charts, manuals, codes, instructions, software and apps.

Date of Adoption
June 6, 2016
September 3, 2019

6300: Assessed Curriculum - Comprehensive Student Assessment

6300: Assessed Curriculum - Comprehensive Student Assessment holly Tue, 07/16/2019 - 10:26

The Board of Education shall direct the Superintendent to develop and implement a comprehensive student assessment system. The assessment system will be responsive to federal, state, and district requirements. It will also reflect district-identified content standards and state-approved standards. The comprehensive student assessment system shall be aligned with the written and taught curriculum of Millard Public Schools:

I. to monitor the progress of students in a program, school, or the District;

II. to aid in planning and providing classroom instruction appropriate to student needs;

III. to assist in making decisions about placement of students; 

IV. to provide information for program monitoring, management, and evaluation.

Date of Adoption
June 16, 1975
Date of Revision
July 12, 1999
December 4, 2006
April 1, 2013
August 19, 2019

6300.1: Assessed Curriculum - Comprehensive Student Assessment

6300.1: Assessed Curriculum - Comprehensive Student Assessment holly Tue, 07/16/2019 - 10:29

A comprehensive student assessment system shall consist of district-wide assessments and teacher/classroom assessments. District-wide assessment data will be one source of information used to monitor and adjust our educational program. Teacher/classroom assessments will be used to monitor student progress and adjust instruction to optimize individual student learning.

District assessments shall be valid, reliable, and aligned to the written curriculum. The purposes of the District assessments include analysis of student growth and information on strengths and areas needing improvement in schools and programs. Results will be reported to the community, as required by state and federal regulations. The assessment instruments may include but are not limited to the following:

I. district content standard assessments;

II. norm-referenced achievement tests (e.g. MAP);

III. criterion-referenced tests; and

IV. Nebraska State Assessments (e.g. NSCAS).


Classroom assessments may include but are not limited to the following:

I. formative assessments (including District Common Formative Assessments)

II. end-of-unit tests;

III. observational checklists;

IV. criterion-referenced tests;

V. writing samples and portfolios; and demonstrations or performance events.

Date of Adoption
July 12, 1999
Date of Revision
December 4, 2006
April 1, 2013
August 19, 2019

6301: Assessed Curriculum - Accountability for Assessments

6301: Assessed Curriculum - Accountability for Assessments holly Tue, 07/16/2019 - 10:42

Accountability for the Comprehensive Student Assessment System is the shared responsibility of district and building personnel. This assessment system includes district and classroom assessments. District assessments shall be secure and administered according to protocols outlined on the District Assessment Website and/or in the curriculum guide.

Date of Adoption
July 12, 1999
Date of Revision
July 8, 2024
November 6, 2006
June 4, 2007
August 2, 2010
March 6, 2017

6301.1: Assessed Curriculum - Accountability for Assessments

6301.1: Assessed Curriculum - Accountability for Assessments holly Tue, 07/16/2019 - 10:47

Accountability for District assessments is the shared responsibility of District and building personnel. 

Department of Data, Assessment, Research, and Evaluation shall be accountable to:

I.    develop the District assessments of student performance in consultation with Educational Services;

II.    develop guidelines for the administration of criterion-referenced assessments;

III.    distribute and collect assessment materials;

IV.    provide professional learning related to assessment administration;

V.    develop guidelines for and monitor the use of accommodations, alternative assessments, and lowered cutscores in coordination with the Special Education Department;

VI.    analyze data for program-level improvements, modifications, or elimination;

VII.    develop, distribute, and revise the District Assessment Procedures, as needed;

VIII.    develop a District Assessment Brochure;

IX.    chair the Assessment Committees;

X.    develop a District assessment calendar;

XI.    ensure that all assessments are reliable, valid, and fair; 

XII.    provide trustworthy and dependable results;

XIII.    facilitate the methodologies used to set the cutscores, 

XIV.    provide the cutscores to the Board of Education for final approval;

XV.    ensure test security; 

XVI.    develop, distribute manage, and revise the District Assessment procedures and testing protocols, as needed; 

XVII.    develop guidelines for the administration of norm-referenced assessments; 

XVIII.     generate all staff and student accounts, student answer sheets, and test materials; 

XIX.    compile all test scores;  

XX.    provide building and District reports;

XXI.    provide building and District statistical reports;

XXII.    disaggregate the data by various student groups (race, gender, socio-economic level, EL status, disability, etc);

XXIII.     report student performance data in accordance with federal, state, and District guidelines; 

Building administration and staff shall be accountable to:

I.    administer the District assessments according to security protocol, including the following responsibilities:
A.    Ensure that no copies of secure materials are in a school, other than for the time required for administering to students.

B.    Ensure that assessment materials are secure while they are in the building.

C.    Oversee the testing process and ensure that proper protocol is followed.

D.    Ensure that retesting of students follows the same procedures as the main, first-time testing, including same security, same administration protocol, and same procedures.

E.    Hold at least one discussion session per year with staff about test security.

II.    identify and implement accommodations, alternate assessments, and lowered cutscores according to District assessment procedures;

III.    administer the District assessments according to prescribed assessment procedures; 

IV.    administer the District assessments based on the District calendar;

V.    share the District Assessment Brochure with families; 

VI.    use the derived data to make instructional improvements; 

VII.    provide reteaching opportunities in response to student learning information.

Date of Adoption
July 12, 1999
Date of Revision
May 20, 2002
July 21, 2003
December 4, 2006
June 4, 2007
August 2, 2010
September 6, 2016
July, 8, 2024
March 6, 2017

6301.2: Assessed Curriculum - Accountability for Assessments

6301.2: Assessed Curriculum - Accountability for Assessments holly Tue, 07/16/2019 - 10:51

Accountability for classroom assessments is the shared responsibility of district and building personnel. 

Educational Services and the Department of Data, Assessment, Research, and Evaluation shall be accountable to: 

I. develop curriculum frameworks which include standards and indicators that identify system-wide assessment outcomes; and 

II. develop course guides which include assessments (formative and summative) 

Building administration and staff shall be accountable to: 

I. follow appropriate security procedures; 

II. use the assessments identified within course guides; 

III. use assessment data to monitor student learning; 

IV. use assessment data to differentiate instruction; 

V. provide students and parents with feedback about student learning; 

VI. use assessment data for school improvement planning; 

VII. provide reteaching opportunities and/or scientific, researched-based early interventions in response to student learning information; and 

VIII. use assessment data to adjust, improve, or terminate ineffective teaching practices.

Date of Adoption
July 12, 1999
Date of Revision
August 2, 2010
March 6, 2017
July 7, 2024
November 6, 2006
June 4, 2007

6305: Annual Performance Report

6305: Annual Performance Report holly Tue, 07/16/2019 - 10:55


The Superintendent and Board of Education believe that accountability to the residents of the school community is essential. To that end, the staff shall periodically assess and report student progress toward the accomplishment of goals. The results shall be used to plan and make needed changes so as to improve instruction for all students.

The Superintendent will ensure that an annual performance report is prepared and distributed to the residents of the District. Elements of the report shall include, but not be limited to, student academic performance, school system demographics, school improvement goals and financial information. Individual student test scores are kept confidential.

Date of Adoption
November 6, 2000
Date of Revision
October 1, 2007
January 13, 2025
September 16, 2013
September 21, 2020

6315: Millard Education Program - Use of Assessment Data

6315: Millard Education Program - Use of Assessment Data holly Tue, 07/16/2019 - 10:57

The Millard School District shall assess the progress of students through a district-wide assessment system. Such an assessment system shall provide for a fair and adequate measurement of each student’s progress and achievement. The information provided by the assessment system shall be used by the Millard Board of Education and district staff to evaluate the progress of students; differentiate instructional strategies; adjust district curriculum; and plan and provide interventions and appropriate support experiences for students. 

Essential learner outcome assessments will be valid, reliable, and aligned with the curriculum and outcomes in reading, writing, mathematics, and science. The District will allocate resources to support continued student progress.

Date of Adoption
December 21, 1998
Date of Revision
February 4, 2002
March 3, 2003
June 4, 2007
October 21, 2013
June 15, 2009
June 7, 2010
August 20, 2018
June 6, 2022
June 6, 2022

6315.1: Millard Education Program - Use of Assessment Data

6315.1: Millard Education Program - Use of Assessment Data holly Tue, 07/16/2019 - 11:03

The assessment system shall take its overall direction from the District strategic plan and from state and federal requirements.  The assessment system shall be aligned with the written curriculum and shall measure student progress within the primary, intermediate, middle and high school grade levels and their level of College and Career Readiness.  The system shall provide opportunities for support and appropriate interventions to occur if the student does not demonstrate proficiency. 

The system will include assessments which are designed to measure student progress and the Millard Education Plan outcomes as well as alternate assessments designed to comply with state and federal legislation.  

As curriculum revisions occur, the assessment system shall reflect those changes and modifications to assessments and shall be approved by the Millard Board of Education.  The curriculum content areas, grade levels when administered, and the types of assessments shall be as follows:

Level:  Primary Grades (K-2)

 Outcome  When Administered          Type of Assessment
 Reading   K, 1st, 2nd  Grade  MAP Suite
Writing  K, 1st, 2nd  Grade Writing Common Assessment
 Mathematics      K, 1st, 2nd  Grade MAP Growth

Level:  Intermediate Grades (3-5)

 Outcome      When Administered  Type of Assessment
English/Language Arts 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade

MAP Growth
NSCAS Growth

NSCAS Alternate Assessment

 Writing  3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Writing Common Assessment
 Mathematics  3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade

MAP Growth
NSCAS Growth

NSCAS Alternate Assessment

 Science      5th Grade

 NSCAS Growth

NSCAS Alternate Assessment

Level:  Middle School Grades (6-8)

 Outcome  When Administered  Type of Assessment
 English/Language Arts  6th, 7th, and 8th Grade

MAP Growth
NSCAS Growth

NSCAS Alternate Assessment

 Writing   6th, 7th and 8th Grade Writing Common Assessment
 Mathematics  6th, 7th, and 8th Grade

MAP Growth
NSCAS Growth

NSCAS Alternate Assessment

 Science  8th Grade

 NSCAS Growth

NSCAS Alternate Assessment

Level:  High School Grades 

 Outcome  When Administered Type of Assessment 

9th Grade

10th Grade
11th Grade


PreACT 8/9

ACT® Assessment

NSCAS Alternate Assessment


9th Grade

10th Grade

11th Grade 

Writing Common Assessment 

Analytical Writing

ACT® Assessment


9th Grade

10th Grade
11th Grade 

PreACT 8/9

ACT® Assessment

NSCAS Alternate Assessment


9th Grade

10th Grade

11th Grade

 PreACTt 8/9


ACT® Assessment

NSCAS Alternate Assessment


I.     Implementation of Assessment System 

In accordance with Policy 6301 and Rule 6301.1, the District shall use all reasonable efforts to provide adequate measurement by: 

A.    Establishing or confirming the reliability and validity of each recommended assessment; 

B.    Ensuring that the alignment of the assessment contents is consistent with the District’s curriculum; 

C.    Ensuring that the students of the District are provided with the opportunity to learn the material which is the subject of each assessment; 

D.    Ensuring the establishment of adequate and necessary interventions; and 

E.    Ensuring or confirming a proper College and Career Ready metric for each assessment is established through acceptable and reliable methods. 

The intent of the assessment system is to ensure that the achievement levels of College and Career Readiness have been met. 

If a student does not meet benchmarks on the assessments, additional opportunities are available to demonstrate student proficiency. 

If a student does not meet benchmarks on the assessments and the student is verified with a disability or has a 504 Accommodation Plan, then the IEP or 504 Team will reconvene to review the education plan and may consider lowering the College and Career Readiness metric requirement as part of the IEP or 504 Accommodation Plan. 

II.    Description of the Standard Setting Processes for National, State, and Local Assessments 

A.   Psychometrically accepted, standard methods shall be used for setting the cutscores on the assessments. All locally-developed assessments shall be re-examined and recalibrated as needed to ensure curriculum alignment as well as appropriateness of the College and Career Ready metric. 

B.    ACT® Assessment: District locally defined College and Career Ready metric will be based on the most current ACT® College and Career Readiness Benchmarks that denote having attained or nearly attained status as established for the corresponding year in which the assessment was taken. 

C.    Pre-ACT®: District locally defined College and Career Ready metric will be based on the most current ACT® College and Career Readiness Benchmarks that denote having attained or nearly attained status as established for the corresponding year in which the assessment was taken. Pre-ACT benchmark scores are parallel to the MPS College & Career Readiness Benchmarks. 

D.    Nebraska State Accountability Tests: District locally defined College and Career Ready metric will be based on ACT score ranges associated with On Track and ACT Advanced as defined by the state for the year in which the assessment was taken. 

E.    District Course Assessments: Locally developed District assessments designed by Educational Services in conjunction with the Data, Assessment, Research, and Evaluation Department. Approved course assessments serve as a means by which students may demonstrate proficiency. 

F.    Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) by NWEA, grades K-9 and select high school courses, is a computer adaptive assessment developed and maintained using research-based psychometric practices. MAP is used for benchmarking and progress monitoring for Essential Learner Outcomes of College and Career Readiness.

III.    Demonstration of Proficiency

Student may demonstrate proficiency on the College and Career Readiness standards by successfully meeting the achievement levels established on any of the benchmarks set forth below.
A.    If a student has successfully met the College and Career Readiness metric for each outcome on the ACT® Assessment (reading and mathematics) and Analytical Writing Assessment (writing):

1.    A notation shall be made in the student’s cumulative record. Such information will be communicated to parent(s)/guardian(s).

2.    Students who meet the College and Career Readiness metric have met an essential criterion for graduating from the Millard Public Schools. Upon successful completion of the required number of credits, a Personal Learning Plan, and beginning with the Class of 2025 the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as defined by Policy 6320 and Rule 6320.1, students shall be eligible for a graduation diploma from the Millard Public Schools.

3.    Students may submit additional ACT® results for consideration in meeting the College and Career Ready metrics from testing occasions for which they have independently registered.

B.    If a student has not met the College and Career Readiness metric for a given subject area, the following shall occur:

1.    The school/district will initiate a consistent and collaborative problem solving and intervention model called Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS). Records of problem solving and intervention strategies are required.

2.    Utilizing the MTSS problem solving process, school representatives will offer the student learning activities that address recognized College and Career Readiness deficiencies. Learning activities may include, but are not limited to, the following:

a.    Differentiated/complementary instruction during regular classes (i.e., peer tutoring, needs groups, individualized instruction);
b.    Before or after school tutorials;
c.    Study hall tutorials;
d.    Change of interdisciplinary teams or level of instruction;
e.    Repeat of specific course(s) of study;
f.    Assignment to and attendance at specific class(es) designed to address deficiencies;
g.    Attendance at summer school; and/or
h.    Use of specific District identified interventions designed to support student achievement.

3.    If the student is verified with a disability, the IEP Team may reconvene to review the problem solving and intervention strategies and to ensure that the IEP is written to assist the student and that appropriate accommodations are in place.

4.    If the student has a 504 Accommodation Plan, the 504 Team may reconvene to review the problem solving and intervention strategies and to ensure that needed accommodations are in place.

5.    If the student is identified as an English Learner (EL), a school team responsible for planning the student’s academic program may reconvene to review the problem solving and
intervention strategies and to ensure that needed accommodations are in place.

C.    Additional opportunities will be provided for the student to demonstrate proficiency:

1.    If a student has not met the College and Career Readiness metric for a given subject area, the building will review the student’s results of the Pre-ACT® Assessment and Pre-ACT 8/9 Assessment. If the student has successfully met the Essential Learner Outcomes of College and Career Readiness metric measured by Pre-ACT® Assessment for each outcome, then a notation shall be made in the student’s cumulative record. Such information will be communicated to parent(s)/guardian(s).

2.    If a student still has not met the College and Career Readiness metric for a given subject area, the building will review the student’s transcript to see if any of the following apply:
a.    Approved Advanced Placement course grades of a “3” or higher or an approved AP exam score of a 2 or higher for an AP English course as evidence of Reading and Writing competency, or grades of a “3” or higher or an AP exam score of a 2 or higher for an AP mathematics exam. All AP courses and exams used for this purpose shall have been provided by and/or taken while enrolled in an accredited institution.
b.    Approved dual enrollment credit as evidence of Reading, Writing, or Mathematics competencies e.g. the Metropolitan Community College (MCC) Developmental Math Course.
c.    Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) RIT score in high school Reading or Mathematics comparable to near College and Career Ready ACT score.
d.    Early Advanced (4) or Advanced (5) scores on the English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA21) in the reading (for reading requirement) or writing (for writing requirement) domains.
e.    College and Career Readiness Benchmark for writing on the ACT.
f.    If the student has successfully met the Essential Learner Outcomes of College and Career Readiness metric measured by one of these measures, then a notation shall be made in the student’s cumulative record. Such information will be communicated to parent(s)/guardian(s).

3.    If a student still has not met the College and Career Readiness metric for a given subject area, the building will review the student’s transcript to determine if the benchmarks on the performance portfolios comprised of District developed course assessment scores for reading, writing, and math have been met. If the student has successfully met the Essential Learner Outcomes of College and Career Readiness metric as measured by the student’s performance portfolio, then a notation shall be made in the student’s cumulative record. Such information will be communicated to parent(s)/guardian(s).

4.    If a student still has not met the College and Career Readiness metric for a given subject area, the building will administer locally-developed Essential Learner Outcome assessments. If the student has successfully met the Essential Learner Outcomes of College and Career Readiness metric as measured by the Essential Learner Outcome assessment then a notation shall be made in the student’s cumulative record. Such information will be communicated to parent(s)/guardian(s).

D.    If a student still has not met the College and Career Readiness metric for a given subject area, the student will enroll in a required senior class and will not be eligible for graduation until they demonstrate proficiency on the district developed course assessments in that subject or are approved for a lowered cut score (refer to E.).

E.    If the student is verified with a disability or has a 504 Accommodation Plan, then the IEP or 504 Team will reconvene to review the education plan and may consider lowering the College and Career Readiness metric requirement as part of the IEP or 504 Accommodation Plan. The student’s parent(s) and/or guardian(s) shall be notified and shall also be advised of the effect of lowering the College and Career Readiness metric.

a.    Applications for approval of lowered College and Career Readiness metric requirements may be submitted by the student’s IEP or 504 Team to the Associate Superintendent of Educational Services for consideration and where appropriate, approval. The Associate Superintendent of Educational Services or designee shall decide and respond to all such requests.

b.    If the lowered College and Career Readiness metric is approved, the student shall then be
eligible to receive a graduation diploma with appropriate notation from the Millard Public Schools as provided in Rule 6320.1.

IV. District Procedures for Opting Out of Recommended Reteaching 

A.    Should a student participating in the Assessment Program not meet the requisite College and Career Readiness metric and be recommended for one of the problem solving and intervention strategies listed above, including placement in a specific required course, the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) shall have the right to refuse placement of their student within the recommended strategy and either:

1.    Request an alternative teaching strategy; or 

2.    Refuse such placement at all. 

B.    Such requests for an alternative teaching strategy shall be submitted in writing to the appropriate building principal. The building principal or designee shall respond within thirty (30) calendar days.

V.    District Procedures for New Students 

A.    At the high school level, incoming students who enroll after district administration of Pre-ACT 8/9, Pre-ACT® or ACT® Assessment may provide verified results of these assessments from prior administration. If verified results are not provided, the building will review the student’s transcript and follow the appropriate steps outlined in III. of this Rule to determine if a student has demonstrated proficiency.

