Providing a safe learning environment for students and staff is our number one priority. All Millard Public Schools deploy a variety of safety and security measures to ensure safe learning environments. On this page will only highlight some of the more public safety measures and procedures we deploy and we will not go into details about other more protected procedures for obvious reasons.
For more information about the overarching processes and procedures we deploy, please select the links below:
Each building in the Millard Public Schools has a individualized Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). These plans contain the more specific details related to that building's emergency processes and procedures. The EOPs are reviewed and updated annually by local law enforcement, the Nebraska Dept. of Education, the District's Safety and Security Committee, and finally by each building administrative team. Some of the general practices you might see outlined in the EOP are listed below:
Access Control:
All 35 Millard Schools have access control measures in place. These measures include but are not limited to individually locking rooms and electronically monitored areas using both video and contact surveillance at all times. Additionally, visitor management control measures are also utilized which helps limit public access to our schools.
Standard Response Protocol (SRP):
The Millard Public Schools participates in the Statewide effort to align emergency response by using SRP. The SRP is a Nationally known protocol developed by the ILoveUGuys Foundation.
SRP is based on five actions; Hold, Secure, Lockdown, Evacuate, and Shelter. In the event of an emergency, these actions are communicated to all students and staff by various means. Our staff and students are trained on these procedures regularly and these protocols are a part of each school's more comprehensive Emergency Operations Plan. The SRP also provides schools and local law enforcement with specific reunification procedures in the event of a mass evacuation.
For more information about SRP, please click on the links below:
- Student and Parent Handout (English)
- Student and Parent Handout (Spanish)
Run, Hide, Fight Doctrine:
Millard Public School also promotes the Department of Homeland Security Run, Hide Fight Doctrine.
The School Resource Officer (SRO) position is a partnership between the Omaha Police Department, Douglas County Sheriff Department and the Millard Public School District. A full time officer is assigned to each of the high schools and part time officers are assigned to each middle school.
The Millard SROs are carefully selected, trained, and equipped to serve a unique and needed role in our schools. The School Based Law Enforcement concept is the placement of an experienced law enforcement professional in the High Schools, Middle Schools and Elementary Schools with the following goals.
The SRO program reflects a community partnership between the Police Department and the School District to ensure that our schools are safe, secure, and orderly learning environments. The SRO should be looked at as a resource to which the school community can turn. As such, the SRO fulfills three roles by using a triad approach. The officer acts as a law enforcement officer, an informal counselor, and a law-related presenter. As a law enforcement officer, the primary purpose is to "keep the peace." As a informal counselor, the officer provides resource guidance to students, parents, teachers, staff, and act as a link to support services both inside and outside the school. As a law-related presenter, the officer will share special law enforcement expertise by presentations in the classroom to promote a better understanding of our laws. Furthermore, the SRO also serves as positive role model for the students on campus during school hours and off campus at extracurricular activities.
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The Nebraska Safe2Help Line at 833-980-SAFE (7233), is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. All students, staff, and community members may call Safe2Help anonymously at any time and speak directly to a trained counselor. The Help line can also be used to report any type of unsafe behavior in our schools. Safety is everyone's responsibility so if you see something, say something.
The Safe2Help is a partnership with Boys Town National Hotline. For more information, including how to reach a counselor through email, chat or text, go to

The Center for Missing and Exploited Children has created a tool called "Take It Down". This tool allows individuals to remove unwanted online images of themselves. More information about this tool can be found here: