The District shall employ highly qualified personnel, conduct appropriate staff development activities, and establish policies and working conditions conducive to high morale and enable each staff member to make the fullest contribution to district programs and services.
The goals of the District’s personnel program will include the following:
I.To develop and implement those strategies and procedures for personnel recruitment, screening, and selection which will result in employing the highest quality staff, i.e., those with high capabilities, strong commitment to quality education, and great probability of effectively implementing the District’s learning program.
II.To develop an organizational structure which promotes and advances the learning program, and serves as the primary basis for determining staff assignments.
III.To develop a climate which encourages optimal staff performance, morale, and satisfaction.
IV.To provide staff development programs designed to contribute both to improvement of the learning program and to each staff member’s career development aspirations.
V.To provide for a team approach to education, which includes staff involvement in planning, decision-making, and evaluation.
VI.To provide an appropriate compensation and benefits program.
VII. To develop and use personnel evaluation processes which contribute to the improvement of both staff capabilities and the learning program.