VI.    District Procedures for Students with Disabilities and EL Students 

Pursuant to the Assessment Accommodations section of the District’s Assessment Procedures Manual, all students are to participate in the District’s regular assessments and the only students to be excluded are those with a disability or language proficiency which has excluded the student from the norm sample of the standardized assessment, and/or those students who have not participated in the area and/or level of the curriculum that the assessment measures. Even for such students, they are not totally exempt and they must take an alternate assessment.

A.    Procedures for Students with Disabilities 

The preceding assessments may not be appropriate for some students with disabilities whose individualized education programs prescribe a different course of instruction and/or different requirements for graduation. The participation of students with disabilities, the provision of accommodations, and the provision of alternate assessments will be in accordance with the District’s Assessment Procedures, which include the process for identifying appropriate assessment accommodations and alternate assessments. 

B.    Procedure for EL Students 

Students must meet all graduation requirements in the English language to earn a Millard Public Schools diploma. EL students who have not demonstrated adequate English language proficiencies may postpone testing according to district procedures.

VII.  Student’s Right to Appeal

A.    Students who have not achieved the necessary high school College and Career Readiness metrics as approved by the Millard Board of Education may appeal the denial of a diploma.

B.    A student may appeal the denial of a diploma only on the grounds that the student’s failure to achieve the required cutscore is due to:

1.    The failure of the District to provide a reasonable accommodation that was previously requested by the student and denied by the District.

2.    The failure of the District to provide an alternate assessment or approve a demonstration of proficiency, which had been previously requested by the student and denied by the District.

VIII. Procedures for Appeal 

A.    Within seven (7) days after the receipt of the notice that the student failed to achieve the cutscore required for graduation from the Millard Public Schools, a written notice of appeal shall be served upon the Superintendent of the Millard Public Schools or his/her designee. Such appeal shall set forth all of the reasons for the appeal as provided herein and shall set forth the relief sought by the student, parent(s) or guardian(s). Such notice of appeal may also include any additional information, which is relevant to the appeal. 

B.    Within seven (7) days after the receipt of the written notice of appeal and any supporting information relevant to the appeal, the Superintendent or designee shall consider and render a decision on the appeal based on whether the decision of the District was unreasonable. Such decision shall then be forwarded to the student’s parent(s) and/or guardian(s) advising the student’s parent(s) and/or guardian(s) of the basis for the Superintendent’s decision and the reasons therefore. 

C.    Within seven (7) days after the receipt of the written notification from the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee, a written request may be made by the student, parent(s), or guardian(s) to the secretary of the Millard Board of Education or the Superintendent, or designee for a hearing before the Millard Board of Education, or a committee of the Board consisting of not less than two(2) members or more than three (3) members to be held on the issue whether the decision of the Superintendent or designee was unreasonable. 

D.    Such hearing shall be held before the Millard Board of Education or committee within thirty (30) days of the date the request for hearing was received. If a hearing request is not received in a timely manner, the decision of the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee shall be final. 

E.    The student, parent(s) and/or guardian(s) shall be advised at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the hearing before the Board and such notification shall set forth the date, time, and place for the hearing before the Millard Board of Education or committee.

F.    The parties may, by mutual written agreement, extend the time for hearing or final determination.

G.    The student, parent(s), and/or guardian(s) shall have the right to be represented by legal counsel and shall have the opportunity to present such evidence that is material to the issue or issues stated in the appeal.

H.    The hearing shall be conducted in closed session and in accordance with the student privacy laws unless the student, parent(s), and/or guardian(s) shall request, in writing, that the hearing be held in open session. Any formal action of the Millard Board of Education or committee shall be taken in closed session unless such proceeding was requested by the student, parent(s), or guardian(s) to be held in open session.

I.    The decision of the Millard Board of Education or committee shall be by vote of a majority of the members of the Millard Board of Education and the Millard Board of Education or committee shall reduce its findings and decision to writing and provide the written findings and decision to the student, parent(s), and/or guardian(s) within ten (10) days of the hearing. When conducting such proceedings, the Millard Board of Education or committee shall be exercising a judicial function and deciding a dispute of adjudicative facts.

IX.    Annual Review

This Rule shall be reviewed annually by the Educational Services Division and the Department of Assessment, Research, and Evaluation and brought to the Board of Education when changes are necessary.

Date of Adoption
December 21, 1998
Date of Revision
February 7, 2000
February 4, 2002
March 3, 2003
June 21, 2004
June 6, 2005
January 16, 2006
June 4, 2007
June 16, 2008
June 15, 2009
June 7, 2010
May 16, 2011
July 2, 2012
July 1, 2013
October 21, 2013
July 7, 2014
August 17, 2015
July 11, 2016
November 6, 2017
May 7, 2018
August 20, 2018
June 3, 2019
June 7, 2021
June 6, 2022
June 5, 2023
June 3, 2024

6320: Students' Graduation

6320: Students' Graduation holly Tue, 07/16/2019 - 11:11

Graduation from our schools indicates that students have satisfactorily completed the prescribed courses of study and that they have satisfactorily passed any district-level assessments or other requirements set by the District.    In addition, students shall have demonstrated the college and career readiness skills defined in Board Rule.

The principal of each school will arrange each spring for appropriate awards and recognition programs.  Formal graduation exercises will be held for high school students meeting district requirements and will be coordinated between the high school administrators and the Superintendent.

In accordance with the requirements of state law, a student who receives special education services under the

Special Education Act and does not qualify for graduation may receive a certificate of attendance.

Date of Adoption
July 20, 1992
Date of Revision
May 17, 1999
July 31, 2000
June 4, 2007
July 7, 2008
May 2, 2022
July 6, 2009
November 1, 2010
October 21, 2013
August 20, 2018

6320.1: Students Requirements for Senior High School Graduation

6320.1: Students Requirements for Senior High School Graduation holly Tue, 07/16/2019 - 11:17

Students differ widely in interests, abilities, and personal goals. For this reason, the following are stated as minimums to allow flexibility in the planning of individual student programs.  These basic uniform requirements are established for graduation from the Millard Public Schools. In addition to specified credit requirements, students must successfully meet District Assessment requirements as outlined in Board of Education Rule 6315.1, complete a Personal Learning Plan, and beginning with the Class of 2025 complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) according to District and state requirements.





A. A grade of four (4) or better must be maintained in any course used to fulfill graduation requirements. 

B. Electives courses are offered in the subject areas previously listed and in business marketing & management, communication & information systems, world language, family & consumer sciences, skilled & technical sciences, art, drama, debate, journalism, and music.

C. In order to provide flexibility in such situations as transfers and special needs, waivers may be submitted by staff and approved by the principal. 

D. A student must complete credits as described herein in order to graduate and receive a diploma from the Millard Public Schools. 

II. Assessments: In addition to 230 credits required for graduation, students must also successfully meet the College and Career Readiness metric for the high school Essential Learner Outcomes of College and Career Readiness assessments. Assessment requirements, including the process to be followed when a student does not initially meet the Essential Learner Outcomes of College and Career Readiness metric for each outcome, are found in Rule 6315.1.

III. Personal Learning Plan (PLP): In addition to 230 credits and successfully meeting the College and Career Readiness metric for the high school Essential Learner Outcomes of College and Career Readiness, students must also complete a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) according to District requirements.

IV. Free Application for Federal Student Aid: Beginning with the Class of 2025, each student must submit to the United States Department of Education a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) prior to graduation. A public high school student shall not be required to complete the FAFSA if:

A. A parent or legal guardian of or a person standing in loco parentis to such student signs and submits the appropriate form prescribed by the Commissioner of Education indicating that such
parent, legal guardian, or person standing in loco parentis authorizes such student to decline to complete and submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid;

B. The school principal or the school principal's designee signs and submits the appropriate form prescribed by the Commissioner of Education authorizing such student to decline to complete
and submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid for good cause as determined by the school principal or the school principal's designee; or

C. A student who is nineteen years of age or older or is an emancipated minor signs and submits the appropriate form prescribed by the Commissioner of Education stating that such student declines to complete and submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

V. Graduation: Upon successful completion of the required credits, assessments, Personal Learning Plan, and beginning with the Class of 2025 Free Application for Federal Student Aid, a student shall be eligible for a graduation diploma from the Millard Public Schools.

VI. Annual Review: 

This rule shall be reviewed annually by the Educational Services Division and the Data, Assessment, Research, and Evaluation Department and brought to the Board of Education when changes are necessary.

Date of Adoption
April 16, 2011
Date of Revision
Dec. 5, 1983
Dec. 17, 1990
May 17, 1999
Oct. 18, 1999
July 31, 2000
March 4, 2002
July 21, 2003
June 21, 2004
June 6, 2005
June 5, 2006
June 4, 2007
July 7, 2008
November 2, 2009
November 1, 2010
November 7, 2011
November 5, 2012
October 21, 2013
August 4, 2014
November 3, 2014
July 6, 2015
November 2, 2015
July 11, 2016
November 6, 2017
August 20, 2018
June 3, 2019
June 7, 2021
May 2, 2022
November 7, 2022
November 21, 2022
June 5, 2023
August 21, 2023
November 6, 2023
May 20, 2024
November 4, 2024
July 6, 2009

6320.2: Students Requirements for Senior High School Graduation - International Baccalaureate Diploma Program

6320.2: Students Requirements for Senior High School Graduation - International Baccalaureate Diploma Program holly Tue, 07/16/2019 - 11:26

I. Credits: A minimum of 230 credits is required for graduation.

II. Assessments: In addition to 230 credits required for graduation, students must also successfully meet the College and Career Readiness metric for the high school Essential Learner Outcomes of College and Career Readiness assessments. 

III. Personal Learning Plan: A student must complete a personal learning Plan (PLP), meeting district requirements.

IV. Free Application for Federal Student Aid: Beginning with the Class of 2025, each student must submit to the United States Department of Education a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) prior to graduation. A public high school student shall not be required to complete the FAFSA if:

A. A parent or legal guardian of or a person standing in loco parentis to such student signs and submits the appropriate form prescribed by the Commissioner of Education indicating that such parent, legal guardian, or person standing in loco parentis authorizes such student to decline to
complete and submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid; 

B. The school principal or the school principal's designee signs and submits the appropriate form prescribed by the Commissioner of Education authorizing such student to decline to complete and submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid for good cause as determined by the school principal or the school principal's designee; or 

C. A student who is nineteen years of age or older or is an emancipated minor signs and submits the appropriate form prescribed by the Commissioner of Education stating that such student

V. Each student’s International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB DP) shall include the courses of study as outlined in Rule 6320.1 with such adjustments (additions or substitutions) to the programs and courses as listed below. Such adjustments are made to avoid duplication in the program of study required for IB DP students.

Millard Public Schools’ Graduation Requirement

International Baccalaureate Program Additions/Substitutions


English:  Selected Electives (5 credits)

Substitute IB English HL II (10 credits)

English:  Oral Communications (5 credits)

Substitute Imbedded Oral Assessments found in Language A, Language B, and Theory of Knowledge I & II requirements

Social Studies: United States History (10 credits)

Substitute IB History of the Americas HL II (10 credits)

Electives:  Human Resources Course Options

Add IB Theory of Knowledge I (maximum 5 credits)

Add IB Psychology SL (maximum 5 credits)

Science: Biology (10 credits)

Substitute IB Biology HL I (10 credits),

Add Introduction to IB Chemistry and Physics (10 credits),

IB Chemistry (10 credits), and  

IB Physics (10 credits) to course options


Health Education: Healthy Living will be available for enrollment during grades 9-12 for IB DP students. Students waived out of Healthy Living must pick an additional Human Resources course. The Theory of Knowledge I course can only meet the Human Resource Course 5 credit requirement. 

These adjustments are only applicable to students enrolled in the full International Baccalaureate Diploma program with intentions to test for and secure the IB Diploma.

Date of Adoption
April 16, 2011
Date of Revision
August 4, 2003
June 5, 2006
June 4, 2007
July 7, 2008
November 2, 2009
November 1, 2010
November 7, 2011
November 5, 2012
December 17, 2012
October 21, 2013
November 3, 2014
November 2, 2015
August 20, 2018
August 21, 2023
July 6, 2009
May 2, 2022

6320.3: Requirements for Senior High School Graduation - Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC) Program

6320.3: Requirements for Senior High School Graduation - Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC) Program holly Tue, 07/16/2019 - 11:31

I. Credits: A minimum of 230 credits is required for graduation.

II. Assessments: In addition to 230 credits required for graduation, students must also successfully meet the College and Career Readiness metric for the high school Essential Learner Outcomes of College and Career Readiness assessments.

III. Personal Learning Plan: A student must complete a Personal Learning Plan (PLP), meeting District requirements.

IV. Free Application for Federal Student Aid: Beginning with the Class of 2025, each student must submit to the United States Department of Education a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) prior to graduation. A public high school student shall not be required to complete the FAFSA if:

A. A parent or legal guardian of or a person standing in loco parentis to such student signs and submits the appropriate form prescribed by the Commissioner of Education indicating that such parent, legal guardian, or person standing in loco parentis authorizes such student to decline to
complete and submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid;

 B. The school principal or the school principal's designee signs and submits the appropriate form prescribed by the Commissioner of Education authorizing such student to decline to complete and submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid for good cause as determined by the school principal or the school principal's designee; or

C. A student who is nineteen years of age or older or is an emancipated minor signs and submits the appropriate form prescribed by the Commissioner of Education stating that such student declines to complete and submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

V. Each student’s Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC) Program shall include the courses of study as outlined in Rule 6320.1 with such adjustments (additions or substitutions) to the programs and courses as listed below. Such adjustments are made to avoid duplication in the program of study required for AFJROTC students.

Millard Public Schools’ Graduation Requirement

AFJROTC Additions/Substitutions


Social Studies: World Geography (5 credits)

Substitute Cultural Studies:  An Introduction to Global Awareness (5 credits) - Cadet Year 1

Science: Elective (5 credits)

Add The Science of Flight: A Gateway to New Horizons (5 credits) as a science elective - Cadet Year 2

Physical Education: (5 credits)

Add Traditions, Wellness, and Foundations of Citizenship(5 credits) as one of three courses towards fulfilling the Physical Education Graduation Requirement - Cadet Year 1

Financial Literacy: Personal Finance (5 credits)

Substitute Life Skills and Career Opportunities

(5 credits) to fulfill Financial Literacy Graduation Requirement - Cadet Year 4

These adjustments are applicable to students enrolled in the AFJROTC Program during the corresponding academic year as Millard Public Schools’ courses are required and as applicable to the Cadet Year. Cadet Years equal the number of years within the AFJROTC Program and are not related to the grade level in high school (i.e., Cadet Year 1 could be a student in ninth, tenth, eleventh or twelfth grade).

All AFJROTC courses are required in the sequence outlined in the High School Curriculum Handbook and Registration Guide regardless of grade level when entering the AFJROTC Program and will count as elective credit if a student has already fulfilled a graduation requirement listed on the above chart.

Date of Adoption
July 11, 2016
Date of Revision
May 2, 2022
August 21, 2023
August 20, 2018

6320.4: Transfer of High School Credits

6320.4: Transfer of High School Credits holly Tue, 07/16/2019 - 11:33

Transfer Credits are defined as any credit not earned at a Millard Public Schools high school. Millard Public Schools reserves the sole right to grant credit for work completed at or through other institutions according to the following conditions. 

I. Transfer Credits for New to Millard High School Enrollments 

A. As accredited schools, Millard high schools will accept transfer credits from Cognia or State accredited schools in order to ensure appropriate academic placement of incoming students based on the following procedures. 

1. Transfer credits from accredited schools will be considered on a course by course basis and will be considered for approval by the high school principal or designee where the transferring student enrolls pending review of the official high school transcript. 

2. Transfer from non-accredited schools may be considered on a course by course basis on a pass-fail basis. 

3. Approval will be based upon course work completed that meets the following standards including, but not limited to: 

i. Length of enrollment in previous school setting(s), 

ii. Course content that meets or exceeds Nebraska State Standards and Millard Public Schools Standards and Indicators; 

iii. Successful completion of course requirements including receipt of a passing grade. 

B. Course grades, including weighted grades, from other school districts will be applied only as defined in Millard Public Schools policy and rule. 

C. Upon approval, courses will be placed on the Millard Public Schools transcript under the name of the credit awarding institution following the format for Millard Public Schools. 

II. Transfer Credits from International Schools 

A. The family or guardian enrolling the student is responsible for providing an official transcript in English from any non U.S. diploma awarding school. 

B. Transcripts from schools located outside of the United States will be evaluated in the same manner as internationally and nationally accredited public schools within the United States (Cognia or State Accreditation). 

C. Transcripts from Department of Defense (DOD) schools located outside of the United States will be evaluated in the same manner as nationally accredited public schools within the United States (Cognia State Accreditation). 

D. International Baccalaureate (IB) classes will be evaluated in the same manner as nationally accredited public schools within the United States due to standardization of the curriculum. 

E. When course grades/credits are received from schools that lack a grade scale, a mark of credit or no credit will be applied. 

III. Transfer Credits for Summer School courses from Cognia or State Accredited Schools for Students Currently Enrolled in Millard Public Schools must be Pre-Approved 

A. Students may seek approval to physically attend a Summer School program outside of Millard Public Schools due to: 

1. Being out of town for the summer months, 

2. Having a conflict with the Millard Public Schools summer school dates, or 

3. Courses needed are not available within Millard Public Schools summer sessions. 

B. Credit may be approved if the credit awarding institution and the course are pre-approved by the student’s counselor and the high school principal or designee. 

C. Currently enrolled high school students may earn summer school credits by physically attending courses offered by Cognia or State Accredited High Schools during their ninth through twelfth grade years. 

D. Approval will be based upon course work completed that meets or exceeds the following standards including: 

1. Course content that meets or exceeds Nebraska State Standards and Millard Public Schools Standards and Indicators, 

2. The District approved course sequence of study as defined within the High School Curriculum Handbook and Registration Guide, 

3. Non duplication of previously earned courses and credits, 

4. Instructional time within a school setting which meets or exceeds Millard Public Schools summer school instructional minutes, 

5. Successful completion of course requirements including receipt of a passing grade. 

E. No more than a total of ten credits (one semester = 5 credits) per summer will be approved or accepted for summer school courses. The ten credit limit includes courses taken within Millard Public Schools Summer School and those outside of the District. 

F. Course grades, including weighted grades, from other school districts will be applied only as defined in Millard Public Schools policy and rule. 

G. Upon course completion, students will be responsible for having the credit granting school send an official transcript to the high school registrar. 

H. Upon receipt and verification of the official transcript, courses will be placed on the Millard Public Schools transcript under the name of the credit awarding school following the format for Millard Public Schools. 

I. Costs associated with these courses are the responsibility of the student and parent/guardian. 

IV. Transfer Credits from Cognia or State Accredited High School On-line Classes for Currently Enrolled Fulltime Students s must be Pre-Approved 

A. Credit may be approved if the credit awarding institution and the course are pre-approved by the student’s high school counselor and the high school principal or designee. 

1. Courses may be taken for credit recovery or to expand learning opportunities. 

B. Currently enrolled high school students may earn up to a cumulative total of 20 credits (one semester = 5 credits) from Cognia or State Accredited High School on-line classes. The cumulative total of 20 credits: 

1. May be earned during ninth through twelfth grade years, beginning no sooner than the summer prior to a student’s first semester of ninth grade, and 

2. May only be approved for 5 credits per semester. 

C. Approval will be based upon: 

1. Course content that meets or exceeds Nebraska State Standards and Millard Public Schools Standards and Indicators, 

2. The District approved course sequence of study as defined within the High School Curriculum Handbook and Registration Guide, 

3. Successful completion of course requirements including receipt of a passing grade, 

4. Non duplication of previously earned courses and credits. 

D. Credit that will not be approved through on-line courses include: 

1. Physical Education, Science lab courses (Biology, Chemistry, Physical Science: Chemistry, Physics, Physical Science: Physics) or performing arts courses; 

2. Advanced Placement courses; 

3. International Baccalaureate courses. 

E. Upon course completion, students will be responsible for having the credit granting source send an official transcript to the high school registrar. Upon receipt and verification of the official transcript, courses will be placed on the Millard Public Schools transcript under the name of the credit awarding school following the format for Millard Public Schools. 

