6670.1: Homebound Instruction

I. General Statement. 

Homebound instruction may be provided to a student in his/her home or in a local hospital and under the  supervision of a responsible adult, when the student is unable to attend regular classes due to illness, injury, or documented medical condition which results in the student’s extended absence from school. Homebound instruction shall only be provided when the student’s illness or injury are such that the student can benefit from instruction and no other provision will meet the student’s needs.

II. Definitions.

A. Homebound instruction shall mean educational instruction provided to a student online vua approved District technology resources, in his/her home within District boundaries or in a local hospital to which a student has been admitted for care of the illness, injury, or documented medical condition. 

B. Under the supervision of a responsible adult shall mean the presence of the student’s parent or guardian or other adult as authorized by the parent or guardian, including hospital staff.

C. Extended absence from school shall mean a medically prescribed absence from the regular classes the student attends.  The length of time a student may be absent from classes for a medically prescribed reason before homebound instruction begins will be individually determined and based upon, but not limited to the following:  duration of the absence, recurrence of the absences, and the ability of the student to participate in instruction as verified by a medical professional.

D. Illness, injury, or documented medical condition shall mean a medically diagnosed physical or mental condition that prohibits a student from attending regular classes.

E. Core subject areas shall mean instruction in the following areas: reading, writing, mathematics, science and social studies.

F. Medical Professional shall mean individuals licensed by the Department of Health and Human Services.

III. Provision of Homebound Instruction.

A. Homebound instruction shall be provided only when no other options are available to meet the student’s educational needs. 

B. The frequency and duration of homebound instruction shall be such instruction as is necessary for the student to progress in the core subject area classes that he/she is unable to attend.

C. A medical professional shall sanction the student’s participation in homebound instruction, verifying that the student’s physical and mental condition will not be jeopardized by participation. 

D. Students who are residents of the District and attend a nonpublic school are eligible to receive homebound instruction.

E. Students who are residents of the District and attend an exempt school are not eligible to receive homebound instruction, other than the instruction they may be entitled to receive as a student with a disability.

F. Homebound instruction will be provided on regularly scheduled school days, following the approved school calendar, and during times that are ordinarily considered to be the school day for professional staff as provided by District Rule 4141.1.  

IV. Requests for Homebound Instruction.

A. All requests for homebound instruction shall be referred to the Director of Special Education or designee.

B. If the student is not a student with a disability, a Multidisciplinary Team evaluation may be conducted to determine if the student is eligible to receive instruction as a student with a disability.  If the student is determined to be eligible to receive homebound instruction as a student with a disability, the student’s Individual Education Program (IEP) Team will identify the appropriate homebound instruction to be provided by the District.

C. If the Multidisciplinary Team evaluation does not determine the student is eligible to receive special education services, a 504 Team may be convened. If the student is determined to be eligible to receive homebound instruction as a student with a 504 Plan, the student’s 504 Team will identify the appropriate homebound instruction to be provided by the District.

D. If the student is a student with a disability, the student’s IEP or 504 Team will be convened to consider the student’s medical condition and identify the appropriate homebound instruction to be provided by the District.

Date of Adoption
May 21, 2001
Date of Revision
May 20, 2013
December 2, 2019
May 3, 2021
November 19, 2007