F. Costs associated with these courses are the responsibility of the student and parent/guardian. 

V. Partial Enrollment in Millard and Non-accredited Institutions 

A. At the time a student drops below 50% enrollment, a diploma intent form will be completed by the student to indicate if he or she intends to earn a Millard Public Schools diploma. 

B. For students who maintain a partial enrollment, Millard High Schools will accept transfer credits from Cognia and State accredited schools and will consider credits from a non-accredited school on a course by course basis for up to 50% of credits required to earn a diploma from Millard Public Schools. 

C. All transfer students must fulfill Millard Public Schools requirements to earn a Millard diploma. 

VI. Transfer Credits through the University of Nebraska at Omaha must be Pre-Approved 

A. In rare circumstances, credit for post-secondary institution courses may be approved if pre- approved by the student’s counselor and the high school principal or designee. 

B. Courses eligible for consideration are limited to the area of Mathematics. 

C. Approval will be based upon: 

1. Completion of highest level available weighted mathematics courses prior to meeting the Millard Public School graduation credit requirement, 

2. Fulfilling, not exceeding, the 30 mathematics credit required for graduation, 

3. The ability to schedule the course in a manner that will not interfere with the completion of other Millard Public Schools graduation requirements. 

D. Upon course completion, students will be responsible for having the credit granting source send an official transcript to the high school registrar. 

E. Upon receipt and verification of the official transcript, the course will be placed on the Millard Public Schools transcript as a transfer course (TRN 999) in order to reflect the title of the college mathematics course. 

F. Costs for tuition and textbook(s) associated with these courses are the responsibility of the Millard Public Schools . 

G. Costs for and means of transportation are the responsibility of the student and parent/guardian. 

VII. Transfer Credits for Expelled Students

A. Students expelled from the District are not required to attend or participate in the District’s alternative courses or programs. For such students only, the District will accept at the conclusion of the expulsion and reinstatement of the student, any nonduplicative, grade- appropriate credits earned by an expelled student during the term of the expulsion, from any Nebraska accredited institution or institution accredited by one (1) of the six (6) regional
accrediting bodies in the United States.

VIII. Application Process for Transfer Credit for Students Currently Enrolled in Millard Public Schools 

A. The student completes a Millard Public Schools External Transfer Credit Application. 

B. The student attaches course description and/or syllabus (preferred) to the Application as well as a statement explaining the reasons for taking the course outside of a Millard Public Schools high school 

C. The student submits the Millard Public Schools External Transfer Credit Application to the high school principal 

D. The high school principal or designee begins the review process according to the criteria noted in the above associated section. 

E. Upon completion of review, the high school principal or designee communicates the findings to the student. 

F. A copy of the approved/disapproved Application is placed in the student’s cumulative folder. 

IX. Appeal Process 

A. The student or parent(s) may submit a written appeal to the Director of Secondary Education within seven days of notification of non-approval. 

1. The appeal should identify extenuating circumstances for consideration. 

2. The Director of Secondary Education and the Director of Student Services will review the appeal, the original application, and supporting documentation within seven days after the receipt of the written appeal. 

3. The Director of Secondary Education will notify the student and parents of a decision. 

B. In the event the Directors do not approve the credit request, the student or parent(s) have the right to submit a written appeal to the Associate Superintendent for Educational Services within seven days of notification of non-approval by the Directors. 

1. The appeal should identify extenuating circumstances for consideration. 

2. The Associate Superintendent will review the written appeals, the original application, and supporting documentation within seven days after receipt. 

3. The Associate Superintendent will notify the student and parents of a decision.

Date of Adoption
October 21, 2013
Date of Revision
March 21, 2016
August 20, 2018
May 2, 2022
August 21, 2023

6320.5: Students' Certificate of Attendance Requirements

6320.5: Students' Certificate of Attendance Requirements holly Tue, 07/16/2019 - 11:35

At the request of a parent or guardian, the District shall issue a certificate of attendance to a student who receives special education services under the Special Education Act, who has reached seventeen years of age, and who has not completed his or her individualized education plan. The District shall allow a student who receives a certificate of attendance under this Rule to participate in the high school graduation ceremony of such high school with students receiving high school diplomas. A student may receive only one certificate of attendance and may participate in only one graduation ceremony based on such certificate. The receipt of a certificate of attendance pursuant to this Rule shall not affect the District’s obligation to continue to provide special education services to a student receiving such certificate.

This Rule does not preclude a student from receiving a high school diploma by meeting the District’s graduation requirements pursuant to Neb. Stat. § 79-729 or in his or her individualized education plan or receiving a diploma of high school equivalency under Neb. Rev. Stat § 79-730 upon completing the requirements of such statute. The District may allow a student who has previously participated in a graduation ceremony based on a certificate of attendance to participate in an additional graduation ceremony when such student receives a high school diploma.

Date of Adoption
July 7, 2008
Date of Revision
July 11, 2016
July 6, 2009
October 21, 2013
August 20, 2018
May 2, 2022

6330: Grades

6330: Grades holly Tue, 07/16/2019 - 11:38

The Superintendent or designee shall develop and implement student grading guidelines. The objectives of grading guidelines shall be to quantify and report the academic achievement of each student. Grades should fairly reflect the level of student achievement in the knowledge and skills specified by grade level or content standards and indicators and shall be in accordance with the District’s Essential Learner Outcomes of College and Career Readiness.  

The Superintendent or designee shall develop and implement a grading system that shall be utilized by the administrators and teachers of the District.

Date of Adoption
April 24, 2000
Date of Revision
April 2, 2007
December 2, 2013
October 5, 2020
March 3, 2025

6330.1: Grading Guidelines for Second - Twelfth Grade

6330.1: Grading Guidelines for Second - Twelfth Grade holly Tue, 07/16/2019 - 11:42

The Millard Public Schools Grading Guidelines for second through twelfth grade shall be used to report achievement and academic progress and to compute Grade Point Averages (GPA).  Weighted grade points shall be given to those grades received in Advanced Placement (AP) classes or International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) classes where applicable.



Weighted grade points will apply to Advanced Placement courses, to those courses taken for International Baccalaureate purposes wherein students are required to meet IB requirements for standard level (SL) or higher level (HL) assessment and to those courses which are beyond the Advanced Placement course sequence within a specific content area as identified in the Millard Public Schools High School Curriculum Handbook and Registration Guide. Pre-IB courses do not qualify for weighted grade points. 

Graduates will be recognized for honors in accordance with the following Grade Point Averages (GPA):

Summa Cum Laude            4.0 and above

Magna Cum Laude             3.75-3.99

Cum Laude                           3.50-3.74


Date of Adoption
April 24, 2000
Date of Revision
July 21, 2003
August 6, 2007
November 2, 2009
August 17, 2015
November 5, 2018
September 16, 2019
March 3, 2025
April 2, 2007

6330.2: Grading Guidelines for Kindergarten and First Grade

6330.2: Grading Guidelines for Kindergarten and First Grade holly Tue, 07/16/2019 - 11:47

The Millard Public Schools Grading Guidelines for kindergarten and first grade shall be used to report academic progress where applicable.  The following continuum will be used:

Exceeding (Exc)

Student can apply the skill/concept independently.

Meeting (Meet)

Student can apply the skill/concept with minimal teacher support.

Progressing (Prog)

Student can apply the skill/concept at times, but continues to need some teacher support.

Beginning (Beg)

Student needs consistent support from teacher to apply the skill/concept.

Date of Adoption
April 24, 2000
Date of Revision
October 2, 2006
August 6, 2007
June 16, 2008
June 3, 2024
March 3, 2025
April 2, 2007
April 4, 2016
August 15, 2022

6330.3: Recording and Communication

6330.3: Recording and Communication holly Tue, 07/16/2019 - 11:50

The District-adopted student information system grade book and report card modules shall be used by all administrators and teachers to record and communicate student performance. The Superintendent or designee(s) shall implement procedures for the use of the student information system.

Date of Adoption
April 2, 2007
December 2, 2013
October 5, 2020
March 3, 2025

6330.4: Grading Guidelines for Montessori

6330.4: Grading Guidelines for Montessori jmcarson1 Wed, 06/12/2024 - 11:56

The Millard Public Schools Grading Guidelines for Montessori shall be used to report academic progress where applicable.  The following continuum will be used:



Student has mastered the skill or concept independently as related to grade level standards.


Student continues to practice the skill or concept with minimal guidance from adults.


Student is practicing the skill or concept with guidance from adults.


Skill or concept has been presented to the student.


Not Complete

Student has demonstrated mastery of less than 80% of the course content.


Student has demonstrated mastery of 80% or more of the course content.

Date of Adoption
June 3, 2024
March 3, 2025

6331: Acceleration and Retention

6331: Acceleration and Retention holly Tue, 07/16/2019 - 11:52

The Superintendent or designee shall develop and implement student acceleration and retention procedures. The objectives of the procedures shall be to provide parents and District staff with guidelines and a process for making decisions regarding student grade or subject placement acceleration, and student grade placement retention, when either the appropriateness of continued instruction in the current grade or subject placement, or the appropriateness of promotion to the next grade, are questioned by parents or District staff.

Date of Adoption
June 4, 2012
Date of Revision
February 3, 2025
January 7, 2019

6335: Awards for Achievement

6335: Awards for Achievement holly Tue, 07/16/2019 - 11:54

Professional staff will maintain a set of criteria and procedures for presenting letters or other suitable awards to students for scholarship and distinguished service in any school activity.  In all cases, the relationship between the award and the relevant goal or goals of the schools should be pointed out. 

The professional staff is authorized to review and approve, or reject, proposed trophies, prizes, scholarships or other awards from non-school donors. Acceptance will require affirmative answers to at least the following questions: 

  1. Can the proposed award be considered free from motives of personal or corporate gain and publicity? 
  2. Are the criteria for making the award under the control of the professional staff, or acceptable to the staff? 
  3. Are the purposes, either implied or explicit, of the proposed award consistent with our schools’ goals?
Date of Adoption
February 4, 1974
Date of Revision
August 4, 2003 (from 5126)
September 26, 2022
April 5, 2010
April 4, 2016

6335.1: Awards for Achievement

6335.1: Awards for Achievement holly Tue, 07/16/2019 - 12:02

The principal of each school shall establish standards, criteria and other needed guides for administering student awards unique to his/her school in accord with adopted board policy. A statement of such standards, criteria and administrative guides for each award or class of awards will be kept on file in the school and will be available for examination by any student, teacher or other citizen.

Date of Adoption
February 4, 1974
Date of Revision
August 4, 2003
April 5, 2010
April 4, 2016
September 26, 2022

6340: Communication with Parents

6340: Communication with Parents holly Tue, 07/16/2019 - 12:05

The District recognizes that quality communication between parent and teacher is important to the students’ educational development.

Communication between parent and teacher shall be varied and frequent. Methods of communication may include but are not limited to parent-teacher conferences, mail, e-mail, student information system portal, telephone, school visitation by parents and home visitation by teachers.

Date of Adoption
February 4, 1974
Date of Revision
August 24, 2000
March 19, 2007
November 4, 2013
September 16, 2019

6340.1: Communication With Parents

6340.1: Communication With Parents holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 09:28

Parent notification about unsatisfactory student work is the responsibility of the teacher. The notification shall reflect the educational growth of the student in relationship to his or her ability and achievement. This responsibility is to be carried out as follows:

1. At regular intervals or the mid-point of each marking period, parents of students doing failing or near-failing work are to be notified in writing by the teacher with notification also given to the counselor or principal.

2. At least two weeks before the end of each marking period if failing or near failing work persists, the teacher should again give written notices to the students’ parents concerning the students’ unsatisfactory work with this information made available to the counselor or principal.

Date of Adoption
February 4, 1974
Date of Revision
August 24, 2000
March 19, 2007
November 4, 2013
September 16, 2019

6340.2 Communication with Parents- Title I Parent and Family Engagement

6340.2 Communication with Parents- Title I Parent and Family Engagement jmcarson1 Tue, 09/24/2019 - 08:57

Millard Public Schools intends to follow the Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy guidelines in accordance with federal law, Section 1116(a -f) ESSA, (Every Student Succeeds Act) of 2015.

In General
The written District parent and family engagement policy has been developed jointly, will be updated periodically and is distributed to parents and family members of participating children and the local community in an understandable and uniform format. This policy agreed on by such parents describes the means for carrying out the requirements as listed below.


  • Parents and family members of all students are welcomed and encouraged to become involved with their child’s school and education; this includes parents and family members that have limited English proficiency, limited literacy, are economically disadvantaged, have disabilities, racial or ethnic minority background or are migratory children. Information related to school and parent programs, meetings, school reports and other activities are sent to the parents of participating children in a format, and to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand. 


  • Parents are involved in the planning, review, evaluation and improvement of the Title I program, Parent and Family Engagement Policy and the School-Parent Compact at an annual parent meeting scheduled at a convenient time. This would include the planning and implementation of effective parent and family involvement activities.


  • Conduct, with meaningful parent and family involvement, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the Parent and Family Engagement Policy. Use the evaluation findings to design evidence-based strategies for more effective parental involvement, and to revise the Parent and Family Engagement Policy.


  • Opportunities are provided for parents and family members to participate in decisions related to the education of their child/children. The school and local educational agency shall provide other reasonable support for parental involvement activities.


  • Parents of participating children will be provided timely information about programs under this part, a description and explanation of the curriculum in use, the forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress and the achievement levels of the challenging State academic standards. The school will provide assistance, opportunities, and/or materials and training to help parents work with their children to improve their children’s academic achievement in a format, and when feasible, in a language the parents and family members can understand.


  • Educate teachers, specialized instructional support personnel, principals, and other school leaders, with the assistance of parents in the value and utility of contributions of parents, how to reach out to, communicate with and work with parents as equal partners.


  • Coordinate and integrate parental involvement programs and activities with other Federal, State and local programs, including preschool programs that encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children.
Date of Adoption
September 16, 2019

6400: Professional Learning

6400: Professional Learning holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 09:48

The purpose of professional learning is to improve student achievement through differentiated learning and instructional opportunities and to improve the effective operation of the District. Educational Services and Leadership & Learning will work collaboratively with District level and building leaders to provide professional learning that supports best instructional practices focused on the written, taught, and assessed curriculum, the District-identified Indicators of Effective Teaching and Learning, and the continuous improvement of knowledge and skills as they apply to the Millard Education Program (MEP).

Date of Adoption
July 12, 1999
Date of Revision
December 19, 2011
January 4, 2016
September 26, 2022
December 6, 2004

6500: Assessed Curriculum - Program Evaluation

6500: Assessed Curriculum - Program Evaluation holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 09:54

The Board of Education shall direct the Superintendent to develop and implement a comprehensive program evaluation system. The goal of program evaluation shall be to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of school programs. In some cases, detailed, process or audit information (description) on programs or curriculum is required and in other instances, critical data on effectiveness (inferences about causal relationships) is needed. Programs shall be defined as either systematic and identifiable delivery systems or new curricula. Program assessment data shall be used to modify, improve or terminate ineffective programs and when making budget and other programmatic decisions.

Date of Adoption
July 26, 1999
Date of Revision
February 18, 2013
September 5, 2006
August 19, 2019

6500.1: Assessed Curriculum - Program Evaluation

6500.1: Assessed Curriculum - Program Evaluation holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 09:59


The following steps shall be used in creating a program evaluation design:

Step 1—Setting the Parameters of the Evaluation

a. Determine the purpose of the evaluation: whether the information is to be used for descriptive purposes or to draw causal conclusions about effectiveness
b. Compile program background information: economic, contextual, political, social factors

Step 2—Selecting Evaluation Methodology

a. Determine evaluation questions
b. Determine possible uses of study through stakeholder involvement
c. Design a plan for assessing program effectiveness or reviewing program implementation procedures
d. Design a time line for implementing the evaluation

Step 3—Collecting, Analyzing Data and Reporting Results

a. Implement evaluation design
b. Provide interim reports and modify and adjust as necessary
c. Analyze data to address evaluation questions and communicate preliminary findings with stakeholders
d. Revise, conduct additional analyses as needed
e. Finalize and submit report to Superintendent and Board of Education

Date of Adoption
July 26, 1999
Date of Revision
February 18, 2013
September 5, 2006
August 19, 2019

6510: Assessed Curriculum - Innovation/Program Change

6510: Assessed Curriculum - Innovation/Program Change holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 10:01

It is the policy of the Millard Public Schools that innovation and program change on a regular basis are critical to maintaining a quality learning program for students at both the elementary and secondary level. Planning for improvement of the District’s educational program must always include a) innovative programs developed by the District’s professional educators which are supported by sound educational philosophy and research, and b) the identification and district trial of those programs developed by others which seem to hold promise for district improvement.

The professional staff is encouraged to seek improvement of the educational programs in the schools through all appropriate means, including carefully designed pilot programs of an original nature and structured field studies developed by sources outside of the Millard Public Schools that are supported by existing data or research. Such innovations must be a part of the building site plan and must involve collaboration with appropriate representatives of the Department of Educational Services.

Date of Revision
July 20, 1992
July 26, 1999
December 4, 2006
February 4, 2013
October 7, 2019

6510.1: Assessed Curriculum - Innovation/Pilot Programs and Field Studies

6510.1: Assessed Curriculum - Innovation/Pilot Programs and Field Studies holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 10:08

I. Pilot program proposals and field study proposals will be submitted to the Office of the Superintendent and, if approved, to the Millard Board of Education for approval. Such proposals shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

A. Rationale

B. Compatibility with the District Strategic Plan

C. Compatibility with the District Curriculum Cycle

D. Existing research or data base

E. Clientele to be involved

F. Desired outcomes to be achieved

G. Strategies to be employed

H. Resources needed

I. Evaluation strategies

II. Pilot programs and field studies will be viewed as being temporary. Project continuation or expansion will be based on the outcome of the project evaluation.

III. Evaluation data will be presented to the Office of the Superintendent so that judgements can be made as to program success prior to the decision being made as to program continuation, modification, expansion or deletion.

IV. Based on successful pilot programs or field studies, recommendations for program expansion into other levels and/or buildings shall be incorporated into the curricular framework format and shall be presented to the Board of Education by the Office of the Superintendent.

V. The Office of the Superintendent will submit to the Board of Education a status report on all pilot studies as they are completed.

Date of Adoption
July 20, 1992
Date of Revision
July 26, 1999
December 4, 2006
February 4, 2013
October 7, 2019

6605: Journalism

6605: Journalism holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 10:11

The District recognizes that student journalism is an important element of the curriculum and, therefore, supports the publication of newspapers, annuals, and magazines as a part of the District curriculum through print or any other written or electronic medium. District classrooms, buildings, grounds, and all District property, facilities and instrumentalities constitute a non-public forum. Print or electronic publications which are a part of the curriculum shall be subject to the control of the classroom instructor and building principal, and shall comply with applicable District policy and rule regarding use of school facilities and property.

Date of Revision
July 5, 1988
April 21, 1997
July 26, 1999
January 7, 2013
September 5, 2006
November 16, 2020

6605.1: Journalism

6605.1: Journalism holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 10:13


I. Prohibited Expressions. 

Prior to publication of the student newspaper, annuals, and magazines, the classroom instructor and school principal or designee shall review classroom materials to determine their acceptability for publication. Student publications may be restricted, edited, or prohibited when, after considering the maturity level of the students, the classroom instructor, principal (or designee) determines any of the following:

A. The expression is considered vulgar or obscene. Vulgar or obscene expressions are those which the average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find that when taken as a whole, appeal to prurient interests; or, the expressions depict or describe in a patently offensive way sexual conduct in a manner prohibited by applicable law; or, the obscene materials, taken as a whole, lack serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. 

B. The expression is considered defamatory. Expressions shall be considered defamatory when they include libelous falsehoods about individuals. In order to be libelous, the libelous falsehood must be made with actual malice; that is, with the knowledge that it is false or with reckless disregard of whether or not it is false. 

C. The expression invades the privacy of others. Invasion of privacy includes exploitation of an individual's personality; providing information of an individual's private affairs with which the public has no legitimate concern; or wrongful intrusion into an individual's private activities in a manner that can cause mental suffering, shame, or humiliation to a person of ordinary sensibilities. 

D. The expression criticizes school officials or advocates violation of District Policies or Rules. Such expressions are prohibited to the extent that there is evidence that supports a reasonable judgment that substantial disruption of or material interference with the normal operation of the school or school activities will result, as provided in Section I (F) below.

E. The expression is discriminatory. Expressions which attack or promote discrimination against groups or individuals on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, marital status, disability, or age.

F. The expression substantially interrupts or materially interferes with the educational process. Such expressions are prohibited when there is information which causes school administrators to reasonably forecast that a substantial disruption of or material interference with the normal operation of the school or school activities may occur, or injury to persons, damage to property, or interference with the rights of others may result if permitted. 

G. The expression is highly controversial. The publication is highly controversial and advances or advocates a certain viewpoint or lifestyle which has an inflammatory effect. An indication of whether something is controversial is whether the topic would reasonably offend some groups or would be shocking to teachers, parents, and/or students. To be prohibited under this subsection, the expression must substantially interrupt or materially interfere with the educational process.

H. The expression constitutes sexual harassment. The expression violates District Rules 5010.1, 5010.3 or 5400.6 or constitutes prohibited sexual harassment.

II. Guidelines for Student Memorials

A. Yearbook Guidelines:

1. A deceased student's picture, if available, will be included with the pictures of other students in the class for the year covered by the yearbook. In addition, approximately one-fourth page will be allowed for each student who died during the year. This area will include each student's picture (if available), the student's legal name, and the dates of birth and death. The top of the page will be designated, "Memorial Page" or "In Memory." If there are no student deaths there will be no memorial page.

2. For yearbooks that are delivered in the Fall, the memorial page will precede the index page. The yearbook will cover deaths from the beginning of summer through the last day of the school year. If there is a death during the summer and the student has not graduated, the student's picture will appear in the next year's yearbook.

3. For yearbooks that are delivered in the Spring, with a Fall supplement, the memorial page will be at the end of the yearbook supplement. The yearbook and supplement cover deaths that occur from July 1st through the next June 30th.

B. Student Newspaper Guidelines: 

1. Because of the periodic nature of student newspapers, no memorial pictures or articles will be published. Letters to the editor of tribute to the deceased or of sympathy to family and/or friends may be published. Letters must be signed and are subject to editing, after consultation with the author(s). Staff editorials may be published, at the discretion of the editorial staff and with the approval of the newspaper sponsor.

III. Violation of District Policy or Rule. Students who violate District policy or rule governing journalism through printed material, e-mail, or any other written or electronic medium are subject to disciplinary action as set forth in District Rule 5400.1. 

IV. Request for Hearing. Any student or student group believing that the District has unfairly deprived the student or student group of their freedom of expression may request a review of the perceived deprivation by following the procedures set forth in District Rule 5510.1.

V. Advertisements. Any person or entity wishing to advertise in a District publication must obtain written approval by the building principal or principal's designee prior to publication.

Date of Adoption
July 5, 1988
Date of Revision
April 21, 1997
July 26, 1999
April 24, 2000
January 7, 2013
November 16, 2020
September 5, 2006

6610: Multicultural Education

6610: Multicultural Education holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 10:20

The instructional program of the Millard Public Schools shall incorporate multicultural education in all curriculum areas at all grades. Multicultural education includes, but is not limited to, studies relative to the culture, history and contributions of African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans, and European Americans with special emphasis on human relations and sensitivity toward all races.

Date of Revision
November 2, 1992
April 27, 1998
July 26, 1999
March 6, 2006
September 15, 2008
February 2, 2015
November 1, 2021

6610.1: Multicultural Education

6610.1: Multicultural Education holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 10:25

The Multicultural Education Program shall comply with the requirements of Nebraska law and the accreditation rules of the Nebraska Department of Education.

I. Statement of Philosophy

A. Multicultural Education is essential in meeting the mission of the Millard Public Schools. Students will be provided with opportunities:

1. to gain knowledge and appreciation of their own unique racial and ethnic heritage

2. to gain knowledge, understanding and respect for the racial and ethnic diversity of our country, our world and its peoples.

II. Program Parameter

A. The Multicultural Education Program shall be incorporated into the Millard Education Program, all curriculum frameworks and course guides, and include a process for selecting appropriate instructional materials, providing staff development, and periodic assessment of the program.

B. An annual report shall be provided to the Board of Education.

Date of Revision
November 2, 1992
April 27, 1998
July 26, 1999
March 6, 2006
September 15, 2008
February 2, 2015
November 1, 2021

6615: Health Education

6615: Health Education holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 10:28

Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being. Wellness is the highest level of health that can be achieved.  It is essential that students receive sound health education that promotes, reinforces, supports and enhances wellness behaviors.

The Millard Board of Education is committed to a sound, comprehensive health education program that is an integral part of each student’s general education.  Such programming shall be in compliance with any laws, rules and regulations currently in force and any others which may emerge in the future

Students will learn positive behavior strategies that will enable them to screen media messages, deal with peer pressure, and make appropriate adjustments to changes that occur throughout their lives.  Students will be equipped with identified strategies to avoid risk situations.  Positive health behaviors based on self-respect and respect for others must be developed, supported and enhanced.

Date of Revision
November 2, 1992
July 26, 1999
April 3, 2006
January 7, 2013
November 21, 2016

6615.1: Health Education

6615.1: Health Education holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 10:31

As provided in State statute, programs will be provided for instructing students in a comprehensive health education program which shall include instruction (1) as to the physiological, psychological, and sociological aspects of drug use, misuse, and abuse and (2) on mental disabilities and other developmental disabilities, such as cerebral palsy, autism, and epilepsy, their causes, and the prevention thereof through proper nutrition and the avoidance of the consumption of drugs as defined in this section. For purpose of this section, drugs shall mean any and all biologically active substances used in the treatment of illnesses or for recreation or pleasure. Special emphasis shall be placed upon the commonly abused drugs of tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hallucinogenics, amphetamines, barbiturates, and narcotics.

The health education program will be accomplished through the provision of a multi-cultural, gender-fair, disability-sensitive instructional program, based on the acquisition of knowledge and the development of personal skills that promote healthy behavior.

In the area of family life education and the study of human sexuality, it is essential that there be understanding, support and continual communications among home, school and community religious organizations. As it regards District programming, a pro-abstinence position will be conveyed and supported by the District and its personnel. In addition, the following will be adhered to: 

I. Instructional materials to be used in 5th, 6th, and 8th grade health courses and Everyday/Healthy Living will be available for inspection by the parent or guardian. These materials may be viewed at the student’s school or during Parent Orientation Events as set forth in District Rule 6810.1;

II. If, after a review of the materials and a conference with the teacher/principal, a parent/guardian requests that his/her child not participate in a given course or aspect of a course, an alternative educational assignment will be arranged for the student as set forth in District Rules 6810.2 and 1310.2.

Date of Adoption
November 2, 1992
Date of Revision
July 26, 1999
April 3, 2006
January 7, 2013
November 21, 2016

6620: Fire Instruction and Prevention

6620: Fire Instruction and Prevention holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 10:34


State Fire Day shall be observed by district schools with exercises appropriate to the subject and the day. The second Friday in May is State Fire Day.

District schools shall provide regular periods of instruction in the subject of fire dangers and in methods of fire prevention.

Date of Adoption
September 24, 2001
Date of Revision
October 1, 2007
September 16, 2013
September 21, 2020

6625: School Libraries

6625: School Libraries holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 10:35

The District recognizes that school libraries play a vital role in education by providing access to and instruction for a variety of resources. The District will provide comprehensive library facilities with up-to-date fiction and non-fiction books, reference materials, and digital resources necessary to support a world-class educational community, promote literacy and reading for pleasure, and achieve personal excellence and responsible citizenship. 

Date of Adoption
June 16, 1975
Date of Revision
August 9, 1999
February 21, 2011
February 19, 2018
November 6, 2006

6625.1: School Libraries

6625.1: School Libraries holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 10:40

The District's school libraries and teacher-librarians shall provide: 

A. Instruction that enables students, staff and the community to become proficient users of library resources. 

B. Information to teachers and administrators concerning sources and availability of instructional materials that will aid in the delivery of District approved curriculum. 

C. Opportunities for teacher-librarians, in cooperation with classroom teachers, to develop and deliver instructional units and activities using print and digital resources. 

D. Collaboration with teachers and students in the evaluation, selection, production, and uses of instructional materials. 

E. A collection of materials and resources that support user academic and personal needs and interests 

F. Assistance to teachers, administrators, and other school staff members in becoming knowledgeable about appropriate uses of library services, instructional materials, technology-based systems and equipment, and the integration thereof. 

G. Information and assistance to students, teachers, and administrators concerning copyright law, fair use guidelines, Creative Commons, and academic integrity through the ethical use of library resources. 

The teacher librarian shall collaborate as an instructional partner and information specialist. Collaboration with classroom teachers and administrators shall develop students’ information and technology skills, helping all students meet the content standards and indicators in all subject areas. Library services and resources shall be available for students and teachers during the entire school day. 

The Superintendent or designee shall develop a District-wide School Library Plan. The District-wide School Library Plan shall describe the District's vision and goals for the District's libraries. As appropriate, the Plan may address facilities, selection and weeding procedures, and prioritization of needs or other related matters. The Superintendent or designee is encouraged to consult with affected stakeholders in the development of the District-wide School Library Plan. 

Responsibility for the selection of library materials is delegated to the professional teacher-librarian through the building principal. The selection process shall invite recommendations from administrators, teachers, other staff, parents/guardians, and students as appropriate. Library materials are those that include, but are not limited to, print, non-print, periodicals, online databases, digital and multi-media resources, supplies, and equipment that are critical to the support and enhancement of the curriculum and educational program. Library materials should be continually reevaluated in relation to evolving curriculum, new formats of materials, new instructional methods, and the needs of students and teachers. These materials are housed in and accessed through the library for use by the entire learning community of the school. 

Library materials acquisition shall, at a minimum, follow Nebraska Department of Education, Rule 10 guidelines, using vendors approved by the District, and processed through the District’s Department of Library Services. All library acquisitions and other designated materials shall be cataloged in the District provided library management system. 

Libraries shall be staffed, at a minimum, to follow Nebraska Department of Education, Rule 10 guidelines. 

Challenges regarding the appropriateness of library materials shall be addressed using the District's procedures for complaints regarding instructional materials.

Date of Adoption
February 21, 2011
Date of Revision
February 19, 2018

6628: School Counseling

6628: School Counseling holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 10:42


The counseling program shall be an integral component of the mission of the school district. 

The counseling program shall identify and deliver the knowledge and skills necessary for personal excellence and responsible citizenship by facilitating the academic, college and career, and social and emotional development of all students. 

Every student has equitable access to the school counseling program. The school counseling program is comprehensive in design and is delivered systematically to all students, recognizing that some students are in greater need of counseling services than others. These services include individual student planning, curriculum, response services, and systems support. It is a collaboration of parents, students, school counselors, administrators, teachers, student services personnel and support staff working together for the benefit of every student.

Date of Adoption
June 16, 1975
Date of Revision
August 9, 1999
April 3, 2006
February 4, 2019
March 5, 2012

6635: Students with Disabilities

6635: Students with Disabilities holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 10:47


All students with verified disabilities will be provided with a free appropriate public education, which includes special education and related services, in conformity with individualized education programs. 

Under the direction of the Superintendent, the administration shall establish and maintain procedures governing the provision of special education and related services to students with identified disabilities in compliance with the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), requirements of the Nebraska Department of Education, and all other applicable federal and state laws. regulations, and rules, as amended from time to time.

Date of Revision
October 20, 1997
November 10, 1997
August 9, 1999
March 6, 2006
May 6, 2019
March 5, 2012

6640: Section 504 Compliance

6640: Section 504 Compliance holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 10:50


The District will comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and regulations thereunder as amended, and shall ensure that students who are disabled within the definition of Section 504 are identified, evaluated, and provided with appropriate educational services. The Director of Special Education or designee has been assigned to coordinate compliance efforts and investigate any complaints regarding students and Section 504. Building principals are responsible for the implementation of Section 504 procedures in their buildings.

Date of Adoption
December 20, 1993
Date of Revision
August 7, 2000
July 12, 2010
April 21, 2008
September 8, 2015
October 20, 2022

6655: Summer School

6655: Summer School holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 10:55

The school district may conduct a summer school program each year. Its purpose is to provide additional opportunities for pupils to receive remedial instruction and participate in enrichment activities. Summer school attendance does not in any way guarantee promotion for pupils. They may, however, earn credits toward high school graduation which may result in a revision of class placement in the high school.

Date of Adoption
June 16, 1975
Date of Revision
April 27, 1998
August 9, 1999
September 5, 2006
April 16, 2012
August 7, 2017
September 3, 2024

6655.1: Summer School Program - Credit Card Payments

6655.1: Summer School Program - Credit Card Payments holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 10:59

The District’s summer school program shall provide a means for students/parents to make credit card payments for tuition.  A convenience fee shall be charged to the card holder for such service.

Date of Adoption
December 19, 2011
August 7, 2017
September 3, 2024

6660: Problem Solving Process

6660: Problem Solving Process holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 11:07


All District schools, PK-12, shall use a consistent and collaborative problem solving and intervention model called Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS). This process is designed to assist teachers in developing problem solving and intervention strategies, and when necessary, recommend other appropriate District resources to ensure the success of students in school. 

The District will develop written procedures for implementation of the MTSS model and for the training of staff participating in the problem solving and intervention process for reading, mathematics, and behavior. Under the direction of the Superintendent, the administration shall establish and maintain procedures consistent with applicable federal and state statutes and regulations to govern implementation of the problem solving and intervention process. 

Date of Adoption
April 16, 2001
Date of Revision
December 4, 2006
May 21, 2012
August 20, 2018
June 3, 2019

6670: Homebound Instruction

6670: Homebound Instruction holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 11:09

Homebound instruction in a student’s home or in a local hospital and under the supervision of a responsible adult may be provided when the student is ill, injured, or has a documented medical condition and is unable to attend regular classes for an extended period of time. Homebound instruction shall only be provided when the student’s illness, injury, or documented medical condition is such that the student can benefit from instruction and no other provision will meet the student’s educational needs.

Date of Adoption
June 16, 1975
Date of Revision
August 23, 1999
May 21, 2001
May 20, 2013
December 2, 2019
May 3, 2021
November 19, 2007

6670.1: Homebound Instruction

6670.1: Homebound Instruction holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 11:11

I. General Statement. 

Homebound instruction may be provided to a student in his/her home or in a local hospital and under the  supervision of a responsible adult, when the student is unable to attend regular classes due to illness, injury, or documented medical condition which results in the student’s extended absence from school. Homebound instruction shall only be provided when the student’s illness or injury are such that the student can benefit from instruction and no other provision will meet the student’s needs.

II. Definitions.

A. Homebound instruction shall mean educational instruction provided to a student online vua approved District technology resources, in his/her home within District boundaries or in a local hospital to which a student has been admitted for care of the illness, injury, or documented medical condition. 

B. Under the supervision of a responsible adult shall mean the presence of the student’s parent or guardian or other adult as authorized by the parent or guardian, including hospital staff.

C. Extended absence from school shall mean a medically prescribed absence from the regular classes the student attends.  The length of time a student may be absent from classes for a medically prescribed reason before homebound instruction begins will be individually determined and based upon, but not limited to the following:  duration of the absence, recurrence of the absences, and the ability of the student to participate in instruction as verified by a medical professional.

D. Illness, injury, or documented medical condition shall mean a medically diagnosed physical or mental condition that prohibits a student from attending regular classes.

E. Core subject areas shall mean instruction in the following areas: reading, writing, mathematics, science and social studies.

F. Medical Professional shall mean individuals licensed by the Department of Health and Human Services.

III. Provision of Homebound Instruction.

A. Homebound instruction shall be provided only when no other options are available to meet the student’s educational needs. 

B. The frequency and duration of homebound instruction shall be such instruction as is necessary for the student to progress in the core subject area classes that he/she is unable to attend.

C. A medical professional shall sanction the student’s participation in homebound instruction, verifying that the student’s physical and mental condition will not be jeopardized by participation. 

D. Students who are residents of the District and attend a nonpublic school are eligible to receive homebound instruction.

E. Students who are residents of the District and attend an exempt school are not eligible to receive homebound instruction, other than the instruction they may be entitled to receive as a student with a disability.

F. Homebound instruction will be provided on regularly scheduled school days, following the approved school calendar, and during times that are ordinarily considered to be the school day for professional staff as provided by District Rule 4141.1.  

IV. Requests for Homebound Instruction.

A. All requests for homebound instruction shall be referred to the Director of Special Education or designee.

B. If the student is not a student with a disability, a Multidisciplinary Team evaluation may be conducted to determine if the student is eligible to receive instruction as a student with a disability.  If the student is determined to be eligible to receive homebound instruction as a student with a disability, the student’s Individual Education Program (IEP) Team will identify the appropriate homebound instruction to be provided by the District.

C. If the Multidisciplinary Team evaluation does not determine the student is eligible to receive special education services, a 504 Team may be convened. If the student is determined to be eligible to receive homebound instruction as a student with a 504 Plan, the student’s 504 Team will identify the appropriate homebound instruction to be provided by the District.

D. If the student is a student with a disability, the student’s IEP or 504 Team will be convened to consider the student’s medical condition and identify the appropriate homebound instruction to be provided by the District.

Date of Adoption
May 21, 2001
Date of Revision
May 20, 2013
December 2, 2019
May 3, 2021
November 19, 2007

6675: Exempt School

6675: Exempt School holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 11:12

The District recognizes the rights of parents and guardians to educate their children and wards in an Exempt School, in accordance with state law and regulations. The Superintendent shall establish such guidelines and procedures to work cooperatively with such Exempt Schools and Exempt School Students as may be required by state and federal law.

Date of Adoption
February 21, 2000
Date of Revision
August 4, 2003
May 3, 2010
November 21, 2016
July 10, 2023

6675.1: Exempt Schools - Requests for Programs, Services or Materials

6675.1: Exempt Schools - Requests for Programs, Services or Materials holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 11:16


I. General Statement. 

Nebraska law provides parents and legal guardians the right to educate their children and wards in school, which are exempt pursuant to section 79-1601 from state approval or state accreditation requirements. 

II. Definitions. 

A. Exempt School shall mean a school which has elected not to meet approval or accreditation requirements. 

B. Exempt School Student shall mean any resident student of school age who has not graduated or received a G.E.D. diploma and who is attending an Exempt School. 

C. Programs shall mean the educational curriculum, co-curricular activities, and extracurricular school-sponsored clubs and activities which are available for students who are enrolled in the District. 

D. Assigned School shall mean the District school where the Exempt School Student would have attended and received educational instruction as a resident student if the student had officially enrolled pursuant to the District’s enrollment policies and rules. 

E. Resident Student shall mean students that reside in the District who have at least one parent who resides in the District. 

III. Cooperation with Exempt Schools. 

The District shall cooperate with the education of Exempt School Students according to state and federal law, and District policies and rules. In cooperating in the educational process of Exempt School Students the District shall: 

A. Provide special education services to qualified Exempt School Students pursuant to District policies and rules, and state and federal laws and regulations. Special education and related services will be provided at the assigned District school that is closest to the eligible student’s Exempt School. Services will be available during the hours that public school students attend school. 

B. Allow Exempt School Students to participate in interscholastic athletics or activities to the same extent and subject to the same requirements, conditions, and procedures as a student enrolled full time in the District as provided in Neb. Rev. Stat. § 79-2,136 and any interscholastic activities or athletics under the jurisdiction of the Nebraska School Activities Association, provided however that such Exempt School Students shall be enrolled in no more and no less than a 5 credit hour (one semester) course offered by the District during each semester in which they wish to participate and are in compliance with the rules established by the Nebraska School Activities Association, regardless of the level of participation or competition.

C. Not provide any EL, Title I, homebound instruction or other remedial services to Exempt School Students except as may be required by law. 

D. Not provide any textbooks, teacher’s edition textbooks, ancillary textbook materials, consumable material, library or media materials, or other resources to Exempt School Students or Exempt Schools. 

IV. Requests for Participation. 

A. All requests for participation in District programs shall be referred to the Superintendent or designee for consideration and approval or denial. The Superintendent or designee in considering and evaluating the request shall consider the following issues: 

1. The availability of the requested program at the assigned school;

2. Whether the school environment or educational process will be disrupted;

3. Whether there is space available and a specified time can be assigned so as to minimize any conflicts or disruption of the education process;

4. Whether the Exempt School Student is enrolled in no more and no less than a 5 credit hour (one semester) course during each semester in which they wish to participate meets academic eligibility requirements or course enrollment prerequisites for participation based on Nebraska School Activities and Athletics guidelines;

5. Whether the requested program is appropriate for the knowledge level, intellectual maturity, competence, and age of the Exempt School Student; and

6. Whether the requested program is part of an integrated program which cannot be isolated so as to allow participation in the requested program (e.g. Marching Band).

B. An Exempt School Student shall be required to be officially enrolled and counted proportionately towards the District’s ADA/ADM to participate in the District’s programs or activities. 

C. Exempt School Students who participate in District programs shall be subject to all District and school policies and rules, including, but not limited to, District and school policies and rules regarding student conduct, discipline, attendance, student fees, student provided materials, equipment and attire, insurance, proof of age and identity, physical examination, and immunizations. 

D. Exempt School Students may participate in those clubs at the assigned school which are available to students who are enrolled full time in the District provided they are enrolled in no more and no less than one 5 credit hour (or one semester) course during each semester in which they wish to participate.

Date of Adoption
February 21, 2000
Date of Revision
July 31, 2000
August 4, 2003
January 22, 2007
November 2, 2009
May 3, 2010
February 21, 2011
June 6, 2016
July 10, 2017
July 10, 2023

6675.2: Admittance and Participation by Exempt School Students

6675.2: Admittance and Participation by Exempt School Students holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 11:18

I. Placement

Grade and class placement of Exempt School Students requesting enrollment in the District as a full time student shall be determined by the District. The following factors shall be considered in determining the placement of an Exempt School Student:

A. The age of the student;

B. A review of the transcript of the program of instruction completed by the Exempt School Student which shall be provided by the parents or legal guardian of the student;

C. Achievement Test scores, which shall be provided to the District by the parents or legal guardian of the student; and

D. Records from any schools previously attended by the student.

II. Official School Transcripts

The transcript record of the Exempt School curriculum may become part of or incorporated into the official transcript records of the District, noting that the courses were completed in an Exempt School setting. 

III. Credits and Grades

A. For the purpose of placement and graduation, credits may be given for Exempt School curriculum satisfactorily completed, as determined by the District. Credits may not necessarily be given for any Exempt School curriculum. In determining whether to give credits for Exempt School curriculum, the District may use a review of transcripts from prior schools attended, standardized tests, assessments, and teacher evaluations of student competency in the subject matter. The District may give credits for Exempt School curriculum if it is determined that the student demonstrates mastery of the subject matter and completion of course requirements.

B. Grades awarded to an Exempt School Student for completion and evaluation of Exempt School curriculum shall not be utilized in the calculation of the student's grade point average.

IV. Graduation Requirements 

Exempt School Students enrolling in or returning to a District high school shall meet all of the graduation requirements of the District including the course and credit requirement as well as the District’s required assessments in order to receive a District diploma.

Date of Adoption
February 21, 2000
Date of Revision
August 4, 2003
May 3, 2010
June 6, 2016
July 10, 2023

6680: Nonpublic Schools

6680: Nonpublic Schools holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 11:20

The District recognizes the rights of parents and guardians to educate their children and wards in a nonpublic school, in accordance with state law and regulations. The Superintendent shall establish such guidelines and procedures to work cooperatively with such nonpublic schools and nonpublic school students as may be required by state and federal law.

Date of Adoption
August 4, 2003
Date of Revision
May 3, 2010
November 21, 2016
July 10, 2023

6680.1: Nonpublic Schools - Requests for Programs, Services

6680.1: Nonpublic Schools - Requests for Programs, Services holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 11:21

I. General Statement. Nebraska law provides parents and legal guardians the right to educate their children and wards in Nonpublic Schools that meet state approval or state accreditation requirements. 

II. Definitions 

A. Nonpublic School shall mean any private, parochial, or denominational school which has met approval and/or accreditation requirements pursuant to state law and regulations of the Nebraska Department of Education. 

B. Nonpublic School Student shall mean any resident student of school age who has not graduated or received a G. E. D. diploma and who is attending a Nonpublic School. 

C. Assigned School shall mean the District school where the Nonpublic School Student would have attended and received educational instruction as a resident student if the student had officially enrolled pursuant to the District’s enrollment policies and rules. 

D. Programs shall mean the educational curriculum, co-curricular activities, and extracurricular school sponsored clubs and activities which are available for students who are enrolled in the District. 

E. Resident Student shall mean students that reside in the District or who have at least one parent who resides in the District. 

III. Cooperation with Nonpublic Schools 

The District shall cooperate with the education of Nonpublic School Students according to state and federal laws, and District policies and rules. In cooperating in the educational process of Nonpublic School Students the District shall: 

A. Provide special education services to qualified Nonpublic School Students pursuant to District policies and rules and state and federal laws and regulations. Special education and related services will be provided at the assigned District school that is closest to the eligible student’s Nonpublic School. Services will be available during the hours that public school students attend school. 

B. Allow Nonpublic School Students to participate in interscholastic athletics or activities to the same extent and subject to the same requirements, conditions, and procedures as a student enrolled full time in the District as provided in Neb. Rev. Stat. § 79-2,136 and any interscholastic activities or athletics under the jurisdiction of the Nebraska School Activities Association, provided however that such Nonpublic School Students shall be enrolled in no more and no less than a 5 credit hour (one semester) course offered by the District during each semester
in which they wish to participate and are in compliance with the rules established by the Nebraska School Activities Association, regardless of the level of participation or competition.

C. Not provide any EL, Title I, or other remedial services to Nonpublic School Students except as may be required by law. 

D. Provide textbooks for use by Nonpublic School Students in accordance with District Policy 6295 and Rule 6295.1. 

E. Provide homebound instruction in accordance with District Rule 6670.1 

IV. Request for Participation 

A. All requests for participation in District programs shall be referred to the Superintendent or designee for consideration and approval or denial. The Superintendent or designee in considering and evaluating the request shall consider the following issues: 

1. The availability of the requested program at the assigned school;

2. Whether the school environment or educational process will be disrupted;

3. Whether there is space available and a specified time can be assigned so as to minimize any conflicts or disruption of the education process;

4. Whether the Nonpublic School Student is enrolled in no more and no less than a 5 credit hour (one semester) course during each semester in which they wish to participate and meets academic eligibility requirements or course enrollment prerequisites for participation;

5. Whether the requested program is appropriate for the knowledge level, intellectual maturity, competence, and age of the Nonpublic School Student; and

6. Whether the requested program is part of an integrated program which cannot be isolated so as to allow participation in the requested program (Marching Band).

B. A Nonpublic School Student shall be required to be officially enrolled and counted proportionately towards the District’s ADA/ADM to participate in the District’s program or activities. 

C. Nonpublic School Students who participate in District programs shall be subject to all District and school policies and rules, including, but not limited to, District and school policies and rules regarding student conduct, discipline, attendance, student fees, student provided materials, equipment and attire, insurance, proof of age and identity, physical examination, and immunizations.

D. Nonpublic School Students may participate in those clubs at the assigned school which are available to students who are enrolled full time in the District provided they are enrolled in no more and no less than one 5 credit hour (or one semester) course during each semester in which they wish to participate.

Date of Adoption
August 4, 2003
Date of Revision
January 22, 2007
November 2, 2009
May 3, 2010
February 11, 2011
May 20, 2013
June 6, 2016
July 10, 2017
July 10, 2023

6680.2: Nonpublic School Students - Placement, Credits and Grades

6680.2: Nonpublic School Students - Placement, Credits and Grades holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 11:33


I. Placement

Grade and class placement of Nonpublic School Students requesting enrollment in the District as a full-time student shall be determined by the District. The following factors shall be considered in determining the placement of a Nonpublic School Student:

A. The age of the student;

B. A review of the transcript of the program of instruction completed by the Nonpublic School Student which shall be provided by the parents or legal guardian of the student;

C. Achievement test scores, which shall be provided to the District by the parents or legal guardian of the student; and

D. Records from any schools previously attended by the student.

II. Official School Transcripts

The transcript record of the Nonpublic School curriculum may become part of or be incorporated into the official transcript records of the District, noting that the courses were completed in a Nonpublic School setting. 

III. Credits and Grades

A. For the purpose of placement and graduation, credits may be given for Nonpublic School curriculum satisfactorily completed, as determined by the District. Credits may not necessarily be given for any Nonpublic School curriculum. In determining whether to give credits for Nonpublic School curriculum, the District may use a review of transcripts from prior schools attended, standardized tests, assessments, and teacher evaluations of student competency in the subject matter. The District may give credits for Nonpublic School curriculum if it is determined that the student demonstrates mastery of the subject matter and completion of course requirements.

B. Grades awarded to a Nonpublic School Student for completion and evaluation of Nonpublic School curriculum will be utilized in the calculation of the student’s grade point average if Nonpublic School curriculum meets District standards.

IV. Graduation Requirements

Nonpublic School Students enrolling in or returning to a District high school shall meet all of the graduation requirements of the District including the course and credit requirement as well as the required assessments in order to receive a District diploma.

Date of Adoption
August 4, 2003
Date of Revision
May 3, 2010
June 6, 2016
July 10, 2023

6690: Alternative Education Program

6690: Alternative Education Program holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 11:38

An Alternative Education Program shall be offered by the Millard School District to students whose needs cannot be met effectively in the regular school setting.

Date of Adoption
October 6, 2008
January 5, 2015
December 6, 2021

6690.1: Alternative Education Program

6690.1: Alternative Education Program holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 11:41

The Millard School District’s Alternative Education Programs will include, but not be limited to, full school day, multi-year, educational programs. These programs will provide more individualized instruction, an innovative and rigorous curriculum, and a caring, structured environment. Alternative Education Programs will also address the needs of those students who have dropped out, who are at risk of dropping out and who wish to earn their diplomas, who have not met the District’s Essential Learner Outcome assessment requirements for graduation, and who have been expelled or subjected to a long-term suspension for ten (10) school days or more.

The District’s Alternative Education Program may consist of, but not be limited to:

  1. Middle school programming that may be centralized or contained within each District middle school.
  2. School-within-a-school programs that provide transition services between levels for students who may be at risk and that may be provided at each high school as warranted.
  3. A separate high school alternative program and location
  4. A night-School program and/or credit recovery program.
  5. A specific off-campus program that will provide expelled students, students suspended for ten (10) school days or more, students who have discontinued their enrollment without completing the District’s graduation requirements, and/or students for whom a mandatory placement due to safety concerns is necessary with opportunities that might allow them to acquire sufficient credits so as to stay on track for graduation.
  6. Programs for students seeking innovative or challenging curriculum outside the scope of traditional instructional methodology and courses correlated with career and world of work concepts/issues.
Date of Adoption
October 6, 2008
Date of Revision
December 7, 2009
January 5, 2015
December 6, 2021

6700: Co-Curricular Activities

6700: Co-Curricular Activities holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 11:48

Extracurricular school-sponsored clubs and activities, and interscholastic athletics and activities are an extension of the selected content curriculum and instructional strategies of the Millard Education Program, whether or not they occur in a traditional classroom setting. As an extension of the Millard Education Program, and as a result of financial, facility, personnel, and interest limitations and constraints, the number and nature of extracurricular school-sponsored clubs and activities, and the number of interscholastic athletics and activities will be restricted to those which meet the criteria of and which are approved according to the procedures specified in District Rules 6700.1 and 6700.2. The District shall not be required to approve or promote any extracurricular school-sponsored clubs and activities, or any interscholastic athletics and activities which are suggested for approval. Extracurricular school-sponsored clubs and activities, and interscholastic athletics and activities are separate and distinct from the co-curricular activities such as band and choir, in which students must participate as part of the requirements for enrollment in and receiving a grade for a particular course. Extracurricular school-sponsored clubs and activities, and interscholastic athletics and activities are separate and distinct from the student-initiated, non-curriculum related secondary school student groups which are permitted to conduct non-curriculum related student group meetings on the premises of secondary schools, pursuant to the equal access provisions of federal law and District Policy 5520 and Rule 5520.1. Such non-curriculum related secondary school student groups are not extracurricular, are not school-sponsored, are not an extension of the Millard Education Program, and are not governed by this Policy or District Rules 6700.1through 6700.8.

Date of Adoption
June 16, 1975
Date of Revision
August 23, 1999
March 4, 2002
May 19, 2008 (reviewed)
May 6, 2013
September 8, 2015
July 11, 2022

6700.1: Extracurricular School Sponsored Clubs & Activities - Approval Procedures & Criteria

6700.1: Extracurricular School Sponsored Clubs & Activities - Approval Procedures & Criteria holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 13:21

I.          Extracurricular School-Sponsored Clubs and Activities

Extracurricular school-sponsored clubs and activities are an extension of the selected content curriculum and instructional  strategies of the Millard Education Program. Extracurricular school-sponsored clubs and activities serve as an extension of the Millard Education Program by providing and promoting opportunities, activities, experiences, and/or programs which supplement the subject matter of specific courses, extend the skills taught in specific courses, reinforce the instruction provided in specific courses, provide career activities and exploration, recognize and promote academic achievement and excellence, provide intramural athletic competition, enhance school support and spirit, or provide for the administration of student government or student body activities.

II.        Approval Procedures and Criteria

A.         Certain extracurricular school-sponsored clubs and activities are established and recognized as being school-sponsored and an extension of the Millard Education Program and they shall not be required to obtain approval, except for funding, when properly operating under this Rule. These established and recognized extracurricular school-sponsored clubs and activities include:

                  High School Level:

Art Club

Leo Club

Chemistry Club

Literary Magazine

Chess Club

Mascot Club

Computer Science Club

Math Club

Cycling Club

Modern Music Masters (Tri-M)

Digital Graphics Club

National Forensics League

Diversity Club

National Honor Society

Drama Club

Peer Mentors

Economics Club

Political Roundtable

Educators Rising

Robotics Club

Environmental/Ecology Club

Science Olympiad


SLAM Poetry Club

French Club

Spanish Club

Games Club


German Club

Unified Cheer

History Club

Unified Social Club

Interact Club (Rotary)

Unity Sports Club

International Thespian Society

Volunteers in Action

Key Club

Writers Club

Lacrosse Club

Yoga Club

Latin Club


                       Middle School Level:                     

Ambassador Club

Peer Tutors

Anime Club

Photography Club

Art Club

Play 60 Club

Book Club

Recycling Club

Bowling Club

Robotics Club

Bridge to Early College Club

Science Club

Broadcasting Club

Science Olympiad

Chess Club

Scrapbook Club

Circle of Friends

Self Defense Club

Computer Club

Soccer Club

Crafts Club

Speech Club

Dance Club

Spirit Club

Debate Club

Stock Market Club

Destination Imagination

Student Leadership Club

Diversity Club

Tennis Club

Drama Club

Unified Social Club


Unified Sports Club

FCS Club

Volunteer & Community Service Club

Forensics Club

Wellness Club

Games Club

Wits Clash / Knowledge Masters

Garden Club

World Language Club


Writers Club

Math Counts

Young Educators Rising

Music Club

Youth To Youth


                        Elementary School Level:

Archery Club

K Club (Kiwanis)

Art Club

Kindness Club

Book Club

Math Club

Chess Club

Pentathlon Club

Choir/Music Club

Photography Club

Community Service Club

Play 60 Club

Cooking/Nutrition Club

Police Athletics for Community Engagement (PACE)

Destination Imagination

Science Club

Drama Club

Science Olympiad

Drug Free Club

Scrapbooking Club

Environmental Club

Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) Club


Spanish Club

Fitness/Health Club

Sports Club

French Club


Future Educators Club

Stock Market Club

Game Club

Student Leadership

Geography Club

Technology Club

German Club

Word Masters Club

Girls on the Run

Writer’s Club

History Club

Yearbook Club


B.              All other presently existing and all other suggested future extracurricular school-sponsored clubs and activities shall be required to seek and obtain approval in accordance with the following procedures and criteria.

1.         A suggestion form from the District Activities Committee shall be properly and fully completed by the school certificated staff member who suggests the formation of the extracurricular school-sponsored club or activity and who proposes and is qualified to serve as the certificated staff sponsor.  Such suggestion forms will be submitted by certificated staff employed by the District only.

 2.         Such suggestion forms shall be submitted to the school principal or designee.  All suggestion forms which are not properly and fully completed shall not be considered.

3.         The principal or designee shall review the suggestion form and such other information considered to be appropriate and make a written recommendation whether or not to form such a school-sponsored club or activity based on the criteria set forth hereinafter. If the suggestion is accepted by the building principal or designee, the suggestion form will be forwarded with a written recommendation to the District Activities Committee within forty (40) school days after receipt of the suggestion form.

4.         Within eighty (80) school days after receipt of the suggestion form and written recommendation, the District Activities Committee shall meet, review the suggestion form and recommendation of the principal or designee and such other information considered to be appropriate, and make a written decision to approve or deny the formation of such a school-sponsored club or activity based on the criteria set forth below. 

5.         When reviewing any suggestion to form a new extracurricular school-sponsored club or activity, the principal or designee and the District Activities Committee shall evaluate the following considerations and criteria.  Whether the suggested school-sponsored club or activity:

a.   Provides and promotes opportunities, activities, experiences, and/or programs which supplement the subject matter of specific courses, extend the skills taught in specific courses, or reinforce the instruction provided in specific courses.

b.   Provides and promotes opportunities, activities, experiences, and/or programs which involve career activities or career exploration.

c.   Provides and promotes opportunities, activities, experiences, and/or programs which involve career preparation and technical education, such as business education, career guidance and counseling, family and consumer sciences, industrial education, marketing education, health occupations education, or diversified occupations education.

d.   Recognizes and promotes academic achievement and excellence.

e.   Provides problem-solving skills or higher level thinking skills through club competition or club exercises.

f.    Provides hands-on experiences which extend the learning process beyond the classroom or provides opportunities to practice and apply the curriculum or skills taught in specific courses.

g.   Provides and promotes opportunities, activities, experiences, and/or programs which involve intramural athletic competition, team leadership and cooperation, sportsmanship, sports and recreation skills, physical development, or physical education.

h.   Provides and promotes opportunities, activities, experiences, and/or programs which enhance school support and spirit through organized cheering, support the school’s interscholastic athletics and activities programs, or build student morale, student spirit, or positive support for the school and the school’s interscholastic programs.

i.    Provides for the administration of student government or student body or class activities and programs.

j.    Provides for and promotes middle school level exploration of activities, socialization, or citizenship.

k.   Shows evidence of strong student interest and has potential for growth and longevity.

l.    Has adequate funding.  Funding should not be diverted from existing school-sponsored clubs or activities so as to create new ones.

m.  Has adequate facilities available.

n.   Has qualified and competent sponsors available, who are District certificated staff, or selected community volunteers, or paid volunteers.

o.   Duplicates the general purposes of an existing sponsored club or activity, an existing equal access student group, or existing activities or programs which are already available within the District or within the community.

p.   Is appropriate for the knowledge level, intellectual maturity, competence, and age of the students.

q.   Involves exposure to or risks of injury or harm.

r.    Can operate in compliance with federal and state laws and the policies and rules of the District.

s.    Is an appropriate addition to the number and nature of clubs or activities at a school.

6.         No extracurricular school-sponsored clubs or activities shall involve or promote the indoctrination or advocacy of partisan, political, ideological, or religious beliefs.

7.         No extracurricular school-sponsored clubs or activities shall be a secret fraternity or secret organization.

III.       Student Participation

A.        Participation of students in extracurricular school-sponsored clubs and activities is encouraged, and participation shall be open to and limited to all students who are currently enrolled in the sponsoring school on a voluntary basis as well as Exempt School Students and Nonpublic School Students pursuant to District Rules 6675.1 and 6680.1.  Extracurricular school-sponsored clubs and activities may establish academic or course enrollment qualifications for participation if such qualifications are necessarily related to the purposes of that extracurricular school-sponsored club or activity.

B.        Students will be limited in participating in activities of a non-school nature during school hours.  Prior to such participation, approval must be granted by the building administrator.

IV.       Governance

All extracurricular school-sponsored clubs and activities shall be under the exclusive governance and control of school personnel.  Such exclusive governance and control shall include, but shall not be limited to, the formation, naming, structure, operation, financing, and discontinuance of all extracurricular school-sponsored clubs and activities.  Extracurricular school-sponsored clubs and activities shall not have any separate or individual existence, status, rights, or authority.

V.        Sponsors

A.        Each extracurricular school-sponsored club and activity must have a sponsor who is a District certificated staff member, or selected community volunteer or paid sponsor, who is qualified by virtue of education, training, experience, or special interest to serve as the sponsor.  The principal or designee shall select the sponsor.  The District certificated staff member who submits a suggestion form may or may not be selected as the sponsor.

B.        Sponsors shall be required to: develop materials, activities, and a budget; promote membership and participation; communicate with the principal or designee, staff, students, and parents; schedule meeting dates and locations; plan meaningful experiences; supervise students during activities; evaluate and make recommendations; and submit a year-end report to the principal or designee.

C.        An assignment as a sponsor is an annual appointment.  One (1) activity stipend may be issued to a District certificated staff member for extracurricular school-sponsored clubs or activities, in accordance with budgeting procedures, that have between ten (10) and forty-five (45) active participants.  When unanticipated participation exceeds forty-five (45) active participants, an additional activity stipend may be issued for an additional sponsor for the current school year only upon approval by the Superintendent or designee.  Any such additional stipends will terminate at the end of the current school year. Under certain circumstances which sometimes exist with different types of extracurricular school-sponsored clubs or activities, the individual schools may be excluded from these number restrictions with the approval of the Superintendent or designee.  With the approval of the principal or designee, two (2) or more District certificated staff members may be allowed to split an activity stipend for an extracurricular school-sponsored club or activity.

VI.       Review and Revocation

A.        The principal or designee shall review the activities and purposes of extracurricular school-sponsored clubs and activities on a regular basis and the principal or designee may, on their own initiative or upon any complaint or request by students, certificated staff, or parents, recommend to the District Activities Committee that recognition of any extracurricular school-sponsored club or activity be revoked.  Recommendations for revocation shall be forwarded to and processed by the District Activities Committee in the manner provided above for applications.

B.        The District Activities Committee may on its own initiative, review and revoke the recognition of any extracurricular school-sponsored club or activity.

Date of Adoption
June 16, 1975
Date of Revision
August 23, 1999
March 4, 2002
May 5, 2008
May 6, 2013
September 8, 2015
July 11, 2022

6700.2: Interscholastic Athletics and Activities - Approval Procedures & Criteria

6700.2: Interscholastic Athletics and Activities - Approval Procedures & Criteria holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 13:27

I. Interscholastic Athletics and Activities

Interscholastic athletics and activities programs shall be established for both sexes and all such programs shall be sanctioned by and be in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Nebraska School Activities Association, the National Federation of State High School Associations, and the policies and rules of the District.

II. Student Participation and Eligibility

A. In compliance with the rules established by the Nebraska School Activities Association, the principal or designee has the responsibility for determining the eligibility of students.

B. It shall be the responsibility of the coach to determine which candidates shall be members of the team.

C. Standards for participation, conduct, and personal appearances shall be established by the coaches and such standards shall be reasonable and consistent with the philosophy and goals established by the District. In the case of any dispute, the principal or designee shall be responsible for resolving the dispute.

D. All participating students shall meet the requirements, rules and regulations established by the Nebraska School Activities Association, the National Federation of State High School Associations, and the District.

III. Approval Procedures and Criteria for New Interscholastic Sports and Activities

A. All interscholastic sports and activities shall obtain approval for adoption by the District in accordance with the following procedures and criteria.

1. An Interscholastic Sports and Activities application form shall be completed by the school principal or designee and submitted to the District Activities Committee.

2. When reviewing the application for an interscholastic sport or activity, the District Activities Committee and the Board of Education shall evaluate the following considerations and criteria. Whether the interscholastic sport or activity:

a. Can be conducted in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Nebraska School Activities Association and the District.

b. Will meet a strong student interest which is not being met by the District or other community sports or activity programs.

c. Is appropriate for the knowledge level, intellectual maturity, competence, and age of the students.

d. Has potential for growth.

e. Will equalize the opportunities for girls and boys and meet the intent of Title IX.

f. Provides adequate opportunity for participation and competition.

g. Duplicates the general purposes of an existing interscholastic sport or activity offered by the District or other community sports or activities offerings.

h. Given the number and nature of interscholastic sports and activities in the District and community, it is appropriate to add the interscholastic sport or activity.

i. The season in which the interscholastic sport or activity would be held allows for adequate participation and competition, given the weather and geographical conditions.

j. Adequate facilities are available for the interscholastic sports or adding a newly sanctioned interscholastic sport or activity should not overburden existing facilities.

k. Adequate funding is available for the newly sanctioned interscholastic sport or activity. Funding should not be diverted from existing interscholastic sports or activities to create new ones. All funding requirements, including start up and annual operation costs, must be considered.

l. Qualified and competent coaches and staff are available.

IV. Coaches

A. All interscholastic sports and activities must have a coach or sponsor who is a District certificated staff member or selected community member who meets District and Nebraska School Activities Association requirements. 

B. An assignment as a coach or sponsor of interscholastic sports and activities is an annual appointment. One (1) activity stipend may be issued to a District certificated staff member or selected community member who meets District and Nebraska School Activities Association requirements for interscholastic sports and activities, in accordance with budgeting procedures. When unanticipated participation occurs, as determined by the Superintendent or designee upon request from a school, an additional interscholastic activity stipend per season may be issued for an additional coach or sponsor for only the current school year upon approval by the Superintendent or designee. The funds used for this additional interscholastic activity stipend must come from budgets already allotted to the school by the District and cannot come from other funds or resources of the school. Any such additional stipends will terminate at the end of the current school year. With the approval of the principal or designee, two (2) or more District certificated staff members may be allowed to split an activity stipend for an interscholastic athletic program or extracurricular activity.

V. Review and Discontinuance

A. The District Activities Committee shall regularly review the interscholastic sports and activities and the District Activities Committee may recommend to the Superintendent that any interscholastic sport or activity be discontinued. Recommendations for discontinuance shall be forwarded to and processed by the Board of Education in the manner provided above for interscholastic sports or activities.

B. The Board of Education may on its own initiative, review and discontinue any interscholastic sport or activity.

Date of Adoption
June 16, 1975
Date of Revision
August 23, 1999
March 4, 2002
May 6, 2013
September 8, 2015
July 11, 2022
May 19, 2008

6700.3: Extracurricular School-Sponsored Clubs & Activities, and Interscholastic Athletics & Activities – Administration

6700.3: Extracurricular School-Sponsored Clubs & Activities, and Interscholastic Athletics & Activities – Administration holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 13:29

I. The goal for each student participating in extracurricular activities shall be a balanced program of appropriate academic studies and extracurricular school-sponsored clubs and activities and interscholastic athletics and activities, to be determined by the school, the parents, and the students. This should be a shared responsibility.

II. Guidance is necessary to encourage the non-participating students to consider extracurricular school- sponsored clubs and activities and interscholastic athletics and activities, and to prevent the over-enthusiastic students from over-emphasizing clubs, activities, and athletics at the cost of their academic performance.

III. Activities which are for public view are to be kept to the minimum necessary for their educational value. Public performances of the activities are to be supervised in order to prevent excessive time and effort expenditures by students. Public performances may not be held for purposes which contribute to private gain or advantage.

IV. District-wide events shall be approved by the Superintendent or designee.

V. School events should not be scheduled after 5:00 p.m. and should conclude by 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday evenings. Exceptions shall be permitted for district and/or state contest dates determined by the NSAA as well as contest dates determined by the Metro Conference for its tournament schedules.

Date of Adoption
June 16, 1975
Date of Revision
August 23, 1999
March 4, 2002
June 16, 2008
September 8, 2015
July 11, 2022

6700.4: Extracurricular School-Sponsored Clubs and Activities, & Interscholastic Athletics and Activities – School Social Events

6700.4: Extracurricular School-Sponsored Clubs and Activities, & Interscholastic Athletics and Activities – School Social Events holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 13:31

I. Attendance at all school social events will be restricted to members of the student body, the class or club concerned, and their guests. Parents are always welcome at school functions.

II. All school social events shall be properly chaperoned at the direction and approval of the building principal or designee.

III. Permission to have school social events shall be obtained from the building principal or designee and placed on the calendar. The principal or designee shall require the group and their sponsor to work out all details for preparation and clean-up of the event.

IV. All school social events held on school nights should end by 11:00 p.m. unless changed by the principal or designee.

V. The building principal or designee shall determine the number of school social events to be held each year.

Date of Adoption
December 1, 1975
Date of Revision
October 2, 2000
January 7, 2002
March 4, 2002
September 8, 2015
July 11, 2022
Date of Last Review
December 2, 1996
May 19, 2008

6700.5: Extracurricular School-Sponsored Clubs and Activities & Interscholastic Athletics and Activities – Intramural Athletics

6700.5: Extracurricular School-Sponsored Clubs and Activities & Interscholastic Athletics and Activities – Intramural Athletics holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 13:41

I. The building principal or designee shall be responsible for the building’s intramural athletic program which shall be a balanced intramural athletic program for both sexes and with appropriate intramural athletics for appropriate levels.

II. The building principal or designee shall see that the intramural athletic program is properly organized and supervised, including the supervision of both participants and spectators.

III. Care shall be taken that intramural athletics are conducted primarily for the benefit of participants.

IV. The focus of the intramural athletic program shall be on participation.

Date of Adoption
June 16, 1975
Date of Revision
August 23, 1999
March 4, 2002
September 8, 2015
May 19, 2008
July 11, 2022

6700.6: Extracurricular School-Sponsored Clubs and Activities, & Interscholastic Athletics & Activities - Travel & Trips

6700.6: Extracurricular School-Sponsored Clubs and Activities, & Interscholastic Athletics & Activities - Travel & Trips holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 13:44

Extracurricular school-sponsored clubs and activities, and interscholastic athletics and activities involving the transportation of participants or spectators in school-sponsored vehicles shall be subject to the following guidelines:

I. All trips shall originate and terminate at the school.

II. All school rules and the District’s Standards for Student Conduct shall be in effect.

III. Written approval of the student’s parent or guardian must be secured prior to departure.

IV. A trip permit may be signed by a student’s parent or guardian and placed on file with the principal or designee for the school year.

V. The principal or designee will arrange transportation for District interscholastic and extracurricular activities and athletics participants. Trips that are scheduled for a length of time beyond sixteen (16) hours, or which may require student involvement or transportation beyond 12:00 a.m., or which require overnight accommodations, shall not be approved unless the mode of transportation has a properly permitted or licensed driver who complies with the hourly driving limitations of Title 92, Nebraska Administrative Code, Chapter 91-004.07G. Certificated staff who are operating the transportation provided for interscholastic or extracurricular activities or athletics shall also comply with the hourly driving limitations of Title 92, Nebraska Administrative Code, Chapter 91-004.07G.

A. The coach or sponsor and principal or designee will ensure that the hourly driving limitations of Title 92, Nebraska Administrative Code, Chapter 91-004.07G are communicated to the provider of transportation prior to the start of the trip.

B. The coach or sponsor will ensure that the provider of transportation provides a written plan to the principal or designee prior to the start of the trip that adheres to the hourly driving limitations of Title 92, Nebraska Administrative Code, Chapter 91-004. 07G.

C. The time of departure for the trip shall be no earlier than 5:00 a.m. on the starting day of the trip. Exceptions to this time of departure must have the prior approval of the Executive Director of Activities, Athletics, and External Affairs.

D. When the anticipated time of departure for the trip is earlier than 6:00 a.m. on the day of the event, the trip shall be subject to the following guidelines:

1. The time of departure must have the prior approval of the Executive Director of Activities, Athletics, and External Affairs, or

2. The coach or sponsor must arrange for the overnight accommodations of the students, drivers, chaperones, and coaches or sponsors involved on the trip for the night prior to the event, and

3. The overnight accommodations must be reserved prior to the start of the trip and will follow the overnight travel and trip guidelines.

E. The time of arrival on the return date of the trip shall be no later than 12:00 a.m. on the day of the event. When the anticipated time of arrival on the return date of the trip is later than 12:00 a.m., that time must have the prior approval of the Executive Director of  Activities, Athletics, and External Affairs

F. When the anticipated time of arrival for the trip is later than 12:00 a.m. on the day of the event, the trip shall be subject to the following guidelines:

1. The coach or sponsor will arrange for the overnight accommodations of the students, drivers, chaperones, and coaches or sponsors involved on the trip for the concluding night of the event. Those involved on the trip will return to the school on the next day, and

2. The overnight accommodations must be reserved prior to the start of the trip, and

3. The coach or sponsor will follow the overnight travel and trip policies and rules, or

4. Upon the arrival to the school the students involved on the trip shall leave the school by means other than walking. A certificated staff member of the school will remain in a designated area at the school with the students involved on the trip until all of those students have left the school.

a. The designated area at the school is subject to approval by the principal or designee.

b. The designated area at the school will be communicated to the parents/guardians of the students involved on the trip prior to the trip.

c. Students on the trip are to remain in the designated area of the school until they are released by the certificated staff member.

d. The name(s) of any person(s) other than the parents/guardians of the students involved on the trip who will retrieve the student(s) after arrival to the school must be provided to the coaches or sponsors prior to the trip.

e. The person(s) retrieving the students at the conclusion of the trip must come to the designated area at the school for the trip to retrieve the students.

g. Any exceptions to these guidelines must have the prior approval of the Executive Director of Activities, Athletics, and External Affairs.

VI. The coach or sponsor, in consultation with the principal or designee, may give a student permission to use alternate transportation.

Date of Adoption
June 16, 1975
Date of Revision
August 23, 1999
March 4, 2002
May 3, 2004
May 1, 2006
October 1, 2007
May 5, 2008
September 8, 2015
July 11, 2022

6700.7: Extracurricular School-Sponsored Clubs and Activities, & Interscholastic Athletics & Activities - Travel & Trips - Overnight Travel and Trips Guidelines - Middle Schools

6700.7: Extracurricular School-Sponsored Clubs and Activities, & Interscholastic Athletics & Activities - Travel & Trips - Overnight Travel and Trips Guidelines - Middle Schools holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 13:46

I. All school rules apply in addition to the District’s Standards for Student Conduct.

II. Every effort should be made to use teacher or parent chaperones. Volunteer chaperones must be screened according to the volunteer approval process pursuant to District Rule 6910.1. For volunteers, there should be at least a one- month lead time to allow for background checks.

III. At least one (1) certificated employee of the District shall accompany any student group during an overnight event of that student group.

IV. Certificated employees are on duty during the entire time of the travel and trip.

V. The head coach or sponsor will provide the travel and trip plan to the principal or designee within the deadline established by the principal or designee.

VI. Students will be under supervision of adults at all times.

VII. The sleeping quarters shall be gender specific.

VIII. Volunteer chaperones will report any behavior problems immediately to the certificated staff member(s).

IX. Prior to departure, certificated staff members will discuss the specific chaperone responsibilities with the volunteer chaperones and provide written guidelines.

X. In addition to the head coach or sponsor, a minimum of one (1) additional gender specific chaperone is required for every 25 students. Based upon the location of the trip, the number of the chaperones may be increased.

 Number of Male Students  Number of Chaperones in Addition to the Certificated Staff Member Number of Female Students  Number of Chaperones in Addition to the Certificated Staff Member   
    0-25      1       0-25     
26-50   2 26-50 
51-75  3 51-75 
76-100   4 76-100 

XI. Consideration of student gender should be made when selecting chaperones.

XII. Emergency contact information for each student will be accessible while on the trip.

XIII. Emergency contact information for the coach or sponsor will be provided to parents.

XIV. In the event of a student's illness or injury a parent will be contacted immediately so a plan about the student’s welfare can be determined. A designated building principal will be on call 24 hours a day during the full length of the trip and will be made aware of any medical or discipline situation.

XV. In the event of serious illness or injury 911 will be called and the parent notified of the situation and hospital location as soon as reasonably possible. To the extent that adequate staff if available, a staff member may accompany the student(s) to the hospital. A Building principal will be made aware of the situation.

XVI. A school/program administrator may attend any overnight trip where there is travel over 100 miles.

Date of Adoption
January 16, 2006
Date of Revision
May 5, 2008
September 8, 2015
October 16, 2017
July 11, 2022

6700.8: Extracurricular School-Sponsored Clubs and Activities, & Interscholastic Athletics & Activities - Travel & Trips - Overnight Travel and Trips Guidelines - High Schools

6700.8: Extracurricular School-Sponsored Clubs and Activities, & Interscholastic Athletics & Activities - Travel & Trips - Overnight Travel and Trips Guidelines - High Schools holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 13:48

I. All school rules apply in addition to the District’s Standards for Student Conduct.

II. Every effort should be made to use teacher or parent chaperones. Volunteer chaperones must be screened according to the volunteer approval process pursuant to District Rule 6910.1. For volunteers, there should be at least a one-month lead time to allow for background checks.

III. At least one (1) certificated employee of the District shall accompany any student group during an overnight event of that student group.

IV. Certificated employees are on duty during the entire time of the travel and trip.

V. The head coach or sponsor will provide the travel and trip plan to the principal or designee within the deadline established by the principal or designee.

VI. Students will be under supervision of adults.

VII. The sleeping quarters shall be gender specific.

VIII. Volunteer chaperones will report any behavior problems immediately to the certificated staff member(s).

IX. Prior to departure, certificated staff members will discuss the specific chaperone responsibilities with the volunteer chaperones and provide written guidelines.

X. Consideration of student gender should be made when selecting chaperones.

XI. Emergency contact information for each student will be accessible while on the trip.

XII. Emergency contact information for the coach or sponsor will be provided to parents.

XIII. In the event of a student's illness or injury, a parent will be contacted immediately so a plan about the child’s welfare can be determined. A designated principal will be on call 24 hours a day during the full length of the trip and will be made aware of any medical or discipline situation. 

XIV. In the event of serious illness or injury 911 will be called and the parent notified of the situation and hospital location as soon as reasonably possible. To the extent that adequate staff is available, a staff member may accompany the student(s) to the hospital. A principal will be made aware of the situation.

Date of Adoption
January 16, 2006
Date of Revision
May 5, 2008
September 8, 2015
October 16, 2017
July 11, 2022

6750: Student Fees

6750: Student Fees holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 13:51

The District may require and collect fees or other funds from or on behalf of students or require students to furnish or provide materials, supplies, equipment, or attire consistent with the Public Elementary and Secondary Student Fee Authorization Act.

The Superintendent (or designee) shall promulgate the rules and/or procedures necessary for implementation of this policy. For purposes of Neb. Rev. Stat. § 79-2,133 and § 79-2,134, such rules and/or procedures, when adopted or approved, shall be incorporated in their entirety into this policy by this reference.

Annually, the school board shall hold a public hearing at a regular or special meeting of the Board on a proposed student fee policy, following a review of the amount of money collected from students pursuant to, and the use of waivers provided in, the student fee policy for the prior school year. The student fee policy shall be adopted by a majority vote of the school board and shall be published in the student handbook. The Board shall provide a copy of the student handbook to every student at no cost to the student.

Date of Adoption
July 15, 2002
Date of Revision
April 23, 2007
May 17, 2004
June 6, 2005
April 17, 2006
April 21, 2008
April 13, 2009
February 15, 2010
May 1, 2017
May 4, 2020
May 3, 2021
May 2, 2022
May 1, 2023
May 6, 2024

6750.1: Student Fees

6750.1: Student Fees holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 13:53

Pursuant to Policy 6750 and Neb. Rev. Stat. §79-2,135 et seq., the District may, and hereby does, require and collect fees or other funds from or on behalf of District students or require District students to furnish or provide, supplies, equipment, or attire as provided for herein below. 
I.    Elementary School Fees: 
A.    Extracurricular Activities* 
1.    All Clubs: Students pay a fee of up to $30 (but not to exceed actual cost of conducting the club activities) for membership and activities in each club. 
2.    All Clubs:  Students pay a fee of up to $15 (but not to exceed actual cost) for screen-printed club t-shirt. 
3.    School will not fund competition beyond the state level. 
4.    Choir:  Students pay a fee of up to $15 (but not to exceed actual cost) for screen-printed choir t-shirt. 
B.    Special Transportation 
1.    §79-241 (option enrollment students): n/a 
2.    §79-605 (tuition students): n/a 
3.    §79-611 (students within 4 miles and open enrollment students): n/a 
C.    Copies of Files/Records 
1.    Students pay 10 cents per page. 
D.    Lost/Damaged Property 
1.    Students pay for repair or replacement cost of property. 
E.    Before/After School 
1.    Mini-Classes:  Students pay up to $60 per class, including materials (6-8 sessions, but not to exceed actual cost). 
F.    Summer/Night School* 
1.    District Summer School: Students pay up to $155 (for no more than up to 3 instructional hours per day for 12 days in June). 
2.    Building Level Summer School:  Students pay up to $4 per hour, including materials. 
G.    Breakfast/Lunch Programs* 
1.    Students pay for breakfast (i.e., current cost of breakfast $1.60). 
2.    Students pay for lunch (i.e., current cost of lunch $3.15). 
3.    Students pay for dinner (i.e., current cost of dinner $3.35) 
H.    Non-Specialized Attire 
1.    PE:  Students provide tennis shoes. 
2.    Art:  Students provide a paint shirt. 
I.    Musical Instruments (Optional Courses, Non-Extracurricular) * 
1.    Band & Strings:  Students provide their own instruments. 
*The requirements marked with an asterisk (*) may be waived for students who qualify for free or reduced-price lunches. 
II.    Middle School Fees: 
A.    Extracurricular Activities* 
1.    Montessori Immersion Experiences: Students pay up to a total of $600 (but not to exceed actual cost) for up to four trips. 
2.    School will not fund competition beyond the state level. 
3.    Outdoor Education: Students pay up to $50. 
4.    All Clubs: Students pay $0 to $140 (not to exceed the cost of conducting club activities) for membership and activities in each club. Show Choir Students pay $0 to $250 (not to exceed the cost of conducting club activities).
5.    Athletics:  Students pay a $50 participation fee for each interscholastic sport. 

6.    Students pay a $25 participation fee for each intramural sport.
7.    All Sports: Students provide elastic waist shorts, t-shirt, socks, shoes and cold weather attire as needed. 
8.    Basketball: Students provide appropriate athletic shoes for indoors only.

9.    Cross Country: Students provide appropriate athletic shoes.

10.    Football:  Students provide appropriate athletic shoes. 

11.    Track:  Students provide appropriate athletic shoes. 

12.    Volleyball:  Students provide appropriate athletic shoes for use indoors only. 

13.    Wrestling:  Students provide appropriate athletic shoes for use indoors only.     

14.    Other Requirements: Students who participate in interscholastic athletics and/or the Cross Country Club are required to have a sports physical (except for intramurals) and must be covered by health insurance.  Health insurance is available through private carriers, or, for those who qualify, the State of Nebraska. 
B.    Spectator Admission/Transportation 
1.    Students pay an admission fee to activities, not to exceed $10 per person per event.  The site administrator shall determine the admission charges to each “home” middle school event. 
C.    Special Transportation 
1.    §79-241 (option enrollment students): n/a 
2.    §79-605 (tuition students): n/a 
3.    §79-611 (students within 4 miles and open enrollment students): Transportation for students whose residences are two miles or more from school is provided through Student Transportation of America for $450 for an AM and PM roundtrip per year or $250 for an AM or PM one way trip per year (with the balance of the cost paid by the District). 
D.    Copies of Files/Records 
1.    Students pay 10 cents per page. 
E.    Before/After School 
1.    Mini-Classes:  Students pay up to $40 per class, including materials (6-8 sessions, but not to exceed actual cost). 
F.    Lost/Damaged Property 
1.    Students pay for repair or replacement of property. 
G.    Summer/Night School* 
1.    District Summer School:  Students pay up to $175 (for no more than 3 instructional hours per day for 20 days – one course); $400 (for no more than 6 instructional hours per day for 12 days – one course); $134 for mini-courses (no more than 3 instructional hours per day for 4 days for each mini-course.) 
2.    Middle School After-School Program:  Students pay up to $30 (for up to one hour per day for one week); up to $60 (for 2 to 3 hours per day for one week). 
3.    Summer Opportunities instruction for students – no more than $150 (per opportunity per student). 
4.    Transition Programs:  $10.
H.    Breakfast/Lunch Programs* 
1.    Students pay for breakfast (i.e., current cost of breakfast $1.80). 
2.    Students pay for lunch (i.e., current cost of lunch $3.35).  A la carte selections vary in price. 
3.    Students pay for dinner (i.e., current cost of dinner $3.35). 
I.    Non-Specialized Attire 
1.    PE:  Students provide athletic shoes, elastic waist shorts, t-shirt, and cold weather attire as needed. 
J.    Musical Instruments (Optional, Non-Extracurricular) * 
1.    Band & Strings: Students provide their own instruments. 
K.    Music Items (Extracurricular)* 
1.    Chamber Orchestra, & Jazz Band:  Students provide their own instruments and attire.  Required performance attire will not exceed a cost of $40. 

L.    Skilled and Technical Sciences course (Elective) *

1.    Grade 6: Students choose 6 modules to complete the course.  Students pay for select modules that require specialized materials not to exceed $5.00 each. Free modules are available.

2.    Grades 7 and 8: Students choose 3 modules to complete the course.  Students pay for select modules that require specialized materials not to exceed $12.00 each. Free modules are available. 

*   The requirements marked with an asterisk (*) may be waived for students who qualify for free or reduced-price lunches. 
III.    High School Fees 
A.    Extracurricular Activities* 
1.    All Clubs:  Students pay up to $800 (not to exceed the cost of conducting club activities) for membership and activities in each club. 
2.    All Activities:  Students pay a $70 fee for participation in athletics and activities governed by the Nebraska School Activities Association (fee includes an Athletic Admission Ticket for “home” school events). (Journalism, Concert Choir, and Orchestra are excluded.) 
3.    Curriculum Related Activities (i.e., Marching Band, DECA, SkillsUSA, HOSA, FCCLA, Debate, Forensics, and FCS):  The District does not fund competitive activities for students beyond the state level.  After approval from principal or designee, fundraising and/or donations must cover the cost of competition beyond the state level. 

4.    Graduation Materials:  Students purchase selected cap and gown. 
5.    Athletics, Cheerleading and Dance:  Students are required to have a physical and must be covered by health insurance to participate. Health insurance is available through private carriers, or, for those who qualify, the State of Nebraska. 
6.    All Athletics:  Students provide elastic waist shorts, t-shirt, socks, shoes, towels, and cold weather attire as needed. 

7.    Baseball: Students provide baseball glove, bat, appropriate athletic shoes, colored socks, and pay indoor facilities fees up to $30 per season. 

8.    Basketball:  Students provide appropriate athletic shoes for use indoors only and practice jersey. 

9.    Bowling:  Students will provide a bowling ball, bowling shoes, and pay for bowling alley fees up to $30 per season.

10.    Cross Country:  Students provide appropriate athletic shoes. 

11.    Dance Team/Cheerleading:  Students purchase selected uniforms.

12.    Football:  Students provide appropriate athletic shoes and practice jersey. 

13.    Golf:  Students provide golf clubs, golf bag, golf balls, and appropriate athletic shoes and pay range or green fees up to $30 per season. 

14.    Soccer:  Students provide shin guards, appropriate athletic shoes, colored socks, and pay indoor facilities fees up to $30 per season. 

15.    Softball:  Students provide softball glove, bat, appropriate athletic shoes, and colored socks. 

16.    Swimming:  Students provide swimsuits, towels, goggles and fins. 

17.    Tennis:  Students provide tennis racquet, appropriate athletic shoes, and pay indoor court fees up to $30 per season. 

18.    Track:  Students provide appropriate athletic shoes. 

19.    Unified Sports: Students provide appropriate athletic shoes.

20.    Volleyball:  Students provide appropriate athletic shoes and knee pads for use indoors only. 

21.    Wrestling:  Students provide appropriate athletic shoes for use indoors only. 

22.    Unified Sports: Students provide appropriate athletic shoes.

23.    Bowling:  Students will provide a bowling ball, bowling shoes, and pay for bowling alley fees up to $30 per season.
B.    Spectator Admission/Transportation 
1.    Students pay admission fees, not to exceed $30 (per event, per person), to school activities. The site administrator shall determine the admission charges to each “home” high school event. 
2.    Athletic Admission Ticket:  Students pay $40 for admission to all “home” high school athletic events (non-tournament competitions). 
C.    Post-Secondary Education 
1.    Post-Secondary Education costs:  Students pay the cost of tuition and other fees only associated with obtaining credits from a post-secondary educational institution if the student chooses to apply for post-secondary education credit, i.e., $38 per credit for courses that require a Metropolitan Community college (MCC) instructor, $50 per Early College course through MCC, $250 per course at University of Nebraska–Omaha (UNO). University of Nebraska High School $200 per five credit course and $50 administrative fee per course (online classes). 
2.    Advanced Placement Exams Fees:  Students may pay the cost of each exam (i.e., currently $98per exam) pending other available resources. AP Seminar and AP Research are $146 per exam.
3.    International Baccalaureate Exams Fees:  Students may pay for the cost of exams (i.e., currently approximately   $850 for two years of testing).  Students pay IB Registration Fees (currently $160) pending other available resources. 

4.    Health Science Academy: Students provide specialized attire as required for Certified Nursing Assistant.  

D.    Special Transportation 
1.    §79-241 (option enrollment students): n/a 
2.    §79-605 (tuition students): n/a 
3.    §79-611 (students within 4 miles and open enrollment students): n/a  
E.    Copies of Files/Records 
1.    Transcript fee:  Students pay $5. 
2.    Other Requests:  Students pay 10 cents per page. 
F.    Lost/Damaged Property
1.    Students pay for cost of repair or replacement of property. 
G.    Before/After School 
1.    Mini-Classes:  Students pay up to $40 per class, including materials (6-8 sessions, but not to exceed actual cost). 
H.    Summer/Night School* 
1.    District Summer School:  Students pay up to $175 (for 3 instructional hours per day for 24 days, 1 one-semester course); $350 (for 6 instructional hours per day for 24 days, 2 one-semester courses); $140 (for up to 3 instructional hours per day for 14 days, noncredit or special program course); $155 (for up to 3 instructional hours per day for 15 days, noncredit step-up to high school course). 
2.    Summer Opportunities instruction for students - no more than $40 (per opportunity per student). 
3.    Night School:  Students may pay up to $170 for 5 credit semester offering for credit recovery courses only. 

I.    Breakfast/Lunch Programs* 
1.    Students pay for breakfast (i.e., current cost of breakfast $2.05). 
2.    Students pay for lunch (i.e., current cost of lunch $3.85).  A la carte selections vary in price. 
3.    Students pay for dinner (i.e., current cost of dinner $3.35). 
J.    Parking Permit 
1.    Students wishing to park in school lots during the school day must obtain a parking permit for $40. 
2.    Students who accrue parking lot violations during the school day may be charged up to $10 per violation. 

K.    Non-Specialized Attire 
1.    PE:  Students provide athletic shoes, socks, swimsuit, towel, elastic-waist shorts, t-shirt, and cold weather attire as needed. 
2.    Lifeguarding:  Students provide a CPR mouth guard. 
L.    Musical Instruments (Optional, Non-Extracurricular) * 
1.    Band and Strings:  Students provide their own instruments including drum sticks and mallets for percussion. 
M.    Music Items (Extracurricular)* 
1.    Pep Band:  Students provide a colored polo shirt (general description by band instructor). 
2.    Band:  Students may provide black or white leather shoes as generally described by band instructor. 
N.    Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training 

1.    Students will purchase additions to their uniform (cords, ribbon holder, ribbons) not to exceed $40.00 per year. 

2.    Students will pay a uniform cleaning fee not to exceed $160 a year. 

O.    Skilled and Technical Sciences course (Elective)

1.    There is no charge for participation and construction of student projects.   A project fee is required if students choose to take their projects home.  Because Millard Public Schools purchases all materials, all projects belong to Millard Public Schools until a project fee has been received.  The project fee will vary due to the size, complexity, and materials used to build the project.

*   The requirements marked with an asterisk (*) may be waived for students who qualify for free or reduced-price lunches.

IV.    Student Fee Fund: 
A.    The District shall establish a Student Fee Fund, which shall be a separate fund not funded by tax revenue. 
B.    All money collected from students pursuant to §79-2,127(1) (related to extracurricular activities), §79-2,127(3) (related to post-secondary education costs), and §79-2,127(8) (related to summer school and night school) shall be deposited into the Student Fee Fund.  Money expended from such fund shall be for the purposes for which it was collected from students. 
    *     The requirements marked with an asterisk (*) may be waived for students who qualify for free or reduced-price lunches. 
V.    Waiver of Fees and/or Requirements: 
A.    Students who qualify for free or reduced-price lunches under the USDA child nutrition programs may have fees and requirements waived for the following: 
1.    §79-2,133 Related to participation in extracurricular activities. 
2.    §79-2,131 Related to optional music courses and extracurricular music activities. 
B.    Participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program shall not be required for students to qualify for a waiver of fees and/or requirements. 
C.    Any qualified student desiring a waiver of fees and/or requirements shall complete and submit a Request for Waiver of  Fees and/or Requirements form to the building principal (or his/her designee).  Once the Request is processed, the principal (or his/her designee) shall inform the student as to whether the Request was approved or denied. 


Date of Adoption
July 15, 2002
Date of Revision
April 21, 2003
July 21, 2003
May 17, 2004
June 6, 2005
April 17, 2006
April 23, 2007
April 21, 2008
April 13, 2009
November 2, 2009
February 15, 2010
April 5, 2010
September 7, 2010
March 21, 2011
July 11, 2011
May 7, 2012
May 20, 2013
July 1, 2013
May 5, 2014
May 4, 2015
May 2, 2016
May 1, 2017
May 7, 2018
May 6, 2019
May 4, 2020
May 3, 2021
May 2, 2022
May 1, 2023
May 6, 2024

6800: Parental Access

6800: Parental Access holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 08:17

It is the policy of the Millard School District to inform parents of the educational practices affecting their children, and to foster and facilitate parental involvement in educational practices affecting their children. 

This Policy shall be reviewed annually and either altered and adopted as altered, or reaffirmed by the Board, following a public hearing. 

Date of Adoption
June 19, 1995
Date of Revision
April 27, 1998
September 13, 1999
July 1, 1996
July 7, 1997
August 7, 2000
June 17, 2002
July 7, 2003
May 17, 2004
June 6, 2005
June 5, 2006
June 4, 2007
June 1, 2009
June 7, 2010
June 6, 2011
June 4, 2012
June 3, 2013
May 19, 2014
May 18, 2015
May 2, 2016
May 1, 2017
May 7, 2018
May 6, 2019
May 4, 2020
May 3, 2021
May 2, 2022
May 1, 2023
May 6, 2024

6800.1: Parental Access

6800.1: Parental Access holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 09:42

I. Access to Educational Practices. Parents will be afforded the following access to the District's educational practices as required by law: 

A. Textbooks, tests, and curriculum materials: Parents may obtain access to textbooks, tests, and other curriculum materials used by the District by making a request to the Associate Superintendent of Educational Services or said Associate Superintendent's designee. Such request shall be reasonably specific in order that the District may comply with the request. 

1. Courses, assemblies, and other instructional activities: Parents may request to attend courses, assemblies, and other instructional activities by contacting the school principal or principal's designee reasonably in advance of the course, assembly, or instructional activity the parent desires to attend. The District will comply with such request if the request: 

a. Does not materially interfere with the educational process; and/or 

b. Is not contrary to the best interests of the student. 

If the parent's request is denied or qualified, the District will so notify the requesting parent, and will provide an explanation of the grounds for the denial or qualification. 

If the parents dispute the denial or qualification, the parents may submit a written request for review to the District's Associate Superintendent for Educational Services. Upon receipt of a written request for review, the Associate Superintendent for Educational Services will review all relevant documents and undertake such investigation as he/she determines to be appropriate. Thereafter, the Associate Superintendent for Educational Services will render a written disposition of the matter within ten (10) school days of his/her receipt of the written request for review. 

2. Counseling sessions: Parents may request to attend counseling sessions by submitting a written request to the Director of Student Services or said director's designee reasonably in advance of the counseling session the parent desires to attend. The District will comply with such request if the request: 

a. Does not materially interfere with the educational process; and/or 

b. Is not contrary to the best interests of the student. 

If the parent's request is denied or qualified, the District will so notify the requesting parent, and will provide an explanation of the grounds for the denial or qualification. 

If the parents dispute the denial or qualification, the parents may submit a written request for review to the District's Associate Superintendent for Human Resources. Upon receipt of a written request for review, the Associate Superintendent for Human Resources will review all relevant documents and undertake such investigation as he/she determines to be appropriate. Thereafter, the Associate Superintendent for will render a written disposition of the matter within ten (10) school days of his/her receipt of the written request for review. 

B. Access to records: The District will permit access to student records pursuant to applicable law, District Policy 5710, and Rule 5710.1. Non-custodial parents will be permitted access to student records pursuant to applicable law, District Policy 5730, and Rule 5730.1. 

C. District testing policy: The District's administration and use of tests will be in accordance with established and recognized testing procedures for tests of scholastic, academic, and intellectual development and status. Testing pursuant to statutory requirements will be in compliance with recognized testing procedures and reasonable objectives. Drug, alcohol, and tobacco testing will be in compliance with District Policy and Rule. 

D. Surveys: 

1. District participation in surveys. The District will conduct all surveys of students required by law. The District will also participate in surveys of students conducted for educational purposes or which are reasonably related to the same. 

2. Protections of personal information and student privacy. No surveys shall be conducted which require the disclosure of personally identifiable information unless the survey is required by law, District Policy, or Board authorization. Survey results shall not disclose personally identifiable information unless such disclosure is required by law, District Policy, or Board authorization. 

3. Notification and consent. No student shall be required to submit to a survey, analysis, or evaluation that reveals information concerning political affiliations or beliefs of the student or the student's parent; mental or psychological problems of the student or the student's family; sex behavior or attitudes; illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior; critical appraisals of other individuals with whom respondents have close family relationships; legally recognized privileged or analogous relationships, such as those of lawyers, physicians, and ministers; religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or student's parent; income (other than that required by law to determine eligibility for participation in a program or for receiving financial assistance under such program); or which originates outside the District, without the prior written consent of the parent or without the prior consent of the student if the student is an adult or an emancipated minor. The District shall provide for reasonable notice of the adoption on continued use of this Rule directly to the parents of students enrolled in the District at least annually at the beginning of the school year and within a reasonable time after any substantive change in this Rule. The District shall directly notify the parents of students at least annually at the beginning of the school year, of the specific or approximate dates during the school year when such surveys are scheduled or expected to be scheduled. 

4. Right to inspect surveys and to opt out. The parents of district students have the right to inspect any survey before the survey is administered or distributed, including all instructional materials, teacher's manuals, films, tapes, and other supplementary materials which will be used in connection with any such survey. A parent shall be provided reasonable access to a survey within a reasonable period of time after a request to inspect is received. Parents, adult students, and emancipated students, may opt out of participation in any such survey by not providing the required prior consent or by revoking any previously provided consent. 

5. Personal information for marketing or sale. The District does not collect, disclose, or use personal information collected from students for the purpose of marketing or for selling that information or otherwise providing that information to others for that purpose. The District may engage in the collection, disclosure, or use of personal information collected from students for the exclusive purpose of developing, evaluating, or providing educational products or services for, or to: 

a. Students; 

b. Educational institutions such as college or other post-secondary education recruitment, book clubs, magazines, and programs providing access to low-cost literary products; 

c. Curriculum and instructional materials used by elementary and secondary schools. 

d. Tests and assessments; 

e. The sale by students of products or services to raise funds for school-related or education-related activities, or student recognition programs. 

II. Annual Review. This Rule shall be reviewed annually and either altered and adopted as altered, or reaffirmed by the Board, following a public hearing.


Cross References:

Rule 1310.2 (II) Complaints: Instructional Materials


Rule 5720.1 Records Retention and Disposition


Policy 5730 Parents' Access to School Records and School Contact


Rule 5730.1 Non-Custodial Parents' Access to School Records and School Contact


Policy 5710 Access to Student Records


Rule 5710.1 Student Records


Rule 5740.1 Visits to the Schools - Visitations by Parents, Guardians, and Others


Policy 6700 Extracurricular School Sponsored Clubs and Activities and Interscholastic Athletics and Activities (NSAA)


Rule 5530.1 Recognition of Religious Beliefs and Customs and Exclusion from Participation


Rule 6810.2 Curriculum Request for Exclusion


Policy 6810 Public Access to School Materials and Documents


Rule 6810.1 Public Access to School Materials and Documents


Policy 6900 Research: Testing


Rule 6900.1 Research: Testing

Date of Adoption
June 19, 1995
Date of Revision
April 27, 1998
September 13, 1999
July 7, 2003
May 17, 2004
June 6, 2006
July 1, 1996
July 7, 1997
August 7, 2000
July 16, 2001
June 17, 2002
June 6, 2005
June 4, 2007
June 2, 2008
June 1, 2009
June 7, 2010
June 6, 2011
June 4, 2012
June 3, 2013
May 19, 2014
May 18, 2015
May 2, 2016
May 1, 2017
May 7, 2018
May 6, 2019
May 4, 2020
May 3, 2021
May 2, 2022
May 1, 2023
May 6, 2024

6810: Public Access to School Materials and Documents

6810: Public Access to School Materials and Documents holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 10:00

The District shall make available, upon request, books, manuals, visual aids, teaching materials, reference materials and other documents utilized in the preparation and administration of the District’s curricula and educational programs. Such materials will be made available under procedures which will provide full access to the materials requested but not interfere or conflict with the continuity, efficiency or effectiveness of the District’s educational programs or mission.

Date of Adoption
March 7, 1994
Date of Revision
September 13, 1999
April 13, 1998
November 6, 2006
November 5, 2012
February 4, 2019

6810.1: Public Access to School Materials and Documents

6810.1: Public Access to School Materials and Documents holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 10:09

I. Any documents or other materials requested for examination will be made available during the hours and days when the offices of the school or other district facilities are open. Requests by parents or guardians to examine the materials being used or planned for use in teaching their son/daughter will be honored but, to avoid interruption of the classroom environment, parents will follow those procedures listed in items II-IV (below). Requests, other than those from parents or guardians, shall be made in writing and shall state with as much specificity, as is reasonable, a description of the documents and materials which are requested to be examined. 

II. Persons making the request will be provided facilities where the examination can be made and where the examining person or persons can make such memoranda and abstracts as may be desired. 

III. Requested copies of documents and other materials will be provided by the District subject to the following conditions: 

    A. No documents or other materials which are subject to a copyright or subject to copyright laws shall be copied; and 

    B. Requests for copies shall be submitted on forms provided by the District. The District will provide the copies within a reasonable time and       whenever the work required to make the copies does not interfere with the ordinary transaction of the business of the District or interfere with the     conduct of the District’s educational programs. 

IV. When the District provides copies of documents or other materials, the copies will be provided if the person making the request agrees to pay the District the charges established for providing copies. Charges will be a reasonable estimate of the cost of the materials, and employees’ time in making the copies and a reasonable charge for the use of the copying machine or machines. The charges will be established from time to time and the person or persons making the request shall be notified of the charges at the time the request to the District is made.

Date of Adoption
March 7, 1994
Date of Revision
September 13, 1999
February 4, 2019
April 13, 1998
November 6, 2006
November 5, 2012

6810.2: Curriculum - Request for Exclusion

6810.2: Curriculum - Request for Exclusion holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 10:12

I. Parents or guardians may make a formal, written request that their child or ward be excused from the use of a given book, instructional unit or particular literary work. The request may be granted only if the subject of the request is determined by the District to be contrary to the personal convictions of the parent or guardian concerning the philosophical or ideological content of the educational materials or portions thereof to which the request is directed.

Any student for which the request is granted shall be assigned to educational activities or resources which are as near as reasonably possible to the educational outcomes of the educational materials from which the student is excused.

In the event a parent or guardian may request that their child or ward by excused from an entire course the request may be granted only if the District determines that the content of the entire course appears to be contrary to the personal, philosophical or ideological convictions of the individual making the request.

Any student for which the request is granted shall be assigned to a curriculum subject which is related as closely as possible to the educational outcomes of the course from which the student is excused.

No request shall be granted if the request is only to change courses for reasons of personal convenience, desires, or personal preference or to merely substitute one course for another.

Parents may suggest, through formal complaint procedures set forth in District Rule 1310.2, that a given book, instructional unit, literary work, or course be excluded from the curriculum for all students.

The building principal or primary administrator in a building shall be responsible for informing parents or guardians of their rights of request and exclusion by including such a statement in the student handbook for which the principal or other administrator is responsible.

Forms for requesting exclusion of a student from curriculum materials or courses or the exclusion of a given book, instructional unit/course or literary work from use in a building or within the District are available from Educational Services. Available forms include:

Form A-1: Parent/Guardian Request for Student Exclusion from a Given Book, Instructional Unit or Literary Work

Form A-2: Parent/Guardian Request for Student Exclusion from a Course

Form B-1: Citizen Request for Consideration of Print and Non-Print Materials

Form B-2: Parent/Guardian Request for Reconsideration of a Current Course Offering

Date of Adoption
August 17, 1992
Date of Revision
March 2, 1998
September 13, 1999
December 4, 2006
November 5, 2012
February 4, 2019

6900: Research - Testing

6900: Research - Testing holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 10:21

Any persons conducting research projects involving staff, students, families, or facilities of the Millard School District must submit a request in writing and receive approval from the Department of Assessment, Research, and Evaluation prior to conducting research. 

Date of Revision
April 20, 1992
September 13, 1999
December 4, 2006
June 4, 2012
September 19, 2016
June 6, 2022

6900.1: Research - Testing

6900.1: Research - Testing holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 10:24

Individuals or organizations seeking approval to conduct research, surveys, or tests involving the staff, students, families or facilities of the Millard School District shall observe the following procedures: 

I. The “Research Application to Millard Public Schools” forms must be filled out and submitted to the Department of Assessment, Research, and Evaluation. 

II. All research instruments and a description of proposed methods to be used in the project must be submitted to the Department of Assessment, Research, and Evaluation as part of the application. 

III. Upon receipt of application forms and other required materials a decision on approval, rejection, or required modifications will be made by the Department of Assessment, Research, and Evaluation in consultation with Educational Services. 

IV. Individuals or organizations that are approved to conduct research, surveys or tests shall enter into a written agreement with the District. Such written agreement shall: 

1. Specify the purpose of the research, survey or test, set forth the scope and duration of the research, survey or test and shall identify all personally identifiable information from student records that will be disclosed for the purpose of conducting the research, survey or test; 
2. Specifically limit the use of any personally identifiable information from student records only for the purposes of the research, survey or test; 
3. Require the individual or organization to conduct the research, survey or test in a manner that does not disclose the personal identification of any student or parent to any persons unless such person or persons has a legitimate need to know such information; 
4. Require the individual or organization conducting the research, survey or test to maintain the confidentiality of all personally identifiable information from student records during all stages of the research, survey or test, by using appropriate disclosure avoidance techniques; and 
5. Require the individual or organization conducting the research, survey or test to destroy any and all records that contain personally identifiable information within 30 days after the final results of the research, survey or test have been submitted to the District. 

V. Results of research studies, surveys or tests that involve students, staff, families or facilities must be sent to the Department of Assessment, Research, and Evaluation upon completion of the research. 

VI. Part of the decision-making process for approval will take into account the sub- population to be researched, the required involvement of Millard Public School staff and the degree to which the project may impact instructional time.

Date of Adoption
April 20, 1992
Date of Revision
September 13, 1999
December 4, 2006
June 4, 2012
September 19, 2016
June 6, 2022

6910: Community Volunteers

6910: Community Volunteers holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 10:27

The Board of Education recognizes that the use of community volunteers enriches the learning experiences for students and serves to enhance school-community relations. The Board authorizes the Superintendent or designee to establish a process and procedure to review and evaluate potential community volunteers. When making such evaluations consideration shall be given to issues of safety and to the needs of the students, staff, faculty and administration.

Date of Adoption
February 21, 2000
Date of Revision
May 7, 2007
March 4, 2013
July 6, 2020

6910.1: Screening Procedures for Volunteers in the Classroom

6910.1: Screening Procedures for Volunteers in the Classroom holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 10:29

I. All persons interested in serving as volunteers in the Millard Public Schools who will have an ongoing volunteer schedule and will have direct contact with students and who are not current District employees, current students, parents, or grandparents of current students, shall apply through the school where he or she wishes to volunteer and shall provide the following information on an approved Millard Public Schools volunteer application form:

A. Statistical and directory information including, but not limited to, name, address, telephone number, email address and current or former place of employment (if any).

B. Names of not less than three references to be contacted directly by the principal or designee at the site where the person wants to volunteer. Applicants shall supply a phone number and email address for each reference.

C. A written authorization to permit the District to obtain a criminal background check and check of the Child/Adult Abuse and Neglect Registry/Register for purposes of evaluating the Applicant’s ability and fitness to serve as a volunteer in the District.

II. For all interested volunteers whose volunteer services may result in interaction with students and which may not be directly and continuously supervised by District personnel, the Associate Superintendent for Educational Services or designee and the principal or designee shall undertake the following Applicant screening procedures:

A. All application forms shall be reviewed by the building principal or designee and the Associate Superintendent for Educational Services or designee.

B. The principal or designee at the site where the person wants to volunteer shall contact each person identified as a reference on the application.

C. The Associate Superintendent for Educational Services or designee shall submit the applicant's paperwork for a criminal background check and a check of the Child/Adult Abuse and Neglect Central Registry/Register.

III. While the application is being processed and all references and background checks made, the Applicant shall not be placed in a temporary volunteer position by the principal and/or the program staff.

IV. When all reference and background checks are completed and are determined to be satisfactory and consistent with the District’s policy, the Associate Superintendent for Educational Services or designee shall contact the principal and/or program staff and advise that the volunteer has been approved. 

V. In the event the reference and criminal background checks reveal information that appears to be unsatisfactory, not consistent with the District’s policy, or otherwise indicates that the Applicant is not qualified or fit to serve as a volunteer, the District shall provide the Applicant such notice as may be required by law.

VI. If the Applicant’s references or the Associate Superintendent for Educational Services or designee review of the Child/Adult Abuse and Neglect Registry/Register shows that the Applicant is not qualified to serve as a volunteer, the Associate Superintendent for Educational Services or designee shall send a letter to the Applicant advising that the Applicant has been denied.

VII. All references and reference checks shall be strictly confidential and shall not be available to any person, including the Applicant.

VIII. All information other than reference information obtained or gathered in the application and screening process shall be strictly confidential and shall not be available to any person other than the Applicant.

IX. Volunteers are expected to perform approved volunteer services under the supervision of a Millard Public Schools employee.

X. Volunteers shall be subject to the District’s personnel policies and rules, including but not limited to non-discrimination and harassment, sexual harassment, appropriate boundaries with students, behavior and conduct on District property, dress, use of tobacco, substance use, use of District computers and property, confidentiality, corporal punishment and physical contact, and safety and security.

XI. Volunteers in the Millard Public Schools are intended to enrich the learning experiences for students through the performance of volunteer services. Persons interested in serving as volunteers so as to fulfill community work requirements for other agencies shall not be accepted.

XII. The District reserves the right for the Associate Superintendent for Educational Services to require any individual, including current District employees, current students, parents, or grandparents of current students, to complete a criminal background check and a check of the Child/Adult Abuse and Neglect Central Registry/Register prior to being allowed to perform any volunteer service or participate in any District-related activity.

XIII. The Superintendent or his/her designee may grant an exception to the requirements herein if, in an emergency situation, the Superintendent or his/her designee deems that an exception is in the best interest of the class activity, District, and student(s).

Date of Adoption
February 21, 2000
Date of Revision
May 7, 2007
March 4, 2013
July 6, 2020
November 16, 2020

6910.2: Screening Procedures for Volunteers in Extracurricular Programs

6910.2: Screening Procedures for Volunteers in Extracurricular Programs holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 10:31

I. All persons interested in serving as volunteers in any extracurricular program offered by the Millard Public Schools who will have an ongoing volunteer schedule and will have direct contact with students who are not current District employees, current students, parents or grandparents of current students, shall apply through the school where he or she wishes to volunteer and shall provide the following information on an approved Millard Public Schools volunteer application form:

A. Statistical and directory information including, but not limited to, name, address, telephone number, email address, and current or former place of employment (if any).

B. Names of not less than three references to be contacted directly by the principal or designee at the site where the person wants to volunteer. Applicants shall supply a phone number and email address for each reference.

C. A written authorization to permit the District to obtain a criminal background check and check of the Child/Adult Abuse and Neglect Central Registry/Register for purposes of evaluating the Applicant’s ability and fitness to serve as a volunteer in the District.

II. For all interested volunteers in an extracurricular program whose volunteer services may result in interaction with students, the Human Resources Department shall undertake the following Applicant screening procedures:

A. All application forms shall be reviewed by the building principal or designee and the Human Resources Department.

B. The principal or designee at the site where the person wants to volunteer shall contact each person identified as a reference on the application.

C. The Human Resources Department shall submit the applicant's paperwork for a criminal background check and a check of the Child/Adult Abuse and Neglect Central Registry/Register.

III. While the application is being processed and all references and background checks made, the Applicant shall not be placed in a temporary volunteer position in an extracurricular program by the principal and/or the program staff.

IV. When all reference checks and background check are completed and are determined to be satisfactory and consistent with the District’s policy, the Human Resources Department shall contact the principal and/or program staff and advise that the volunteer in an extracurricular program has been approved.

V. In the event the reference and criminal background checks reveal information that appears to be unsatisfactory, not consistent with the District’s policy, or otherwise indicates that the Applicant is not qualified or fit to serve as a volunteer, the District shall provide the Applicant such notice as may be required by law.

VI. If the Applicant’s references or the Human Resources Department review of the Child/Adult Abuse and Neglect Registry/Register shows that the Applicant is not qualified to serve as a volunteer, the Human Resources Department shall send a letter to the Applicant advising that the Applicant has been denied.

VII. All references and reference checks shall be strictly confidential and shall not be available to any person, including the Applicant.

VIII. All information other than reference information obtained or gathered in the application and screening process shall be strictly confidential and shall not be available to any person other than the Applicant.

IX. Volunteers are expected to perform approved volunteer services under the supervision of a Millard Public Schools employee.

X. Volunteers shall be subject to the District’s personnel policies and rules, including but not limited to non-discrimination and harassment, sexual harassment, appropriate boundaries with students, behavior and conduct on District property, dress, use of tobacco, substance use, use of District computers and property, confidentiality, corporal punishment and physical contact, and safety and security.

XI. Volunteers in the Millard Public Schools are intended to enrich the learning experiences for students through the performance of volunteer services. Persons interested in serving as volunteers so as to fulfill community work requirements for other agencies shall not be accepted.

XII. The District reserves the right for the Associate Superintendent for Human Resources to require any individual, including current District employees, current students, parents, or grandparents of current students, to complete a criminal background check and a check of the Child/Adult Abuse and Neglect
Central Registry/Register prior to being allowed to perform any volunteer service or participate in any District-related activity.

XIII. The Superintendent or his/her designee may grant an exception to the requirements herein if, in an emergency situation, the Superintendent or his/her designee deems that an exception is in the best interest of the class activity, District, and student(s).

Date of Adoption
June 5, 2006
Date of Revision
December 4, 2006
May 7, 2007
March 4, 2013
July 6, 2020
November 16, 2020

6920: Community Resources

6920: Community Resources holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 10:39

The Millard School District recognizes the potential education contribution that lies within the Millard community. Instructional staff members are encouraged to use various members of the community and their particular areas of expertise to enhance the overall instructional program.

Date of Adoption
June 16, 1975
Date of Revision
September 13, 1999
September 5, 2006
October 1, 2012
November 5, 2018